ARB Approves $6.7 Million for Children's Health Research
SACRAMENTO – The California Air Resources Board (ARB) today approved over
$6.7 million in funding for research on fine particles, ozone and other air pollutants and their effect on children's respiratory systems.
The Board today authorized the final phase of its landmark ten year study to determine how children are affected by long-term exposure to high air pollution levels. Dubbed the "Children's Health Study," the latest findings include preliminary data showing that boys and girls may be affected differently by exposures to various smog- forming chemicals. Lower lung function is also associated with pollution exposure in children who spend more time outdoors and those with asthma. In particular, children with asthma show increased bronchitic symptoms related to particulates and nitrogen dioxide. The funding covers the final four years of the study and will include a final report.
The Board also approved a study that will concentrate on personal indoor and outdoor exposures to very small particles (PM2.5). The study will compare PM2.5 monitoring site levels with actual personal exposure. Further, the physical and chemical characteristics of the personal samples will be studied to determine the relationship between personal indoor and outdoor exposures to pollutants.
For more information on the ARB's research programs, please contact the Public Information Office at (916) 322-2990 or see