Public Expert Solicitation for Zero-Emission Space and Water Heater Standards
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Public Experts are invited to support CARB staff analysis and implementation planning for potential zero-emission space and water heater standards.
This is a solicitation for individuals and organizations (“Public Experts”) possessing expertise in high-priority topic areas and across California regions to help inform the staff analysis and implementation planning for potential zero-emission space and water heater standards. Limited funding is available for eligible applicants.
Public Experts are those who possess critical wisdom and knowledge of key topic areas (e.g. housing, technology and costs, workforce, etc.) in relation to zero-emission space and water heater standards. They are invited to share their expertise with CARB staff by actively participating in meetings, giving presentations, drafting and reviewing documents, and/or co-hosting events within their communities.
There are three ways to be involved, referred to as "Tracks": (1) staff analysis and engagement support, (2) listening session co-hosting, and (3) implementation planning support. Applicants must apply to at least one Track, and may apply to more than one if they wish. All applicants will answer general background and expertise questions, and 1-2 additional questions for each Track they apply to. For eligible applicants requesting funding, up to $5,000 is available for each Track. The applications to each Track will be scored and selected by CARB staff before any funding determinations are made. All those interested in serving as Public Experts are encouraged to apply, regardless of their eligibility and/or need for funding.
This effort is an early step in CARB's long-term process of developing, proposing, and implementing potential zero-emission space and water heater standards. CARB staff wish to build a foundation for possible implementation work as analysis and rule concepts are under development, so potential implementation strategies can be informed by real-world needs and priorities. This solicitation approach is also a pilot effort to facilitate more meaningful involvement from underserved and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, particularly given the significant equity considerations around building decarbonization. Read the Engagement Strategy and Plan to learn more about the planned engagement activities. Please note that the information in the Engagement Strategy and Plan and related to this Solicitation is subject to change as the process gets underway.
CARB held a first round solicitation from December 12, 2023 to January 8, 2024. A second round closed on January 22, 2024. Applicants with experience in the following regions and topic areas were especially encouraged to apply during the second round:
- Rural needs.
- Priority Regions: Mountain and Northern CA,Sacramento, Central Valley, Inland Empire, San Diego, Imperial Valley.
- Housing considerations, including large multifamily andmobile and manufactured homes.
- Labor and workforce considerations, especially in rural areas.
- Technology solutions to meet low-income and disadvantaged community needs.
Round 2 Application Open: January 12, 2023
Virtual Information Session: December 19, 2023 at 5:30 PM
Solicitation Office Hours: January 18 and 19, 2024
Application Close: January 22, 2023 (11:59PM PST)
Notice of Selection: February 2, 2024
What are zero-emission space and water heater standards, and why is CARB holding this solicitation?
In September 2022, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) approved the State Strategy for the State Implementation Plan (SIP), which included a regulatory concept for controlling greenhouse gas emissions from newly sold space and water heaters after 2030, while also considering other end uses. In May 2023, CARB staff held an initial public workshop to discuss the scope and anticipated timeline for work developing this concept into a regulatory proposal for consideration by the Board in 2025. To support our public engagement efforts, CARB established a three-year contract with the Sacramento State Consensus and Collaboration program starting in May 2023, and concluding in June 2026.
Sacramento State finished the first phase of their work, an interview-based assessment process, in October 2023. The results of that assessment process are published in their Assessment Report, and discussed in CARB’s Engagement Strategy and Plan. Assessment Interview participants identified key topic areas that should be addressed, and shared their concerns and hopes for the CARB rulemaking engagement process. In response to these findings, CARB is holding this solicitation to provide an opportunity for qualified members of the public to be more involved in CARB staff analysis and implementation planning work. This solicitation includes many of the topics highlighted by assessment participants, and engagement opportunities are influenced by assessment interview responses, May 2023 workshop feedback, and CARB priorities and constraints in this rulemaking process.
What does “Public Expert” mean?
