Public Workshop to Discuss the Gasoline Service Station lndustrywide Risk Assessment Guidance Documents
CARB staff will discuss the purpose of and the process for developing these guidance documents. This meeting will provide an opportunity for community members, stakeholders, and the public to ask questions about these documents and provide input.
The workshop will be held virtually, in two parts, at the date shown below.
Date: October 13, 2021
5:00pm to 6:00pm | Part 1-Technical Guidance |
6:00pm to 7:00pm | Part 2-Supplemental Policy Guidance |
Location: Zoom
Please register for the public workshop before October 13, 2021.
Prior to the workshop, the Draft Technical Guidance and Supplemental Policy Guidance documents will be posted on CARB's Gasoline Service Station lndustrywideRisk Assessment Guidance Webpage for a 30-day public comment period.
To submit written comments on these guidance documents, please email them to Ugo Eke-Simmons and Michaela Dastoum.
Please note that the workshop will be conducted in English, with Spanish interpretation available.
Developed by CARB and the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA), the Gasoline Service Station lndustrywide Risk Assessment Technical Guidance (Technical Guidance) provides an update to the Gasoline Service Station lndustrywide Risk Assessment Guidelines published by the CAPCOA in 1997. To meet the requirements of the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Information and Assessment Act (Assembly Bill 2588), this document was developed for the purpose of providing recommended procedures to California Air Pollution Control and Air Quality Management Districts (Districts) and gasoline dispensing facilities for preparing their emissions inventories and health risk assessments (HRA).
CARB has also developed the Gasoline Service Station lndustrywide Risk Assessment Supplemental Policy Guidance (Supplemental Policy Guidance) as a companion document that focuses on estimating community-scale health impacts caused by emissions from individual or multiple gas stations. The Supplemental Policy Guidance also provides considerations and recommendations for the siting and configuring of gas stations in planning and land use decisions.