AB 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee Meeting
Remote only
Fecha inicial
Fecha Final
Event Type
In accordance with Assembly Bill 361 as extended by Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-1-22, the March 30, 2022 meeting of the Environmental Justice Advisory Committee will not have a physical location open to the public. It will be a remote-only meeting conducted via a web-based videoconferencing service called Zoom.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is hosting a virtual public meeting for the Assembly Bill (AB) 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC). The virtual meeting is open to the public and includes a public comment period.
Date: March 30, 2022
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Introductions and Opening Remarks
- CARB Updates on the 2022 Scoping Plan development schedule: The EJAC will hear updates from CARB staff on 2022 Scoping Plan development activities including EJAC meetings. The EJAC may take action regarding input on the schedule, including future EJAC meetings.
- Community Engagement: The EJAC will discuss community engagement efforts and may discuss and may take action to approve a community engagement plan.
- Co-chair Update on Technical Assistance: The EJAC will hear an update from the Co-chairs on technical assistance and may discuss and may take action to approve next steps on technical assistance.
- Hybrid EJAC meetings: The EJAC will hear updates from CARB staff on hybrid meetings and may take action on future EJAC meetings.
- EJAC Governance: The EJAC will discuss and may take action to approve a new EJAC Co-chair and other related governance issues.
- Update on 2022 Scoping Plan Update Initial Modeling Results: The EJAC will hear an update from CARB on the 2022 Scoping Plan Update Initial Modeling Results and how EJAC input was incorporated into revised scenario assumptions.
- Review of Draft EJAC Recommendations: The EJAC will review and discuss draft recommendations and may take action to approve recommendations to submit to CARB for consideration in the development of the Draft Scoping Plan.
- Public Comment
- Closing