Chat Log and Q & A for January 19 Community Engagement Model Introductory Meeting
Included below are answers to questions that were asked in the meeting chat and a log of the activity in the chat. Please consider this a living document with some answers coming soon.
Questions from the chat
Question: Are there any salient research literature/frameworks you going to be using/sharing as a starting point to inform this workflow?
Answer: Content in the Community Engagement Model draws from resources and materials from:
- Government Alliance on Race and Equity
- Greenlining Institute
- National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation
- International Association for Public Participation
- Institute for Local Government
- Sam Kaner’s Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision Making
- the City of Fort Collins [Colorado] Public Engagement Guide
Question: Justice means righting wrongs. CARB has been so complicit in creating environmental injustice it would be good to hear how it can reverse course on poisoning EJ communities?
Answer: CARB is governed by the following federal and state statues as it relates to civil rights:
- Title VI of the federal Civil Rights Acts, which prohibits discrimination in government-funded programs and activities.
- CA Government Code 11135, which not only bans intentional discrimination but actions that appear to be neutral but have a negative, disparate impact on a protected class.
CARB is in compliance with Title VI, and is planning to update its civil rights process to avoid unintended disparate impacts on overly burdened communities.
Additionally, CARB is governed by state statute on environmental justice:
- CA Government Code 65040.12, subd (e)): “For the purposes of this section, “environmental justice” means the fair treatment of people of all races, cultures, and incomes with respect to the development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of environmental law, regulations, and policies.”
CARB sees the development of the Community Engagement model as an opportunity to build relationships with communities and better integrate environmental justice into the development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of CARB’s regulations, policies, actions, and activities.
Question: What I think is being said here that is beyond what all of the talk about reaching out to the community, not just listening to the community or creating relationship and PIC model, all of these abstractions, ideas, but what is CARB going to do to actually STOP the companies that have been doing all of the polluting that are affecting the communities, not just gathering data, not just penalizing them, not just noticing that industry isn't living up to their promises or the rules, but actually STOPPING them from impacting the health of the underserved, front line communities, flat out ?
Answer: CARB and the air districts are charged with protecting the public from the harmful effects of air pollution and developing programs and actions to fight climate change. Our collective actions have made great progress over time, however, there is still a lot of work to be done to achieve our public health and climate goals.
CARB’s mission is to promote and protect public health, welfare, and ecological resources through effective reduction of air pollutants while recognizing and considering the effects on the economy. CARB is the lead agency for climate change programs and oversees all air pollution control efforts in California to attain and maintain health-based air quality standards.
As noted in CARB’s Vision and Roadmap, one of our goals is to reduce emissions in heavily burdened communities by effectively engaging and elevating the voices of marginalized communities in order to reverse ongoing injustices, build capacity within communities, create inclusive processes that reflect environmental justice principles, and utilize progress metrics to reduce air pollution in heavily burdened communities.
Question: So is the community expert group for paid advocates?
Answer: Anyone can apply to become a contracted community expert. Each community expert will be paid $5000 for the entire contract.
Question: Could you please drop the state manual on contracting in the chat in its latest form?
Answer: State Contracting Manual
Question: Something besides the terrible impact of oil wells, CO2 and particulates that I have spoken with our local air district about is pesticides that are sprayed around schools, onto farm workers, in our water, in our air, on our food, yet big ag claims that they are doing their job by just giving notice when the spraying is happening -- but it stayed in the air & everywhere else mentioned. I was told that state has to regulate the spraying but it never happens. Teachers are quiting as they see the children struggling to learn, long term cognitive impairment. I grew up with the same story as K in a poor, highly polluted industrialized city where asthma ended me in hospital in oxygen tent when I was 4 yo and continues to this day. I cannot even last for any time in LA -- can't breathe. Can CARB regulate pesticide spraying?!
Answer: No, CARB does not regulate pesticide spraying. The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) regulates pesticide sales and use in California. As noted on DPR’s website, DPR is developing a statewide notification system to provide the public with advance, transparent and equitable access to information about pesticides applications. Questions, feedback, or comments about the notification system may be sent via email to Written feedback may also be sent to the following address:
DPR – Notification
1001 I Street, P.O Box 4015
Sacramento, CA 95814
Question: Is there someone that I can spend a few minutes talking one on one. This is my first meeting with CARB?
