Air Resources Board Approves State Implementation Plan (SIP)
SACRAMENTO – The California Air Resources Board (CARB) today approved and submitted to United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) a plan designed to meet federal ozone standards as required by the 1990 Clean Air Act.
"California's flexible, cost-effective attainment plan meets the requirements of the federal clean air act and retains control of California's air quality improvement programs here in California. We are confident that U.S. EPA will keep its commitment to provide a fast track review for our plan and will allow it to take the place of the onerous federal implementation plan (FIP) being prepared in Washington," said CARB Board Chair Jacqueline E. Schafer.
The state implementation plan is comprised of the local plans prepared by the regional air quality districts, the statewide vehicle, fuel, consumer products and pesticide provisions and required federal regulation of sources exempt from state control. Although much of the state regulations to achieve federal standards are already in place, the SIP establishes a schedule for future rulemakings which will take into account any technological advances or cost savings available before the year 2010.
"In making its final decision, the Air Resources Board considered both the public comments it has received since the staff draft was released and the independent economic analysis requested by Governor Wilson. We believe the resulting changes provide additional flexibility and cost-effective emissions reductions. We now look to the federal government to keep its side of the bargain by adopting national standards for federal sources which would not disadvantage California businesses and threaten California's economic recovery," said Schafer.
All states with ozone non-attainment areas are required to submit plans to U.S. EPA today. California, the state with the most difficult air quality challenges and the most advanced air quality planning process, appears to be the only state to submit a whole ozone attainment plan by the November 15 deadline, according to the most recent information from the U.S. EPA. Under the 1990 federal Clean Air Act, states have another 60 days to show completeness of their plans and make revisions. This schedule will allow U.S. EPA to approve California's plan before the harsh FIP is due to be implemented on February 15, 1995.