State Anti-Smog Board Sets Roadside Tests in L.A.
On the eve of the first anniversary of the state's Srnog Check program, the state Air Resources Board will be conducting roadside tests of cars picked at random in the Los Angeles area to determine how well the program is working.
In cooperation with the California Highway Patrol, cars will be flagged down in designated test areas for a 20-minute check to study maintenance habits and the extent of tampering with anti-smog systems. No citations will be issued for illegal engine tampering, since the study is solely for research purposes.
Air Resources Board officials will be available for interviews to explain the study at a roadside checkpoint on Tuesday, March 12, at 10:00 a.m. The testing lane will be set up on
Northbound Santa Anita Ave., South of Bryant Road, in El Monte
(Thomas Guide page 38, sect.E-5).