Outcomes and Results for Access Clean California
Clean Transportation Incentives
Cumulative Outcomes as of November 30, 2023
- $22 million allocated1
- $17 million encumbered1
- $17 million benefitting priority populations1,2
- 1 statewide project implemented
1Totals include $2 million allocated for technical assistance and capacity building pilot grant program implemented through Access Clean California.
2 Priority populations include residents of: (1) census tracts identified as disadvantaged by California Environmental Protection Agency per Senate Bill 535; (2) census tracts identified as low-income per Assembly Bill (AB) 1550; or (3) a low-income household per AB 1550.
Annual Outreach Outcomes
Data from calendar year 2023:
- Outreach Partner Network:
- The Access Outreach Partner Network (as of December 2023) is comprised of 27 non-profit, tribal, and community-based organizations (CBOs);
- Outreach partners engaged 1,792 community members through their work.
- Benefits Finder Tool:
- Over 7,500 users learned what benefits they could be eligible for through the Benefits Finder;
- 79% of benefits finder users applied to multiple programs;
- 589 individuals had their income verified and were approved to participate in clean mobility and clean energy programs.
- Case Management
- Case managers made and received 2,572 phone calls to help interested applicants;
- Staff collected over 800 pieces of feedback from clients to support continuous improvement.