Application Guide for Zero-Emission Space and Water Heater Standards Public Expert Solicitation
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This webpage is intended to support applicants to CARB’s Solicitation for Public Experts to support the development of zero-emission space and water heater standards. For general information, please review the Solicitation landing page. Applications were due by January 22, 2024, 11:59 PM Pacific Time and the solicitation is now closed.
Skip to the Scoring Criteria table
Skip to the Frequently Asked Questions section
Preparing to Apply: Tips for Applicants
- Draft responses to the General Application questions on Background and Expertise, and to the Tracks you are applying to, before starting work in the application form.
- Check whether you and/or your organization live/work in Priority Population areas: Priority Populations 2023 ( and/or Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Protection Program Communities.
- If applying for funding support as an individual, verify that you meet income eligibility requirements. The Department of Housing and Urban Development publishes tables every year. Search for your county, and find the threshold for your household size. You are eligible if your 2023 income falls below the 80% Area Median Income threshold for your household size for 2023.
- Save your work along the way, and save a copy of your responses (there is an option after submitting the form).
- The review committee may not read portions of responses that exceed the suggested word counts, and the form will not accept responses longer than 4000 characters.
- Please note that applications cannot be edited once they are submitted. If you submit an application with any errors or missing information, you may re-submit your application with corrections, as long as it is received by the deadline. If you do so, please notify CARB staff of your re-submission by emailing
Application Questions
The application form contains seven sections as shown below. Word limits and scoring information are provided on this webpage and in the application form.
Section 1: General Information
The general information section is not scored. Applications will be scored without applicant and organization names visible to reviewers.
- First and Last Name (Required)
- Email (Required)
- Telephone Number (Required)
- Are you applying as part of an organization? (Required)
- Yes/No
- If Yes, Organization/Affiliation (Required if 4 is “Yes”)
- Website (Optional, Unscored)
- Do you live or serve people in an SB535, AB1550, or AB617 community? To find out, please search for your work or home address on the Priority Populations map, and/or review the list of Assembly Bill 617 communities.
- Options: SB535, AB1550, AB617
- Which region best describes the area(s) of the state where you live and/or work? (Required, check all that apply.)
- Northern, Central Sierra, Greater Sacramento, Bay Area, Central Valley, Central Coast, Inland Empire, Greater Los Angeles, and San Diego.
Section 2: Background and Expertise
Applicants to all Tracks answer these general background and expertise questions. The base score from these questions (20 points) is added to the Track-specific score (20 points) for each Track’s selection process.
- Brief description of Organization/Affiliation and your current role. If applying as an individual, a brief self-description of your background. (Suggested 100 words, 5 out of 20 points for Background and Expertise)
- How would your overall expertise contribute to CARB’s efforts developing and implementing potential zero-emission appliance standards? Please provide direct examples from your knowledge, work, and/or lived experience. In your response, be sure to include applicable information:
- Experience doing hands-on building decarbonization related work (e.g., outreach, contracting, installation/construction), especially in Senate Bill 535 communities, Assembly Bill 1550 communities, and AB617 communities.
- Experience with outreach and organizing work to understand and respond to community needs, especially in relation to air pollution, environmental justice, climate change, and building decarbonization.
(Suggested 300 words, 15 out of 20 points for Background and Expertise).
Section 3: Track 1 Application: Staff Analysis and Engagement Support
- Are you interested in applying to Track 1?
- Yes/No (Unscored)
- (if Yes to 11) Priority Topics. Which priority topic(s) do you possess expertise in?
- Building readiness for the installation of zero-emission appliances, including complex large-scale systems.
- Labor and workforce development needs.
- Market and technology readiness and costs.
- Tenant protection and affordable housing programs and policy.
- Wood-burning, propane-fueled end uses, and/or rural needs.
- Other: applicants may choose to highlight and describe an area of expertise not included here, but that they find pertinent to CARB staff’s development of successful zero-emission appliance standards. (CARB staff will evaluate relevance and determine staff capacity to include topics listed as “other.”) (Unscored, but may be used to ensure that all topics are well-represented by the group of selected applicants)
- (if Yes to 11) Are you interested in delivering a presentation or briefing paper to other public experts and CARB staff on the topic(s) you selected in the previous question? If so, please provide a brief description of this presentation/paper. (Suggested 200 words, 10 of 20 points for Track 1)
- (if Yes to 11) Methods Review Areas. Please select staff topic area(s) you would be interested in reviewing and providing constructive feedback on. Answer Options:
- Building Readiness Factors and Costs
- Technology Options and Costs
- Affordability, Equity Analysis
- Case Studies
- Briefly describe your experience related to the topic(s) selected in the previous question. (Suggested 200 words, 10 of 20 points for Track 1).
