Chapter 8 of the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines describes the minimum criteria and requirements for light-duty vehicle projects. Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement (VAVR) projects are eligible for Moyer Program funding. VAVR projects scrap older, more-polluting vehicles earlier than their expected lifetime that are still operational and have useful remaining life.

Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program
Primary Contact
Mobile Source Control Division
The VAVR program, also known as a car scrappage or old vehicle buy back program, provides monetary or other incentives to vehicle owners to voluntarily retire their older, more polluting vehicle. A primary goal of the VAVR program is to encourage a more timely removal of older, more polluting vehicles from California roadways to be replaced with newer, cleaner vehicles or alternative transportation options.
More about this program
District VAVR Program
If your vehicle has passed its most recent Smog Check, or if your vehicle is not subject to Smog Check, you may be eligible for a local air district VAVR program.