This Solicitation considers Public Experts to be California-based individuals or organizations possessing expertise that is relevant to staff analysis, public engagement, and/or implementation planning needs for potential zero-emission space and water heater standards. They must have expertise in one or more of the below priority topics as they relate to building decarbonization and zero-emission space and water heaters:
- Building readiness for the installation of zero-emission space and water heaters, including complex large-scale systems.
- Labor and workforce development needs.
- Market and technology readiness and costs.
- Tenant protection and affordable housing programs and policy.
- Wood-burning, propane-fueled end uses, and rural needs.
- Other: applicants may choose to highlight and describe an area of expertise not included here, but that they find pertinent to CARB staff’s development of successful zero-emission space and water heater standards.
Applicants with substantial experience in one or more of the following areas are especially encouraged to apply, and will be prioritized in selection:
- Experience doing hands-on building decarbonization related work (e.g., outreach, contracting, installation/construction), especially in Senate Bill 535 communities, Assembly Bill 1550 communities, and AB617 communities.
- Experience with community outreach and organizing work to understand and respond to public needs, especially in relation to air pollution, climate change, environmental justice, and building decarbonization.
Is there funding available to be a Public Expert?
There is up to $5,000 in funding support available for each of three Tracks: (1) staff analysis and engagement support, (2) listening session co-hosting, and (3) implementation planning support.
To be eligible for funding, Public Experts must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Be affiliated with a community-based organization (CBO).
- Represent themselves as an individual with an income under 80% of their county area median income (according to 2023 Housing and Urban Development thresholds).
- Otherwise demonstrate their need for financial support to participate.
There is limited funding available for up to 18 Public Experts’ participation in these Tracks.
All those interested in serving as Public Experts are encouraged to apply, whether or not they are eligible for funding. Public Experts will be selected based on their general application responses before funding determinations are made.
Why are Public Experts important to this work?
To build a robust regulatory analysis, CARB staff wish to learn from the expertise of people who are representative and inclusive of those who could be impacted by a new zero-emission space and water heater standards regulation. Through this solicitation, CARB staff also seek an improved understanding of the diverse regional and local contexts within which any adopted regulation would be implemented.
CARB staff acknowledge that while industry, research, and government staff usually have adequate resources and capacity to track and participate fully in public processes, many historically underserved and socioeconomically disadvantaged Californians do not. For this reason, we have limited funding available to support the participation of up to 18 selected Public Experts.
What are the participation options for Public Experts?
There are three different tracks for participation, and members of the public may apply to participate in one or more of them. This work will occur alongside public engagement events (such as workshops and a Board Hearing) in 2024 and 2025.
Track | Focus | Funding and Tasks |
| Share topical expertise. Review CARB staff methods. Review engagement process. | Up to $5,000. Topical presentation, methods review, focused meeting discussions. |
| Share topical/regional expertise. Co-host regional listening session event. | Up to $5,000. Plan event with CARB staff. Co- execution, and co-reporting on event. |
| Share topical expertise. Draft and review implementation planning materials. | Up to $5,000. Topical presentation, implementation planning, focused meeting discussion. |
Track 1: Staff Analysis and Engagement Support
Timeframe: February 2024 through 2025.
Funding Available: Up to $5,000 each, for up to 10 funded Public Experts.
- Public Experts will provide consultation to CARB and Sacramento State staff and be involved in approximately 3 – 8 virtual meetings where they actively participate, deliver presentations, and/or provide review and comments on materials provided by staff.
- The topics, agenda, and attendees for these meetings will be proposed by CARB and Sacramento State staff and informed by Public Expert requests and recommendations received in response to this solicitation.
- The outcomes from these meetings will be shared as part of staff updates at workshops and/or in staff analyses and reports.
- In meetings, CARB staff will convene a set of experts on one or more topics, such as emissions modeling, technology and building readiness factors, housing issues, implementation needs, etc. to improve shared knowledge of this topic. CARB staff or outside experts may give presentations and/or share written documents to guide in-depth discussion.