Answer: Yes, we will be reaching out to those who requested meetings soon. If you have not requested a meeting and would like to, please email
The "liberal left" is a false enemy. Focusing on that distracts from the real enemy, the fossil fuel and other industries polluting our air and even more so in BIPOC, front line, DAC communities. Replacing gas stoves is for everyone, even though I am unable to replace it and so are the rest of my disadvantaged community! Because of my asthma, whenever the gas heater is on, I am coughing from the indoor pollution and everyone else are affected as well without realizing the cause. I commend CARB for addressing all aspects of what is polluting the air! And yes, I am agreeing with what LW is saying; what will CARB do to actually STOP the polluters?!
Answer: See response above related to this question.
Question: In the case of Spanish speaking person apply, is CARB going to provide materials and translation in Spanish?
Answer: Yes, CARB will be providing Spanish materials throughout the ground truthing process. Please visit Modelo de Participación Comunitaria to access all existing materials in Spanish.
Question: CARB should be intentional about where meetings/workshops are occurring. Workshops should be made more accessible by providing childcare, food, water, and transportation.
Answer: Thank you for this feedback. While there are prohibitions on using state funds for childcare, food, and beverages, CARB will utilize this process to better understand how it can be intentional and collaborative with communities in the development of its meetings and workshops.
17:55:36 From AA to Waiting Room Participants:
Hi! We are still getting set up, but we will open the meeting at 6pm. Thank you so much for your patience!
17:59:05 From AA to Everyone:
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En los controles del reunión, marca Interpretación.
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18:00:29 From AA to Everyone:
Language Access/Interpretación:
In your meeting/webinar controls, click Interpretation.
Click the language that you would like to hear.
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En los controles del reunión, marca Interpretación.
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18:03:42 From AA to Everyone:
Language Access/Interpretación:
In your meeting/webinar controls, click Interpretation.
Click the language that you would like to hear.
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En los controles del reunión, marca Interpretación.
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Para escuchar solo el idioma interpretado, silencia el Audio Original.
18:14:39 From MS to Everyone:
Local Government
18:15:23 From JW to Everyone:
Please email any questions or comments to
Por favor, envíe cualquier pregunta o comentario por correo electrónico a
18:15:30 From FO to Everyone:
Equipment dealer
18:23:30 From JW to Everyone:
Resolution 20-33 / Resolución 20-33:…
18:30:40 From KN to Everyone:
Thank You about a focus on two-way communication!!!
18:38:23 From JW to Everyone:
Please email any questions or comments to
Por favor, envíe cualquier pregunta o comentario por correo electrónico a
18:39:55 From RM to Everyone:
Are there any salient research literature/frameworks you going to be using/sharing as a starting point to inform this workflow?
18:40:38 From MS to Everyone:
Just want to share the engagement blue print for innovating governance and accountability is for the City of LA's Climate Emergency Mobilization Office:
18:41:23 From MS to Everyone:
Here are our core functions, hope it helps:
18:42:06 From LC to Everyone:
@MS thank you for sharing this blueprint.
18:42:35 From EV to Everyone:
18:42:42 From EV to Everyone:
Gracias y Hola
18:43:05 From RM to Everyone:
Thank you @MS.
18:43:10 From LC to Everyone:
@RM Content in the PIC Model draws from resources and materials from the Government Alliance on Race and Equity, Greenlining Institute, National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation, International Association for Public Participation, the Institute for Local Government, Sam Kaner’s Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision Making, and the City of Fort Collins [Colorado] Public Engagement Guide.
18:45:53 From JW to Everyone:
LM is spot on. Justice means righting wrongs. CARB has been so complicit in creating environmental injustice it would be good to hear how it can reverse course on poisoning EJ communities?
18:47:27 From SC to Everyone:
Promotoras, usually Resident members, are a priceless asset to invest in building relationships and connecting with communities.
18:50:24 From SC to Everyone:
I agree with LM to identify each community where it is. Here at San Diego County in California, the Southbay area is surrounded by Portside and Border Communities affected by similar but different challenges and obstacles.
18:51:00 From AB to Everyone:
Yes cause what LM said is very key, that’s how we do more than just talk about it but be about it.. Community being centered in every aspect of your process it vital. even the outreach to front line community to be part of this convo, ad how do you work with orgs who do the work and know how lead. Then as an agency how do you support folks.
18:51:25 From LH to Everyone:
I wish they publish free white pages phone directories listing phone numbers of residents so I can call lots of residents, not just get disconnected numbers.
18:54:08 From FO to Everyone:
I don't see the poll this time
18:55:08 From AA to Everyone:
Hey @FO if you'd like to add your answer to the chat, we'll include that in the numbers. Sorry about that!
18:57:09 From LM to Everyone:
Referencing the poll, important to note the power dynamics of engaging with CARB. Who has access to staff, board members, understand the systems, benefits from the lack of regulations etc.
