District Title V Rules
To access or download a Title V regulation/rule, select the rule number. Some districts (e.g., Antelope Valley) have Title V regulations/rules that contain several subparts so you will need to scroll down to the subpart you are interested in.
District | Rule No. | Rule Title |
Amador | 500 | Procedures for Issuing Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Title V of the FCAA Amendments of 1990 |
Antelope Valley | Reg XXX | Title V Permits |
Bay Area | Reg. 2 Rule 6 | Major Facility Review |
Butte | 1101 | Title V - Federal Operating Permits |
Calaveras | Reg. X | Not in Rules Database |
Colusa | 3.17 | Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act |
El Dorado | 522 | Title V - Federal Operating Permit Program |
Feather River | 10.3 | Federal Operating Permits |
Glenn | Art. VIII | Title V Regulations |
Great Basin | 217 | Additional Procedures for Issuing Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 |
Imperial | 900 | Procedures for Issuing Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 |
Kern | 201.1 | Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 |
Lake | Chap. XII | Title V |
Lassen | VII | Title V - Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 |
Mariposa | Reg. X | Additional Procedures for Issuing Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 |
Mendocino | Reg. 5 | Procedures for Issuing Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 |
Modoc | 2.13 | Permitting Title V Sources |
Mojave Desert | Reg. XII | Federal Operating Permits |
Monterey Bay | 218 | Title V: Federal Operating Permits |
North Coast Unified | Reg. 5 | Procedures for Issuing Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Title V |
Northern Sierra | 522 | Title V - Federal Operating Permits |
Northern Sonoma | Reg. 5 | Procedures for Issuing Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 |
Placer | 507 | Federal Operating Permit Program |
Sacramento Metropolitan | 207 | Title V - Federal Operating Permit Program |
San Diego | XIV | Title V Operating Permits |
San Joaquin Valley Unified | 2520 | Supplemental Requirement for Federally Mandated Operating Permits |
San Luis Obispo | 216 | Federal Part 70 Permits |
Santa Barbara | XIII | Part 70 Operating Permit Program |
Shasta | 5 | Additional Procedures for Issuing Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 |
Siskiyou | 2.13 | Additional Procedures for Issuing Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 |
South Coast | Reg. XXX | Title V Permits |
Tehema | 7:1 | Federal Operating Permit Program |
Tuolumne | 500 | Issuing Permits to Operate for Sources Subject to Federal Clean Air Act Title V |
Ventura | 33 | Part 70 Permits |
Yolo-Solano | 3.8 | Federal Operating Permits |