Public Workshop: Natural and Working Lands Carbon Inventory Methods
Public Workshop: Natural and Working Lands Carbon Inventory Methods
Virtual technical workshop on potential updates to carbon accounting methods
CARB staff will host a virtual workshop on potential updates to methodologies used to calculate carbon stocks in the Natural and Working Lands Carbon Inventory. CARB staff are interested in getting feedback on the methods and data sources that staff will use to update the NWL Carbon Inventory in the future.
Date: February 7th, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom [virtual only]
Purpose of the Meeting
The California Air Resources Board staff are currently evaluating potential updates to methods for estimating ecosystem biomass and soil carbon stocks and stock change as part of California’s Natural and Working Lands (NWL) Carbon Inventory. At this technical workshop, CARB staff will present potential methodological updates on how ecosystem carbon stocks will be calculated.
Staff will also discuss the requirements of Senate Bill 901 (SB 901, 2018), which requires CARB report on the carbon impacts associated with forest management and wildfires, and present the methods that will be used to estimate wildfire emissions for the purposes of this report. The most recent SB 901 report was published in 2020.
This will be a 6-hour long meeting organized by land type categories as well as Harvested Wood Products and Soils. Each topic will consist of a 10-15 minute presentation followed by 15-20 minutes of feedback. Participants may attend only those topics that are of interest to them. It is not necessary to attend the entire meeting.
Topic Schedule
- 9:00 - 9:15 – Introduction and Background [see below]
- 9:15 - 9:45 – Soils
- 9:45 - 10:15 – Agriculture and Grasslands
- 10:15 - 10:30 – *Break*
- 10:30 - 12:00 – Forest & Shrublands
- 12:00 - 1:00 – *Lunch*
- 1:00 - 1:30 – Harvested Wood Products
- 1:30 - 2:00 – Other Lands
- 2:00 - 2:30 – Developed Lands
- 2:30 - 3:00 – Wetlands
The 2022 Scoping Plan Update lays out a path to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045 and highlighted the important role that Natural and Working Lands (NWL) can play in reducing GHG emissions and storing carbon. To support implementation of the 2022 Scoping Plan, CARB maintains an ongoing Natural and Working Lands (NWL) Carbon Inventory to track net losses and gains in ecosystem carbon both statewide and over time. The NWL Carbon Inventory accounts for all organic carbon stored in living and dead biomass, near-surface soils, and wood products harvested from within the State’s legal boundaries. The latest statewide Carbon Inventory was published in 2018.
In addition, SB 901 requires that CARB report on carbon impacts from wildfires and forest management every five years. The latest SB 901 report was released in 2020.