ARB Adopts Tighter Emission Standards for Off-Road Work Vehicles and Engines
SACRAMENTO – The California Air Resources Board today adopted emission standards for most new gasoline and liquified petroleum gas powered off-road work vehicles and engines starting in 2001.
ARB Chairman John Dunlap said, "Adopting this rule fulfills a commitment this Board made when it adopted the State Implementation Plan for clean air. Limiting emissions from off-road equipment is essential because they contribute to both ozone- forming pollutants and carbon monoxide, and as we cut emissions from other sources, this equipment becomes a more important air pollution challenge."
ARB staff projects by 2010 that the new regulation, which includes work equipment such as forklifts, pumps, compressors and airport support vehicles, will reduce ozone-forming and carbon monoxide emissions statewide by 61 and 79 tons per day, respectively. Engine manufacturers are expected to meet the new regulations by applying emission control technology now common on today's cars, such as catalytic converters and electronic engine controls, to future off-road equipment.
Under authority granted in the 1990 Clean Air Act, the ARB can set emission standards from farm and construction equipment that is rated either below 50 horsepower or above 175 horsepower. In most cases, off-road farm and construction engines with horsepower ratings between those levels must have pollution control limits set by USEPA. The ARB will be working with the USEPA to establish emission standards for these engines not subject to today's California action.