Saturn and General Motors EVs
SACRAMENTO -- The California Air Resources Board (ARB), in conjunction with Saturn of Santa Ana, will have press availability to discuss the EV1 on Thursday, December 5, 1996 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The event will be held at the Santa Ana Saturn dealership located at:
1350 Automall Drive
Santa Ana, California 92705
(714) 648-2444
Saturn representatives will be available to answer questions about the electric vehicle, including availability, performance and lease options. Air Resources Board representatives, including board member Joseph Calhoun, will be present to answer questions regarding the agency's support of zero-emission vehicles.
DIRECTIONS: From Los Angeles, take 405 south to 55 north, exit at Edinger and turn left. Turn right at the first light, which is Santa Ana Automall Drive. The Saturn dealership is located in the rear of the complex.