Surveillance Program Details
Vehicles & Testing
During the 2018 and 2019 calendar years, CARB is soliciting rental of test vehicles with 2010 model year and newer engines that were carefully selected to represent a variety of heavy-duty vehicles operating in California. CARB is working with a procurement contractor, Automotive Testing & Development Services, Inc. (ATDS), to obtain vehicles for testing from willing truck owners.
Each vehicle will be transported to the testing facility in Sacramento, California, where it will remain for two to eight weeks. Each vehicle will undergo a series of tests including on-board diagnostic (OBD) checks in the laboratory to better understand the emissions. Vehicles with up to one million miles are being solicited for testing. Pollutants such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter will be measured as part of this test program.
Check-In Procedure 2 - 3 days | Laboratory Testing on Chassis Dynamometer & PEMS On-Road Testing 3 - 5 weeks | Check-Out Procedure 1 day | Return to Fleet 1 day |
Fuel sample Photo documentation Oil sample DEF check Opacity test Under-hood inspection OBD scan Coast-down (for novel body types) | Six cycles 20-55 min, 1.8-62 mph avg speed 1-hour idling tests under three loads 5-15 minute preconditioning specific to each cylce to achieve "hot-start" conditions Raw exhaust gas (Horiba Mexa-One), multi-gas FTIR, partial-flow PM (Sierra Instruments BG-3), and pitot-tube exhaust flow (EFM-HS, Sensors) Active OBD monitoring using CANalyzer (Vector Software GmbH) and DG Tech On-road testing using PEMS for 14 tests on 4 test routes | Opacity Test OBD scan Truck wash Truck re-fuel DEF refill | Transport from Sacramento laboratory back to fleet Check issued to fleet by CARB contractor |
CARB Depot Park Heavy Duty Mobile Source Test Facility, Sacramento
Chassis Dynamometer Control Room PEMS Testing
Primary Testing Results
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show NOX emissions rates in grams per mile and PM emissions rates in milligrams per mile for chassis dynamometer testing on the urban dynamometer driving schedule (UDDS) cycle from all the class 7 and 8 vehicles tested as of March 2020.