The California Environmental Protection Agency's Air Resources Board (ARB) will have a press conference Wednesday, June 11 at 10 a.m. at El Monte Airport to kick off a four-month, $5 million study of smog in Southern California. The press conference will include the launch of several weather balloons and demonstrations of airplanes, radar and laser equipment that will be used in the study. Acting Cal/EPA Secretary for Environmental Protection Peter Rooney and ARB Chairman John Dunlap will attend the press conference. Representatives of health and environmental groups are also expected to attend. Also expected to attend the press conference are representatives of the groups participating in the study with ARB including the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Navy and four other Southern California air quality districts.
The Southern California Ozone Study 1997 (SCOS97) will focus on sources of ozone and how ozone moves from one area to another in Southern California. The study will cover the entire southern portion of the state, from Bakersfield into the northern fringe of Mexico and from the Pacific Ocean to the Arizona-Nevada border from June 15 through October 15. The last major study of smog in Southern California was done in 1987.
El Monte Airport is located at 4233 Santa Anita Avenue. Exit 10 Freeway at Santa Anita Avenue and go north. From the 210 Freeway (Foothill Freeway) exit Santa Anita Avenue and go south.