Compliance Offsets Protocol Task Force Meeting #2 Summary Summary of November 13, 2020 meeting for Compliance Offsets Protocol Task Force (Task Force) Categories Topics Climate Change Meeting summary for the Task Force's November 13, 2020 meeting. Furthermore, a draft executive summary was produced to go along with the Task Force recommendations report. This draft executive summary serves as a template.For more information, please visit Compliance Offsets Protocol Task Force. Documents Compliance Offsets Protocol Task Force Meeting #2 Summary OFFSETS_TASK_FORCE_MEETING_111320_SUMMARY.PDF · 256 KB Draft Executive Summary for Compliance Offsets Protocol Task Force Report OFFSETS_TASK_FORCE_DRAFT_EXECUTIVE_SUMMARY.PDF · 218 KB Related Resources The 2018 Natural and Working Lands Carbon Inventory: Technical Support Document The 2018 Natural and Working Lands Carbon Inventory Carbon Impacts from Fire and Forest Management Activities