- CARB staff may also invite a set of experts to conduct a focused review of information directly related to CARB-led analysis and/or this engagement process.
- To support an efficient dialogue, some Public Expert meetings will be by invitation-only. For some, the public may also be invited to listen to learn from the conversation and ask questions or provide comments at specific intervals.
What is the scope of work for Staff Analysis and Engagement Support?
Scopes will be comprised of the following activities:
- Deliver a presentation or briefing paper based on topical expertise. ($1,500 per topic)
- Review CARB staff methods and provide constructive feedback and recommendations. ($1,500 per methodology)
- Attend and actively participate in focused meetings on staff analysis and/or engagement planning. ($250 per meeting for up to 8 meetings)
Track 2: Listening Session Co-Host
Timeframe: Summer and Fall 2024.
Funding Available: $5,000 each, for up to 5 funded Public Experts.
- Public Experts will co-host an in-person or hybrid event that includes an opportunity for CARB staff to hear from members of the public about their perspectives on CARB staff zero-emission space and water heater standards draft proposals. Hosts are also encouraged to propose additional activities, such as a community tour, site visit, or other applicant ideas.
- They should possess strong community relationships in a specific California region (e.g. Northern, Central Sierra, Greater Sacramento, Bay Area, Central Valley, Inland Empire, Central Coast, Greater Los Angeles, and San Diego), where the proposed event is located.
- After onboarding, the Public Expert host (Host) will submit a full plan for event(s). The Host will meet with CARB staff to discuss and finalize plan and then host event(s). The Host will provide post-event(s) feedback to CARB.
What is the scope of work for a listening session co-host?
Scopes will be comprised of the following activities (Up to $5,000):
- Review and approve an event plan based on the solicitation proposal.
- Participate in 1-2 event pre-meetings with CARB staff to discuss logistics and roles.
- Co-host the event, including conducting event outreach in the local community.
- Participate in an event debrief meeting with CARB staff to discuss lessons learned.
Track 3: Implementation Planning Support
Timeframe: Summer 2024 through 2025.
Funding Available: $5,000 each, for up to 8 funded Public Experts.
Collaborate with CARB staff to create an Implementation Plan for the proposed regulation. Public Experts will consult with CARB staff to identify and plan for initial implementation needs from 2025-2030, starting in advance of the Board adopting a regulation. Public experts will participate in 3-8 meetings and review or contribute to a draft plan for implementation work.
What is the scope of work for Implementation Planning Support?
Depending on available budget and proposed activities, scopes will be comprised of the following example Tasks, totaling no more than $5,000:
- Deliver a presentation or briefing paper based on topical expertise. ($1,500 per topic)
- Review staff implementation plan and provide constructive feedback and recommendations. ($1,500)
- Attend and actively participate in implementation planning meetings. ($250 per meeting, for up to 8 meetings)
What are the next steps?
The Public Expert Solicitation application opened December 12, 2023, and closed January 22, 2024, at 11:59 PM PST.
There is a public virtual information session on December 19, from 5:30 – 6:30 pm, to provide information and answer questions related to this solicitation. A recording will be made available after the session. Click here to register for the information session.
If applicants have questions related to this solicitation, they should contact The Application Guide will be updated with frequently asked questions and answers, so please review it before sending a question.
Applicants selected for funding will be notified of their status by February 2, 2024.
All selected Public Experts must participate in an Onboarding and Kickoff meeting (they will be notified of this meeting date upon their acceptance). If funded, they will execute a contracting services agreement with the Sacramento State Consensus and Collaboration Program (if participating in Track 1) and/or CARB (if participating in Track 2 or 3).
How to Apply
Read the Engagement Strategy and Plan to learn more about the planned engagement activities involving Public Experts.
Preview the application question and scoring criteria on the Public Expert Application page.
Applications were due by January 22, 2023.