Community Air Protection Program Concept Paper
Assembly Bill 617 (AB 617) provides a new community-focused action framework to improve air quality and reduce exposure to criteria air pollutants and toxic air contaminants in communities most impacted by air pollution. The first-of-its-kind statewide effort established by AB 617 includes community air monitoring and local emissions reduction programs. AB 617 also includes new requirements for accelerated retrofit of pollution controls on industrial sources, increased penalty fees, and greater transparency and availability of air quality and emissions data that will help advance air pollution control efforts throughout the State. The legislation sets out an ambitious implementation schedule, and CARB must set the overall direction of the Program by October 1, 2018. This includes identifying impacted communities, establishing the criteria for air monitoring and local emission reduction programs, and developing statewide strategies for reducing emissions.
This Concept Paper outlines the proposed process for identifying impacted communities, statewide strategies to reduce emissions of criteria air pollutants and toxic air contaminants, as well as proposed criteria for development and implementation of community emissions reductions programs and community air monitoring campaigns. These elements are designed to meet AB 617’s requirements to develop a statewide strategy and statewide air monitoring plan for CARB Board consideration by October 1, 2018. We are collectively referring to these requirements as the Community Air Protection Program Framework (Framework).
The goal of this Concept Paper is to facilitate ongoing discussion and seek additional public input to help inform development of a draft Framework document later this spring. We welcome and encourage your participation in this effort. Staff will discuss this concept paper in detail at three (3) public summits (summit notice) to be held throughout California in late February. You may also submit written comments on this Concept Paper at the Public Comment List for the Community Air Protection Program's Framework Concept Paper.
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We welcome and encourage your comments.
Submitted comments to the Community Air Protection Program Framework Concept Paper
We welcome and encourage your participation in this effort. Staff will discuss this Concept Paper in detail at three (3) public summits to be held throughout California in late February.