Air Resources Board Chairman welcomes Washington Governor’s climate action announcement
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SACRAMENTO - Below is a statement from Air Resources Board Chairman Mary D. Nichols on today’s announcement by Washington Governor Jay Inslee, of his state’s plans to fight climate change.
“Washington's efforts represent timely and effective climate action. It is another key step in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and curb climate change. California's advanced energy sector now supports more than 40,000 businesses and 430,000 workers and that number will grow 17 percent in the coming year. California's experience shows that reduction of greenhouse gases can take place as the state economy registers healthy growth and innovation."
CARB is the lead agency in California for cleaning up the air and fighting climate change to attain and maintain health-based air quality standards. Its mission is to promote and protect public health, welfare, and ecological resources through the effective reduction of air and climate pollutants while recognizing and considering effects on the economy.