California Air Resources Board approves first AB 32 Scoping Plan Update
SACRAMENTO - The Air Resources Board today approved the first update to the AB 32 Scoping Plan. The update to the Scoping Plan will guide the continued development and implementation of California’s efforts to fight climate change.
The update builds on the success of programs now in place and first outlined in the original 2008 Scoping Plan. Those programs are critical parts of a comprehensive plan that is successfully lowering the state’s carbon intensity by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting the environment, and driving innovation, job generation and clean energy.
“This plan builds on the success of California’s current approach to fighting climate change, and reflects the latest science to expand those efforts beyond 2020," said Air Resources Board Chairman Mary D. Nichols. “It establishes the framework for continued economic growth and promotes investments in communities and every economic sector to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect public health.”
The update continues California’s leadership in creating effective environmental and public health policies while building a world-class economy. The update highlights roles for the water, agriculture, forestry and natural resources sectors to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen those sectors against the impacts of climate change.
The update also includes a comprehensive effort to fast-track reductions of ‘short-lived climate pollutants’ such as black carbon and methane. Their reduction will deliver significant public health and climate benefits in the very near-term.
The update provides guidance for further emission reductions from the transportation sector, including particular attention to freight and goods movement. It also looks more closely for related health and economic co-benefits between California’s efforts to control smog and soot, and greenhouse gas emissions.
The updated Scoping plan also outlines how declines in auto emissions will continue in the coming years with larger numbers of cleaner, more fuel-efficient cars and higher volumes of clean fuels. In addition to reducing emissions, California’s suite of climate policies will continue to reduce fuel costs for California drivers. By 2020, California drivers will spend about 30 percent less on fuel than they did in 2012, on average, and will emit 30 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Those cost and emissions savings will grow further after 2020.
AB 32 requires California to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 and maintain and continue reductions beyond that date.
*All elements of the first update to the Scoping Plan, including the Environmental Analysis and all appendices can be found here:
*The document itself: “First Update to the Climate Change Scoping Plan: Building on the Framework” is at:
*A version of the Update for mobile platforms (tablets, smartphones) is at:
*A selection of graphs and graphics from the Update is at: