ARB Asks Hyundai to Extend Emission Warranty on 1998-1999 Autos
SACRAMENTO -- The auto manufacturer, Hyundai will extend emission warranties on its 1998 and 1999 model cars, after the California Air Resources Board (ARB) found that design flaws caused an inordinate number of exhaust manifolds to crack.
"Emissions leaks like these are especially troublesome because they lead to increased ozone formation. We thank Hyundai for its quick response to this problem," said ARB Executive Officer, Michael Kenny.
The ARB found the problem during 'In-Use Compliance' testing of 1998 Hyundai 1.5L Accent models. The vehicles were determined to be in compliance with California emissions standards but four of the six vehicles had cracks in their exhaust manifolds. After further investigation ARB discovered that the problem extended to one of every six 1999 model year (MY) autos Hyundai built.
Hyundai stated that they were aware of the problem and fixed it in March 1999, though this meant some 1999 vehicles sold might have cracked exhaust manifolds. Hyundai agreed to repair any broken manifolds brought in and reimburse owners who have already paid to have the problem fixed.
Hyundai agreed to the warranty extension and will send owners a letter informing them of the change. This is the first warranty extended to 10 years with no mileage consideration. According to ARB data this adjustment will affect 3,667 1998 Hyundai Accent models and 5,738 1999 Hyundai Accent models.