Blueprint 2.0 Draft July 2023 Virtual Public Workshop
July 2023 Virtual Workshops on the Draft Blueprint 2.0
Please join CARB's Office of Community Air Protection (OCAP) in one or more of three online public workshops in July 2023 to share your comments on the recently released Assembly Bill (AB) 617 (C. Garcia, Ch. 136, Stats. 2017) Draft Blueprint 2.0. The draft Blueprint outlines the strategy to reduce air pollution from toxic air contaminants and criteria air pollutants across the State. CARB is required by law to update the strategy every five years. In 2018, CARB's governing Board adopted the first Blueprintto reduce air pollution in disadvantaged communities in California.
Now, you’re invited to share your views in response to the draft Blueprint 2.0, a revised statewide strategy for the next five years. This process builds on our engagement over the last year which included discussion of the People’s Blueprint with the AB 617 Consultation Group and meetings with representatives of Community Steering Committees, air district partners, and other stakeholders through an iterative approach. The final proposed draft will be presented to CARB's governing Board in September 2023. A draft version of Blueprint 2.0 is now available for public review and comment.
Workshop Information
OCAP will hold three virtual (online) public workshops on the Draft Blueprint 2.0 on July 7, 11, and 18, 2023. We welcome your input to make sure that Blueprint 2.0 is well-informed and effectively reduces air pollution in communities across the state.
We look forward to seeing you at the July 2023 workshops! You may also comment on the documents here.
- Friday, July 7, 2023 -English Virtual (via Zoom) Workshop (with Spanish interpretation available)
Time: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Zoom link:; July 7 Password: 456440
- Tuesday, July 11, 2023 -English Virtual (via Zoom) Workshop (with Spanish interpretation available)
Time: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM; July 11 Password: 096835
- Tuesday, July 18, 2023 -Spanish Virtual (via Zoom) Workshop (with English interpretation available)
Time: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Zoom Link:; July 18 Password: 334339
Or to join by Telephone for all Workshops, Dial: (877) 336- 1831 (US Toll Free); Conference code: 109711
At each of the Blueprint 2.0 Draft July 2023 Workshops we will:
- Provide a short high-level overview of the Draft Blueprint 2.0
- Part 1 - Proposed Five-Year Statewide Strategy includes vision, mission, goals and actions for the next five years of the Program to reduce air quality emissions of toxic air contaminants and criteria air pollutants in disproportionately impacted communities in California.
- Part 2 - Proposed Implementation Guidance for communities, air districts and other stakeholders for the next five years of the Program.
- Highlight different regional AB 617 community steering committee group voices and approaches
- Discuss increased flexibility for incentives in disadvantaged and low-income communities
- Support participation through facilitation, polls, and two interactive breakout group discussions
- Include simultaneous interpretation in English and Spanish. The July 7 and July 11 workshops will include simultaneous Spanish interpretation, and the July 18 workshop, led in Spanish, will include simultaneous English interpretation.
To help you prepare for the workshop, please note:
- Workshops will be held at the same time on the different workshop dates.
- Please review meeting materials prior to the workshops. Meeting materials for these workshops include links to the Draft Blueprint 2.0, available now on the Community Air Protection Blueprint 2.0 Revision webpage.
Workshop Agenda
(July 7, 11 and 18, 2023 - 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, all dates)
Welcome and Workshop Overview
Blueprint 2.0 Draft High Level Summary Overview
BP 2.0 Draft Proposed Five-Year Statewide Strategy - Goals and Actions - Breakout 1 - Interactive Session
BP 2.0 Draft Proposed Implementation Guidance - Three-Pathway Approach to Next Five Years of Program Implementation - Breakout 2 - Interactive Session
Workshop Meeting Materials
To help you prepare for the workshop, please review meeting materials prior to the workshop.
- Draft Blueprint 2.0
- One-pager - Community Air Grants to Support L-CERP
- One-pager - Community focused Enforcement
- One-pager - CAP Incentives with Increased Flexibility
After the workshop, the workshop recordings will be available on the Community Air Protection Blueprint Revision webpage.
For questions about the Program Blueprint Revision, please contact Leah Asay at or (916) 323-1413.
Special Accommodations Request
Consistent with California Government Code Section 7296.2, special accommodation or language needs may be provided for any of the following:
- An interpreter to be available at the meeting
- Documents made available in an alternate format or another language
- A disability-related reasonable accommodation.
To request these special accommodations or language needs, please contact Leah Asay (916) 323-1413 or, as soon as possible, but no later than five business days before the scheduled meeting. TTY/TDD/Speech to Speech users may dial 711 for the California Relay Service
Assembly Bill (AB) 617 was signed into law in July 2017, and requires:
- Community-focused action to reduce air pollution and improvement of public health in communities that experience disproportionate burdens from exposure to air pollutants
- CARB to develop, and together with air districts:
- Implement a statewide strategy to reduce emissions of toxic air contaminants
- Reduce criteria air pollutants in communities affected by a high cumulative exposure burden
- CARB to update the statewide strategy, known as the Program Blueprint, every five years
- CARB Board to annually consider the selection of additional communities, as appropriate
- Describes the process for identifying impacted communities and convening community steering committees
- Establishes criteria for the development of community emissions reduction programs and community air monitoring plans
- Contains CARB’s commitments to statewide actions to reduce emissions of criteria air pollutants and toxic air contaminants
- A revised Program Blueprint will be considered by the CARB Board no later than September 2023
OCAP Updates
To receive meeting notices and email updates for the Community Air Protection Program, please subscribe.
To receive occasional updates highlighting communities in the program, please subscribe to the CARB Environmental Justice Blog.