Renovation or Demolition Locations
Asbestos NESHAP Program
If your demolition or renovation project is located in a non-delegated air district, you must comply with the Asbestos NESHAP and submit your Asbestos Notification Form to the U.S. EPA. A copy of the notification may also be submitted to CARB.
Counties in Non-Delegated Air Districts
- Amador: Amador County APCD
- Butte: Butte County AQMD
- Calaveras: Calaveras County APCD
- Colusa: Colusa County APCD
- El Dorado: El Dorado County AQMD
- Glenn: Glenn County APCD
- Imperial: Imperial County APCD
- Lassen: Lassen County APCD
- Mariposa: Mariposa County APCD
- Nevada: Northern Sierra AQMD
- Placer: Placer County APCD
- Plumas: Northern Sierra AQMD
- Shasta: Shasta County APCD
- Sierra: Northern Sierra AQMD
- Siskiyou: Siskiyou County APCD
- Sutter: Feather River AQMD
- Tehama: Tehama County APCD
- Tuolumne: Tuolumne County APCD
- Yuba: Feather River AQMD
If your demolition or renovation project is located in a delegated air district, the air district has their own asbestos program and rules. Contact the air district for questions and compliance requirements. To help you determine which air district you should contact, review the table below or find your air district.
Delegated Air Districts
- Alameda: Bay Area AQMD
- Contra Costa: Bay Area AQMD
- Del Norte: North Coast Unified AQMD
- Fresno: San Joaquin Valley APCD
- Humboldt: North Coast AQMD
- Inyo: Great Basin Unified APCD
- Kern: Eastern Kern APCD or San Joaquin APCD
- Kings: San Joaquin Valley APCD
- Lake: Lake County AQMD
- Los Angeles: Antelope Valley AQMD or South Coast AQMD
- Madera: San Joaquin Valley APCD
- Marin: Bay Area AQMD
- Mendocino: Mendocino County AQMD
- Merced: San Joaquin Valley APCD
- Modoc: Modoc County ACPD
- Mono: Great Basin Unified APCD
- Monterey: Monterey Bay ARD
- Orange: South Coast AQMD
- Riverside: Mojave Desert AQMD or South Coast AQMD
- Sacramento: Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD
- San Benito: Monterey Bay ARD
- San Bernardino: Mojave Desert AQMD or South Coast AQMD
- San Diego: San Diego County APCD
- San Francisco: Bay Area AQMD
- San Joaquin: San Joaquin Valley APCD
- San Luis Obispo: San Luis Obispo County APCD
- San Mateo: Bay Area AQMD
- Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara County APCD
- Santa Clara: Bay Area AQMD
- Santa Cruz: Monterey Bay ARD
- Solano: Bay Area AQMD or Yolo-Solano AQMD
- Sonoma: Bay Area AQMD or Northern Sonoma County APCD
- Stanislaus: San Joaquin Valley APCD
- Trinity: North Coast Unified AQMD
- Tulare: San Joaquin Valley APCD
- Ventura: Ventura County APCD
- Yolo: Yolo-Solano AQMD