SACRAMENTO - The California Air Resources Board (ARB) today announced that its longtime executive officer James D. Boyd has announced his intention to resign effective August 15.
In a letter addressed to John Dunlap, ARB chairman, Boyd said, "Despite dramatic population growth, we have taken remarkable steps that have made California a safer, healthier place for all who live here.
"I am looking forward to the next stage of my career and personal life," he added.
Boyd has served the ARB for 20 years, 15 years as its executive officer. He was at the agency's helm as it led the world in developing air pollution control standards and innovative technical applications that have effectively reduced emissions from both motor vehicles and industrial pollution sources. Similar programs have been mimicked across the U.S. and throughout the world.
During Boyd's tenure the ARB made some of its most notable achievements including the nations's tightest health standards for airborne pollutants, the cleanest motor vehicle and fuel standards, including the recently introduced cleaner burning gasoline. Under his guidance the ARB also adopted the world's first rules on other pollution sources, such as: consumer products, off-road recreational vehicles and emission limits on small garden and utility engines. He was also the ARB executive officer when it set the world's first Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) standard that led to the development of electric vehicles.
ARB Chairman John Dunlap said, "Jim Boyd has provided distinguished leadership to ARB, to California and to the cause of clean air nationally and internationally.
"Jim's extensive contributions include helping to build a world-class organization rich with men and women able to ensure that we meet the challenges of the next two decades and carry out our mission of providing clean air for California," Dunlap added.
Among his many honors, Boyd was elected to the Air and Waste Management Association's Board of Directors, and has served as the organization's Vice President. Boyd also was appointed an Honorary Board Member and a founder of the group's Mother Lode Chapter. He also won the American Lung Association's Clean Air Globe Award in 1993 and is a former board member for the State and Territorial Air Pollution Administrators organization and is listed in Who's Who in Government.