The State Air Resources Board's program of roadside checks of cars picked at random, as part of a survey of maintenance habits and tampering with anti-smog systems, will be moving to San Diego County for a two weeks beginning May 6, 1985.
In cooperation with the California Highway Patrol, cars will be flagged down in designated test areas for a voluntary 20-minute check of the anti-smog system and a measurement of the car's tailpipe emission levels. No citations will be issued for illegal engine tampering, since the tests are voluntary and strictly for ARB research use only.
Air Resources Board officials will be available for interviews to explain the program at a roadside test site on Tuesday, May 7 at 9:30 am. The site is on eastbound Palomar Airport Road, west of McClellan Airport Road. (Thomas Brothers Guide, pg E2.) Also, Mr. Rich Sommerville, San Diego County's chief anti-smog official, will be available to discuss the contribution cars make to the county's air quality problems.
Opportunities are available to interview state officials in charge of the testing, county anti-smog officials and motorists whose cars are being tested. Opportunities also are available to tape or photograph the various stages of the under-hood inspection, tailpipe emission measurements and fuel sampling to detect illegal use of leaded gasoline in new cars equipped with catalytic converters.