First Personal Watercraft Certified to ARB 2001 Standards
SACRAMENTO – California Air Resources Board (ARB) Chairman Alan Lloyd today commended Minnesota-based Polaris Industries as the first company to market a personal watercraft (PWC) certified to meet California's new 2001 emission standards.
"The Polaris Genesis PWC provides a substantial reduction in air and water pollution while operating with a two-stroke engine, the engine of choice for many enthusiasts," Lloyd said. The 122 horsepower, 1.2 liter, fuel-injected Genesis is three to four times cleaner than conventional, two-stroke PWC.
In recent testing for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Genesis certified at 44.28 grams-per-kilowatt hour of the smog-forming emissions hydrocarbons (HC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). California's new 2001 emission standard for a watercraft engine of this horsepower is 46.15 HC plus NOx.
The ARB in December passed new standards requiring PWC and outboard engines on average to be 76 percent cleaner by 2001 and 91 percent cleaner by 2008. Polaris said the Genesis is the first of several new fuel-injected, two-stroke PWC the company plans to market that meet or surpass California's emission standards.
"We are pleased to see Polaris' commitment to reduce pollution with their new line of fuel-injection, two-stroke personal watercraft," Lloyd said.