CARB moves forward with third-party verification for Low Carbon Fuel Standard
SACRAMENTO – California’s groundbreaking Low Carbon Fuel Standard has supported an innovative revolution in alternative fuels. Those fuels have replaced more than 2.5 billion gallons of petroleum fuel in the past 12 months, providing Californians with cleaner alternatives. Today the California Air Resources Board released a list of CARB certified, third party verifiers who will provide the next level of program quality control.
The LCFS regulation steadily drives down the carbon intensity of transportation fuels sold in California, resulting in cleaner fuels. Third-party verification provides an additional check that program data is complete and accurate, and that credits generated under the program represent additional and enforceable emission reductions.
“The addition of third-party verification provides even more security and transparency to a very successful program focused on reducing emissions by supporting the transition to cleaner fuels,” said CARB Executive Officer Richard Corey. “Third-party verification also provides additional ‘boots-on-the-ground’ to assist CARB staff with ensuring proper compliance with the regulation.”
CARB-certified training is consistent with the stringent verification program under California’s Cap-and-Trade Program and with international best practices.
More Information
Compliance with the LCFS began in 2011. The program is designed to lower the carbon intensity in fuels by assessing each step in their production, from extraction to combustion. Fuels are compared to an annually declining baseline. If a fuel has a carbon intensity above that baseline it generates a deficit for the producer. If the intensity is below the baseline it can generate credits which may then be sold to a producer who has a deficit.