Section 4: Track 2 Application: Listening Session Co-host
- Are you interested in co-hosting an event or series of events?
- Yes/No
- (if Yes to 16) Event Description. Events must include an opportunity for CARB staff to hear from members of the public about their perspectives on CARB staff zero-emission appliance standards draft proposals. These events may also include activities such as a community tour, site visit, or other applicant ideas. In your description, please include:
- Where would the event(s) occur? Please name specific Cities, Region, County, or Tribal Lands. (Events will be selected to ensure broad statewide geographic coverage).
- What is the event goal, activity, and target audience?
- When could this event occur (please specify months between June 2024 and December 2024).
- An event budget is not required, but please note that CARB funding will not exceed $5,000.
(Suggested 400 words, 20 of 20 points for Track 2).
Section 5: Track 3 Application: Implementation Planning Support
- Are you interested in supporting implementation planning?
- Yes/No
- (If Yes to 18) Which priority topic(s) do you possess expertise in?
- Building readiness for the installation of zero-emission appliances, including complex large-scale systems.
- Labor and workforce development needs.
- Market and technology readiness and costs.
- Tenant protection and affordable housing programs and policy.
- Wood-burning, propane-fueled end uses, and/or rural needs.
- Other: applicants may choose to highlight and describe an area of expertise not included here, but that they find pertinent to CARB staff’s development of successful zero-emission appliance standards. (CARB staff will evaluate relevance and determine staff capacity to include topics listed as “other.”)
- (Unscored, but may be used to ensure that all topics are well-represented by the group of selected applicants)
- (If Yes to 18) Based upon your expertise and current knowledge of zero-emission appliance standards, please describe at least one key implementation consideration you believe CARB staff should include in their implementation planning efforts, and how this implementation consideration could be addressed.
(Suggested 400 words, 20 of 20 points for Track 3)
Section 6: Funding Eligibility Questions
This section is only required for those requesting funding support to participate in the Tracks above. Funding eligibility will not play a role in scoring applicants, and funding decisions will be made after applications are scored and ranked. Depending on the volume of applications received, we may not be able to meet all funding requests.
- Are you requesting funding support?
- Yes/No
- Do you have a Tax ID number (Social Security Number, Employer Identification Number, or Individual Tax Identification Number)?
- Yes/No
- Scoring: Unfortunately, to be eligible for funding, one must have a Tax ID number.
- Are you a member of an existing CARB advisory committee (e.g., Environmental Justice Advisory Committee, Research Screening Committee, AB 617 Consultation Group, and Scientific Review Panel on Toxic Air Contaminants)?
- Yes/No
- Scoring: To be eligible for funding, individuals cannot be a member of an existing CARB advisory committees. This rule applies only to individuals and not larger organizations or tribes. For example, an individual who is a member of an existing CARB advisory committee cannot apply, but other individuals from the same organization or tribe can apply to join.
- How are you meeting the funding eligibility requirement? Please note that those meeting criteria A and B will be prioritized for available funding. “Other” applicants will be considered as funding is available.
- CBO Affiliation
- Individual with income <80% of AMI
- Other (description)
- If you wish, please rank your preferences among the Tracks. This will help the selection committee match applicants with their most highly desired activities.
- Ranked tracks:
- Staff Analysis and Engagement Support
- Listening Session Co-Host
- Implementation Planning Support
26. If there is insufficient funding available for all accepted eligible applicants, would you be willing to be contacted by CARB staff to discuss alternative participation options?
- Yes/No
Section 7: Feedback and Questions
27. Do you have any feedback on the Public Expert solicitation and/or application form? If so, please share it here:
Scoring Criteria
Category | Points (Suggested Word Count) | Application Question Number or Name | Scoring Criteria |
General Information | 0 | #1 – 8 | Applicants must complete questions for their application to be considered. |
Background and Expertise | 5 (100 words) | Brief description of Organization/Affiliation and your current role. If applying as an individual, a brief self-description of your background. | Applicant thoroughly describes their background and expertise.