18:58:47 From LM to Everyone:
Hard for communities to bargain with their health vs. profit/polluting industry, etc.
19:00:11 From AB to Everyone:
On point LM, if we trying to not just talk about it but be about it. Time to let the community lead and guide you in the work. Communities are the experts. If you know the communities you representing you would know where to start.
19:02:02 From VB to Everyone:
Do what’s right thing yes!
19:03:04 From LH to Everyone:
Every individual needs to be called and invited to participate
19:05:46 From LM to Everyone:
Thank you for all of that, CF!
19:11:10 From BD to Everyone:
What I think is being said here that is beyond what all of the talk about reaching out to the community, not just listening to the community or creating relationship and PIC model, all of these abstractions, ideas, but what is CARB going to do to actually STOP the companies that have been doing all of the polluting that are affecting the communities, not just gathering data, not just penalizing them, not just noticing that industry isn't living up to their promises or the rules, but actually STOPPING them from impacting the health of the underserved, front line communities, flat out ?
19:13:57 From MH to Everyone:
👆 Beverly. Planned diseases come from planned pollution
19:14:38 From MH to Everyone:
Caltrans is building a park underneath a Heavy duty truck corridor as we speak
19:14:49 From LM to Everyone:
^^Bumping @BD what else does community need to do be heard?
19:15:01 From BD to Everyone:
Replying to "👆 BD. Planned..."
And what will CARB do to STOP it!
19:16:17 From BD to Everyone:
MH, HORRIFYING! And what this dic is saying is right on!
19:16:36 From MH to Everyone:
Economic impacts and public health impacts... Keeping two sets of books... Just like Al Capone
19:16:43 From BD to Everyone:
Ooops, typo: what the doc is saying
19:18:05 From LM to Everyone:
Additionally, the economy we often speak about means low-wage jobs that do not take people out of poverty nor give them access to health services.
19:18:32 From BD to Everyone:
CARB, what this doc is saying makes me want to cry. Regulating is not enough. Insisting that it stop is what it is necessary!
19:19:08 From MH to Everyone:
Get threatened with jobs all the time
19:20:50 From DB to Everyone:
19:20:50 From BD to Everyone:
MH, yes, for sure! So people may vote against what is best for them to feel it is needed for survival via jobs!
19:21:37 From EB to Everyone:
I have to head out, but very meaningful dialogue
19:22:57 From AA to Everyone:
thank you @EB!
19:27:24 From ML to Everyone:
So you’re done calling raised hands?
19:27:42 From KN to Everyone:
oil intrests DIVERT the message from Action to discussion. Be ware of the strategy.
19:28:33 From LC to Everyone:
We’ll call on hands during the next open discussion time. Thanks for everyone’s patience as we get through the information we want to share but we do want to hear from everyone wanting to talk.
19:28:53 From JW to Everyone:
Ground Truthing / Fundamentación Real:…
19:29:58 From LM to Everyone:
So is the community expert group for paid advocates?
19:30:30 From AB to Everyone:
Yes very interested
19:31:16 From LM to Everyone:
Also 3 north and 3 south leaves huge parts of the community out. Ignores mountain communities, foothills, CV, Coachella valley, hard to reach communities
19:31:23 From DS to Everyone:
Replying to "Ground Truthing / Fu..."
@AS Here you go
19:32:08 From LM to Everyone:
I would highly recommend revising the expert group requirements.
19:32:09 From AS to Everyone:
Replying to "Ground Truthing / Fu..."
Oh sorry, I meant the doc that BD was referring to.
19:33:08 From LC to Everyone:
Community experts will be compensation. They can be resident or be affiliated with a Community Based Organization.
19:33:08 From AB to Everyone:
Even this process to be on this committee is not for all.
19:33:34 From LM to Everyone:
What if we need to address this?
19:36:06 From RF to Everyone:
United Latinos will submit an application to be part of your ground truthing solicitation.
19:36:42 From AA to Everyone:
@RF that's fantastic RF, thank you!
19:37:42 From RF to Everyone:
I will be signing off. I will be in touch.
19:37:55 From AA to Everyone:
@RF sounds good- we will follow up as well
19:42:11 From DB to Everyone:
Absolutely, great ask KM.
19:42:24 From MH to Everyone:
So true. Carb could be a hero
19:42:37 From ML to Everyone:
In reading “A Black Awakening in Capitalist America” one sees this process through a lens of the 60’s. Unfortunately, not much has changed. At some point you (CARB) should strive to hear from at least some people who speak up out of spirit, and not because they’re paid to speak here. This current system helps the middle class (CBO Executive Directors) move up, but communities stay the same. I don’t mind a 15 year old doing air monitoring for the sake of learning STEM, but I don’t want them in lieu of trained agency staff with professional grade monitoring equipment. That’s what we get in south sac, and the folks doing it praise government for the funding.
