State Air Resources Board to Start 10 Year Smog Study of Kids
SACRAMENTO – The Chairwoman of the Air Resources Board (ARB), Jananne Sharpless, will announce a new, $2.6 million, 10 year study of school children in Southern California aimed at better understanding the long-term health damage caused by smog.
The announcement will be part of Sharpless' comments to start a two-day health conference, jointly sponsored by the ARB and the South Coast Air Quality Management District, on Wednesday, November 10, 1991, at the Davidson Conference Center, Jefferson Blvd. and S. Figueroa Street (on the USC campus) at 9:00 a.m.
This is the first time that the ARB has conducted a long-term study exclusively on children, who are among the most vulnerable to pollution damage.
The two-day conference, which is open to the public, also will highlight presentations by leading health damage and air pollution.