Mobile Monitoring Research Studies
Mobile monitoring is a novel research tool that can be used to collect air pollution measurements at a fine spatial scales (tens of meters), and allows the coverage of a large area within a short time period. Mobile monitoring is a new and emerging research tool in air quality studies, and complements traditional monitoring approaches for air pollution assessments.
CARB mobile monitoring systems use high fidelity research grade equipment with fast responses, that are coupled with high quality GPS systems for geolocation of measured pollutant data. This allows analysis and visualization of regional and local air pollution patterns at fine spatial scales. With repeated measurements over time, the data can also be used to track temporal variability and track emission and air quality trends in the region. Recent CARB mobile measurement studies have included measurement systems for a variety of pollutants, including particulate matter (PM), black carbon (BC), ultrafine particles (UFP), as well as gaseous pollutants including carbon dioxide. carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, methane, nitrous oxide and total volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Recent CARB Research Applications
CARB has deployed mobile monitoring systems for a variety of research applications, including the measurement of important air pollution and greenhouse gases (GHG) emission sources, as well as to study the impacts of air pollution sources on regional air quality and local community exposures.
Source Emission Measurements
- Quantify GHG emissions from landfills, dairies, and oil and natural gas well pads by capturing downwind plumes
- Estimate and track real-world emissions from mobile sources (trucks, cars, etc.)
Air Pollution Impact Assessments
- Study air pollution transport and dispersion in urban core and near sources (e.g., freeways, ports)
- Study the impact of land-use parameters and pollution mitigation strategies (e.g., sound walls, vegetation)
- Community-scale air quality mapping in California communities
- Harbor Communities Monitoring Study (HCMS)

Research Contracts:
Harbor Communities Monitoring Study (HCMS)
Evaluation of on-road results from a test fleet of heavy duty trucks
Jakober et al., Mobile measurements of climate forcing agents: application to methane emissions from landfill and natural gas compression, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Associations, 2015
Hu et al., Observation of elevated air pollutant concentrations in a residential neighborhood of Los Angeles California using a mobile platform, Atmospheric Environment, 2012.
Park et al., Emissions Factors for High-Emitting Vehicles Based on On-Road Measurements of Individual Vehicle Exhaust with a Mobile Measurement Platform. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Associations, 2011
Ning et al., Impact of roadside noise barriers on particle size distributions and pollutants concentrations near freeways, Atmospheric Environment, 2010.
Kozawa et al., Near-road air pollution impacts of goods movement in communities adjacent to the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, Atmospheric Environment, 2009.
Hu et al., Aircraft Emission Impacts in a Neighborhood Adjacent to a General Aviation Airport in Southern California, Environmental Science and Technology, 2009.
Hu et al., A wide area of air pollutant impact downwind of a freeway during pre-sunrise hours, Atmospheric Environment, 2009.
Fruin et al., Measurements and predictors of on-road ultrafine particle concentrations and associated pollutants in Los Angeles, Atmospheric Environment, 2008.
Westerdahl et al. Mobile platform measurements of ultrafine particles and associated pollutant concentrations on freeways and residential streets in Los Angeles, Atmospheric Environment, 2005