CARB appoints Manager of the Office of Environmental Justice Unit
SACRAMENTO – CARB appointed Ambreen Afshan as the inaugural Manager of the Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ). As manager she will oversee OEJ staff as well as the Office’s activities—including CARB’s efforts to advance racial equity, address environmental justice, inform community engagement, outreach, and partnership building.
Since starting with CARB in 2006 Afshan has been involved in different aspects of environmental justice, racial equity, and community engagement programs and projects. Since 2016 she served as a Frontline Community Liaison and outreach coordinator for Incentive Programs at CARB, including outreach, education, and awareness of incentive programs in frontline, under-resourced and priority communities.
Since 2018, Afshan led CARB’s effort to develop a Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Pilot Project for Equity Projects for priority communities throughout the state in strong partnership with community-based and faith-based organizations. She has also led CARB’s racial equity effort with the California Capital Cohort of the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE). Afshan has also worked closely with environmental justice communities on Health Risk Assessments, Mitigation Plans, Commitments for the Railyards, Technology Assessments, and Prop.1B Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program.

In her personal time, Afshan volunteers with various community organizations, enjoys cooking for friends and family, and likes walks on the beach anywhere in California -- especially in Pacific Grove.
Afshan has a M.S and M. Phil in Applied Chemistry. She will report to Chanell Fletcher, Deputy Executive Officer of Environmental Justice.
Afshan started in her new role on Monday July 26th.