Just throwing money at advocates isn’t the answer.
19:43:17 From JW to Everyone:
Also available here: Ground Truthing / Fundamentación Real:…
19:44:23 From DB to Everyone:
Yes LM!!! value Ned to be placed into community residents who are the real experts !!
19:44:28 From DB to Everyone:
19:44:51 From AB to Everyone:
LM bringing that truth
19:45:52 From MH to Everyone:
Excited to see so these faces and voices interested in leaning into regulatory partnership/watchdog work
19:47:02 From RR to Everyone:
In our coastal areas near LAX we have airplane pollution, waste pollution and gas pollution in underserved communities, we don't have representatives that are concerned about the people but more concerned about their pockets. Local input is essential to developing solutions.
19:47:18 From CZ to Everyone:
Strongly agree with L on having community residents engaged. Engage people where we live!
19:49:11 From FO to Everyone:
Can someone share the link to sign up for the Community Expert Group? Thank you!!!!
19:49:44 From DS to Everyone:
Replying to "Can someone share th..."…
19:51:09 From AS to Everyone:
Could you please drop the state manual on contracting in the chat in its latest form?
19:51:19 From AB to Everyone:
Maybe having some of us part of your plan before you roll out these programs and community engagement
19:52:02 From BD to Everyone:
Something besides the terrible impact of oil wells, CO2 and particulates that I have spoken with our local air district about is pesticides that are sprayed around schools, onto farm workers, in our water, in our air, on our food, yet big ag claims that they are doing their job by just giving notice when the spraying is happening -- but it stayed in the air & everywhere else mentioned. I was told that state has to regulate the spraying but it never happens. Teachers are quiting as they see the children struggling to learn, long term cognitive impairment. I grew up with the same story as Kimberly in a poor, highly polluted industrialized city where asthma ended me in hospital in oxygen tent when I was 4 yo and continues to this day. I cannot even last for any time in LA -- can't breathe. Can CARB regulate pesticide spraying?!
19:55:10 From LM to Everyone:
19:55:18 From EV to Everyone:
Yes to call
19:55:19 From DB to Everyone:
19:55:22 From CC to Everyone:
I would love to be included !
19:55:32 From NP to Everyone:
I would like to be included also!
19:55:35 From SP to Everyone:
Me! Thanks!
19:55:41 From FO to Everyone:
A call would be helpful!
19:55:43 From EB to Everyone:
I would like to be in the call.
19:55:44 From AB to Everyone:
I mean the plans like coming up with the process of even this process of applying to this committee
19:55:53 From DB to Everyone:
Please include healing impacted communities -
19:56:08 From EB to Everyone:
Can we get to the people with their hands raised?
19:56:18 From LM to Everyone:
Because we will look for money to pay for the stuff y’all can’t.
19:56:38 From CF to Everyone:
Replying to "I mean the plans lik..."
Got it, that makes sense -- thank you for clarifying
19:57:04 From AB to Everyone:
Like what L mentioned could have been avoided if we wasn’t approached from the begining
19:57:13 From AB to Everyone:
19:58:48 From AB to Everyone:
@LM @LM @DB lets keep in touch.. AB
19:58:59 From AB to Everyone:
Anyone else
19:59:09 From JW to Everyone:
State Contracting Manual:…
19:59:16 From DB Everyone:
Yes please , I would love to stay connected with you all
19:59:17 From AB to Everyone:
Thanks for coming and sharing your knowledge
19:59:30 From AB to Everyone:
19:59:46 From JW to Everyone:
For more information, please visit
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20:00:18 From AB to Everyone:
20:00:43 From LM to Everyone:
20:06:36 From DB to Everyone:
Absolutely ML!!!
20:08:32 From DB to Everyone:
Small black led CBOs are the only ones making real change within vulnerable black communities right now. The Agencies haven’t done much and have a lot of work to do.
20:09:26 From RL to Everyone:
agreed ML !
20:10:09 From AB to Everyone:
20:11:26 From ML to Everyone:
This just the same old rhetoric as 5 years ago
20:11:59 From RL to Everyone:
sorryyyy got to go. Thank you all !
20:13:05 From LM to Everyone:
Great facilitation and kudos to @LC
20:14:32 From EV to Everyone:
20:14:37 From AB to Everyone:
Yet this process eliminates folks from Community so like ML said broken record.
20:14:41 From ML to Everyone:
Is there someone that I can spend a few minutes talking one on one. This is my first meeting with CARB?
