Zero-Emission Space and Water Heater Standards
Date | Details | Materials |
May 29, 2024 | Public Workshop: Zero-Emission Space and Water Heater Standards The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) staff invite you to participate in a virtual public workshop to provide input on the development of zero greenhouse gas emission standards for space and water heaters. These standards seek to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) and smog-forming nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from new space and water heaters sold in the state to help meet California’s climate goals and federal air quality standards. At this workshop, staff will solicit input on an updated draft regulatory proposal. Staff will request feedback on zero-emission technology types, costs, and adoption rates to include in the modeling work to estimate emission reduction and cost impacts for the regulatory proposal. Staff will also solicit input on suggestions for alternative regulatory concepts for inclusion in the Standardized Regulatory Impact Assessment that will be prepared for this regulatory action. In addition, this workshop will also serve as a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) scoping meeting to solicit input on the scope and content of the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) to be prepared for the proposed project. This workshop is one in a series of workshops and focused meetings with interested parties that CARB will be hosting to inform the rulemaking process for zero-emission space and water heater standards. | Presentation: Recording: |
February 28, 2024 | Public Workshop: Zero-Emission Space and Water Heater Standards The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) staff invite you to participate in a virtual public workshop to provide input on CARB’s planning for the development of zero-emission space and water heater standards. These standards will seek to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) and smog-forming nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from new space and water heaters sold in the state to help meet California’s climate goals and federal air quality standards. At this workshop, staff will inform the public on the engagement process, initial regulatory concepts under development, and staff analysis work underway to develop zero-emission GHG space and water heater standards. This workshop is one in a series of workshops and focused meetings with interested parties that CARB will be hosting to inform the rulemaking process for zero-emission space and water heater standards. | Presentation: Recording: |
December 19, 2023 | Information Session: Solicitation for Public Experts to Support the Development of Zero-Emission Space and Water Heater Standards CARB is holding a solicitation to provide an opportunity for qualified members of the public to be more involved in CARB staff analysis, public engagement, and implementation planning work for potential zero-emission space and water heater standards. There are three ways to be involved as a Public Expert (called “Tracks”): (1) staff analysis and engagement support, (2) listening session co-hosting, and (3) implementation planning support. At this information session, staff will share information about these Public Expert Tracks, funding eligibility and amounts, and the application process. They will also answer questions from the public and prospective applicants. Interested applicants to serve as Public Experts must submit their applications by January 8, 2024. For more information about this solicitation and how to apply, please visit the Zero-Emission Space and Water Heater Standards Public Engagement website.
| Recording: English |
May 10, 2023 | Public Workshop for Zero-Emission Space and Waters The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) staff invite you to participate in a virtual public workshop to provide input on CARB’s planning for the development of zero-emission standards for new space and water heaters. These standards will seek to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) and smog-forming nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from new space and water heaters sold to meet California’s climate goals and federal air quality standards. At this workshop, staff will inform the public on why CARB will be developing zero-emission space and water heater standards and consult with the public about the key topics staff intend to analyze, the planned engagement process, and the values that would guide staff’s approach to developing the standards. This workshop is the first in a series of workshops and focused meetings with interested parties that CARB will be hosting to inform the rulemaking process for zero-emission space and water heater standards.
| Presentation: Recording: |