AB 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee Meeting
Bay Area Metro Center or Virtual
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Redirect to June 2, 2023 EJAC Meeting
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is hosting a hybrid public meeting for the Assembly Bill (AB) 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC). The meeting is open to the public and includes a public comment period.
Date: March 15, 2023
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Bay Area Metro Center | 375 Beale Street, San Francisco, California 94105
- Introductions and Opening Remarks
- 2023 CARB Rulemaking Activities: The EJAC will hear a presentation from CARB about planned 2023 Scoping Plan Implementation activities and may share questions or comments.
- EJAC Governance: The EJAC will discuss and may take action to approve the EJAC charter to propose to CARB to consider at the March 23, 2023, CARB Public Meeting and may other related governance issues.
- Public Comment
- March CARB Meeting: The EJAC may discuss and prepare for the CARB Public Meeting on March 23, 2023.
- Discussion of next meeting agenda topics: The EJAC may discuss and take action to set agenda topics for the next EJAC meeting.
- Closing