Background and Expertise | 15 (300 words) | How would your overall expertise contribute to CARB’s efforts developing and implementing potential zero-emission appliance standards? Please provide direct examples from your knowledge, work, and/or lived experience. | Applicant demonstrates the relevance of their background and expertise to potential zero-emission appliance standards. Applicant demonstrates their experience doing hands-on work and/or outreach and organizing work. |
Topical Expertise | 0 | What priority topic do you possess expertise in? | Unscored, but applicants may be grouped by topic area to ensure adequate coverage. |
Total | 20 |
| All applicants, regardless of Track or Funding request, receive a Base score out of 20. If requesting funding, applicants must also apply to at least one optional Track. |
Track 1: Staff Analysis Support | 10 (200 words) | Presentation/Paper Topic Description | Clarity and thoroughness of description, and relevance to CARB staff analysis areas and needs. |
Track 1: Staff Analysis Support | 0 | Methods Review – Topic Selection | Unscored, but applicants may be grouped by topic area to ensure adequate coverage. |
Track 1: Staff Analysis Support | 10 (200 words) | Methods Review – Expertise Description | Applicant demonstrates expertise related to the selected methods they are interested in reviewing. |
Track 3: Listening Session Co-Host | 20 (400 words) | Event Description(s) | Proposed event includes location, activities, timeframe, and target audience. Proposed event meets CARB engagement priorities and needs. |
Track 2: Implementation Planning Support | 20 (400 words) | Implementation Planning Topic(s) Description | Applicant demonstrates relevant expertise related to potential zero-emission appliance standards implementation. |
Total | 40 (20 + 20 for each Track) |
| Each Track is scored and selected separately. Applicant is scored by the combination of their Base and Track-specific questions, for a total of 40 points. |
Funding Questions | 0 | Tax ID Number | A Tax ID number is required to be eligible for funding. |
Funding Questions | 0 | CARB Advisory Committee Membership | Funding recipients cannot be members of existing CARB Advisory committees, but others from the same organization are still eligible. See FAQs for more information. |
Funding Questions | 0 | Eligibility | Applicant accurately indicates how they are meeting eligibility criteria. If sufficient funding is available, applicants noting “other” will be considered for funding. |
Funding Questions | 0 | Ranked Preference of Tracks | If funding is insufficient, this will help match applicants with their most desired Track(s), as feasible. |
Funding Questions | 0 | Alternative participation options | If there is insufficient funding available for all accepted eligible applicants, would you be willing to be contacted by CARB staff to discuss alternative participation options? |
Total | 0 |
| Selection for funding is based on eligibility, the applicant’s Base score, and their score relative to others requesting funding within the same Track. |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the deadline for applications?
Applications were due by January 22, 2024, 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
I am applying on behalf of my organization. Can more than one person participate?
Yes, as an alternate. In your participation agreement, you will be able to specify up to three persons from your organization who may attend meetings and participate in activities.
How do I know if my income is below 80% of my area median income?
The Department of Housing and Urban Development publishes tables every year. Search for your county, and find the threshold for your household size. You are eligible if your 2023 income falls below the 80% threshold for your household size for 2023.
What is the scope of work for a listening session co-host?
Scopes will be comprised of the following activities:
- Develop an event plan based on the solicitation proposal.
- Participate in 1-2 event pre-meetings with CARB staff to discuss meeting objectives, logistics, and roles.
- Co-host the event, including conducting event outreach in the local community.
- Participate in an event debrief meeting with CARB staff to discuss lessons learned.
What is the scope of work for Staff Analysis and Engagement Planning Support?
Scopes will be comprised of the following activities:
- Deliver a presentation or briefing paper based on topical expertise ($1,500 per topic).
- Review CARB staff methods and provide constructive feedback/recommendations ($1,500 per methodology).
- Attend and actively participate in 3-8 focused meetings on staff analysis and/or engagement planning ($250 per meeting for up to 8 meetings).
What is the scope of work for Implementation Planning Support?
Scopes will be comprised of the following activities:
- Deliver a presentation or briefing paper based on topical expertise ($1,500 per topic).
- Draft potential implementation ideas. Review CARB staff implementation plan and provide constructive feedback/recommendations ($1,500).
- Attend and actively participate in 3-8 focused meetings on implementation planning ($250 per meeting for up to 8 meetings).
I am part of an organization that participates in a CARB advisory committee. Am I eligible to apply for funding?
Yes, you are eligible to apply for funding, as long as you are not the individual who is serving on the CARB advisory committee and that this individual is not the signatory for this contract on behalf of your organization. If you are an individual serving on a CARB advisory committee, you may apply to participate, but you are not eligible for funding.
I am a student at a university. Should I apply with my university affiliation?
Please apply as an individual if you are not employed in a full-time research capacity at the university you are affiliated with and are otherwise eligible for funding and wish to apply for it. If you are employed in a full-time research capacity at a university, you are not eligible for funding.