MEDIA ADVISORY: California Air Resources Board, California Energy Commission and California Public Utilities Commission will host a symposium on the current science and results of various studies of methane emissions from natural gas used in California
SACRAMENTO - On June 6 & 7, 2016, the Air Resources Board, California Energy Commission and California Public Utilities Commission will host a symposium on the current science and results of various studies of methane emissions from natural gas used in California.
This two-day symposium will bring together a range of stakeholders to discuss how the latest information can be best used to move forward with reducing methane emissions from the natural gas supply chain.
The symposium will include a technology showcase featuring various methane measuring technologies and mobile monitoring tools.
What: Two-day symposium on reduction of methane emissions from natural gas infrastructure hosted by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), the California Energy Commission (CEC) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
Where: Byron Sher Auditorium, second floor, CalEPA Building, 1001 I Street, Sacramento*
When: 8:15 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday, June 6, 2016
8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 7, 2016;
This event is open to the public but registration is appreciated. Please register here: or at check-in Monday morning.
*The technology showcase will be set up in front of the Byron Sher Auditorium Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday, the mobile detection technologies will be available for viewing in the CalEPA courtyard.
In 2008, California began building its statewide methane monitoring network. Since that time it has been a leader in research on emissions of methane, the most prevalent short-lived climate pollutant.
In the Fall of 2015 the massive natural gas leak at Aliso Canyon in the Los Angeles Basin helped sharpen public awareness and scientific focus on methane, which is the main component in natural gas.
CARB is already in the rulemaking process for the Proposed Regulation for Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities to improve monitoring and prevent the escape of fugitive methane from the state’s natural gas supply network. In addition, the CPUC is developing, in cooperation with CARB, rules required by SB 1371 (Leno) to minimize leaks from natural gas pipeline and related facilities. Overall, these regulations address emissions from the entire supply chain located within California.
CARB is also developing a Short-lived Climate Pollutant (SLCP) Strategy to evaluate how best to control fugitive methane and other SLCPs within the greater context of curbing the worst impacts of climate change.