Lung Association Clean Air Award to Air Resources Board CEO, James D. Boyd
SACRAMENTO – James D. Boyd, executive officer of the state Air Resources Board (ARB), is the 1993 winner of the California Lung Association's "Clean Air Globe Award," granted for "significant contribution to the cause of cleaner air in California".
Boyd, executive officer since 1981, has been the staff leader of the Board during its development of many air pollution control issues that have become the basis for similar programs throughout the world. The ARB is a world-wide leader in developing emission standards for cars, trucks, buses and other types of motor vehicles, as well as for cleaner fuels. The Board also sets benchmark standards for controlling industrial pollution, which are equally as stringent and precedent-setting.
"I accept this award on behalf of the entire ARB staff, which is respected far beyond California for its technical excellence," said Boyd in receiving the award in San Francisco. "They have worked tirelessly to develop the world's most comprehensive and technically advanced air pollution control program to protect the health of all Californians.
"I'll cherish this award, which reflects their teamwork, dedication to their cause and, at times, perseverance in the face of controversy."
The Board's technology-forcing emission standards have resulted in the development of emission controls that are now commonly used in motor vehicles nationwide, including catalytic converters, oxygen sensors and electronic, "black box" engine management systems. Its most far-reaching standards include the first required production of "zero-emitting" electric models for California, beginning in 1998.
In addition, the Board has set standards that require the nation's cleanest burning motor vehicle fuel and its programs are the nation's most aggressive in motivating use of cleaner-burning alternative fuels.