AB 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee Meeting
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is hosting a hybrid public meeting for the Assembly Bill (AB) 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC). The hybrid meeting is open to the public and includes a public comment period.
Date: June 27, 2022
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Zoom, telephone, or at the following locations:
Comite Civico del Valle | 235 Main Street, Brawley, California 92227
Elihu M. Harris State Building | 1515 Clay Street, 2nd Floor - Room 9, Oakland, California 94612
CalEPA Headquarters | 1001 I Street, 2nd Floor - Sierra Hearing Room, Sacramento, California 95814
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District | 1990 E. Gettysburg Avenue, Fresno, California 93726
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District | 34946 Flyover Court, Bakersfield, California 93308
Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator | 525 S. Hewitt Street, Room 126, Los Angeles, California 90013
- Introductions and Opening Remarks
- Updates on the 2022 Scoping Plan development schedule: The EJAC may hear updates from EJAC Co-Chairs and/or CARB staff on 2022 Scoping Plan development activities including EJAC meetings. The EJAC may take action regarding input on the schedule, including future EJAC meetings.
- Discussion on Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage (CCUS) & Direct Air Capture (DAC): The EJAC will hear from CARB staff on the underlying assumptions for CCUS & DAC in the Draft 2022 Scoping Plan Update and on CARB’s current CCUS monitoring protocol, with opportunity for questions and discussion.
- Discussion of Transportation and Fuels Sectors: The EJAC will discuss strategies and recommendations for the transportation and fuels sectors, and may address topics such as mass transit, phase down of fossil fuel production & extraction, and just transition & high road jobs. The EJAC may hear an update from the EJAC Fossil Fuel Industry Work Group, and may hear a presentation from Comite Civico del Valle on lithium extraction in the Salton Sea.
- Next Steps for EJAC Recommendations: The EJAC will further develop their recommendations for the 2022 Scoping Plan Update, and may discuss and take action on next steps for developing final recommendations, including discussion of work group meeting schedules and the format of final recommendations.
- Public Comment: Please note that public comment will be held right after the meeting break which occurs approximately half-way through the meeting.
- Closing