20:15:26 From AA to Everyone:
Hi @ML absolutely- whats the best way to contact you?
20:15:31 From LC to Everyone:
@ML yes, we will reach out to you to set something up
20:16:30 From AB to Everyone:
I hope to continue these conversations and work alongside folks. LW and ML thanks for speaking truth
20:16:52 From DB to Everyone:
Yes. Thank you, LW!!! Black-led CBOs and communities who are mostly impacted remain invisible
20:18:41 From ML to Everyone:
Replying to "@ML yes, we …"
Thank you.
20:20:37 From ML to Everyone:
LW is as real as they come. But not everyone is. CARB should post how much everyone praising them at Board hearings has received.
20:21:41 From LM to Everyone:
20:22:13 From DB to Everyone:
CBOs that are not based within or live in overburdened communities are valued and supported over those who are longtime residents within affected AB617 communities
20:23:20 From DB to Everyone:
We have to be honest and act with integrity within this work.
20:23:30 From BD to Everyone:
The "liberal left" is a false enemy. Focusing on that distracts from the real enemy, the fossil fuel and other industries polluting our air and even more so in BIPOC, front line, DAC communities. Replacing gas stoves is for everyone, even though I am unable to replace it and so are the rest of my disadvantaged community! Because of my asthma, whenever the gas heater is on, I am coughing from the indoor pollution and everyone else are affected as well without realizing the cause. I commend CARB for addressing all aspects of what is polluting the air! And yes, I am agreeing with what LW is saying; what will CARB do to actually STOP the polluters?!
20:24:22 From BD to Everyone:
priortizing the BIPOC, frontline, DACommunities!
20:25:12 From ML to Everyone:
Replying to "The "liberal left" i…"
I was simply sharing how large segments of raza see these policies. I wasn’t pushing political ideologies. That’s missing the point.
20:25:17 From AB to Everyone:
Replying to "LW is as real a..."
Is it possible to get your email?
20:25:39 From LC to Everyone:
We plan to pay community experts $5,000 to attend the four meetings plus reviewing materials and few other deliverables detailed in the scope of work
20:25:58 From DS to Everyone:
$5000 per person
20:27:08 From DB to Everyone:
Thank you
20:29:06 From LM to Everyone:
YES! @LW!!
20:29:33 From FO to Everyone:
Something to consider to the application process: Paper resumes are not the only option. Audio or video resumes are a possibility (in the language the applicant is most comfortable with). Things like this to make this process more accessible.
20:30:19 From KH to Everyone:
Appreciate LW's feedback so much.
20:31:09 From AB to Everyone:
the relationship with CARB and community to be transformational not transactional. Thanks y’all doe this convo
20:31:14 From ML to Everyone:
To LW, 3 snaps and a swirl!!!
20:31:27 From AB to Everyone:
Thanks LW
20:31:36 From LC to Everyone:
@FO thanks for that suggestion
20:32:09 From AB to Everyone:
Replying to "the relationship wit..."
20:32:27 From LM to Everyone:
Also recommend some TA time so folks feel comfortable with the materials.
20:32:33 From HA to Everyone:
Thank you ALL for your valuable time and sharing with us this evening!!!!!
20:32:55 From LW to Everyone:
Is this for 1 yr?
20:33:34 From LW to Everyone:
Ok thanks!
20:34:01 From JW to Everyone:
Ground Truthing / Fundamentación Real:…
20:34:23 From DB to Everyone:
I caught that as well. It’s always limited funding for EJ work
20:34:48 From DS to Everyone:
Replying to "Is this for 1 yr?"
8 months
20:36:50 From RB to Everyone:
Question: in the case of Spanish speaking person apply, is CARB going to provide materials and translation in Spanish?
20:37:45 From DS to Everyone:
Yes, you can go to our website in Spanish here:…
20:37:56 From AB to Everyone:
Review materials, attend meetings, prepping, outreach, more internet usage, etc
20:38:56 From AB to Everyone:
Mr. Lonnie thank you sir for telling it how it is..
20:40:15 From AB to Everyone:
Do better be better
20:40:32 From JW to Everyone:
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20:40:53 From DB to Everyone:
Thank you all for your time!
20:40:56 From LM to Everyone:
Thank you everyone!
20:40:56 From AB to Everyone:
Thanks for this
20:41:00 From SR to Everyone:
Thank you.
20:41:04 From LW to Everyone:
Thank you!
20:41:11 From RS to Everyone:
Thank you all!
20:41:11 From EV to Everyone:
Thank you
20:41:30 From RM to Everyone:
Thanks for this effort and engagement.
20:42:34 From SM to Everyone:
great job all