ZEV Implementation Committee Meets
SACRAMENTO -- The California Air Resources Board will hold the inaugural meeting of the Zero-Emission Vehicle Implementation Advisory Committee on Thursday, October 10, 1996 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The public meeting will be held at the Lower Level Meeting Room in ARB headquarters at:
2020 L Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
The Zero-Emission Vehicle Implementation Advisory Committee was established to promote market development and infrastructure of zero-emission vehicles and to review progress made by the seven largest automotive manufacturers toward designing and building electric vehicles.
Agenda items include updates from committee members on current ZEV implementation projects, such as building code modifications and emergency response training.
DIRECTIONS: ARB headquarters is in downtown Sacramento, six blocks east of the State Capitol. From I-80 east or west, take the 15th or 16th Street exits. Head east on X Street to 21st Street. Turn left (north) and proceed to L Street. Turn left again; the ARB building occupies the entire block between 20th and 21st streets (Thomas Bros. Guide - pg. 297, E-5).