Proposed Awardees
CARB is proposing to award Community Air Grants to the following list of applicants. Final awards are contingent upon the following conditions:
- CARB is appropriated an additional $5 million for fiscal year 2018-2019;
- No award can be made until CEQA requirements are satisfied via reviews now underway;
- No agreement between CARB and the proposed awardee is in effect until the agreement is signed by the proposed awardee and the authorized CARB representative.
CARB staff may be contacting proposed awardees for additional information. Such information may include information necessary to complete CEQA review prior to approval of the grant. CARB reserves the right to cancel this solicitation at any time.

Proposed Awardees Summaries
Title | Location | Total | Summary | Expected Benefits |
Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley | Owens Valley | $102,933.00 | The Project includes the acquisition, installation, and operation of an air monitoring device for the continuous monitoring of ambient air for PM. The program will also be contributing to local Tribal air networks with the data collected. | Expected benefits to the community include the availability of real- or near real-time information about local air quality including potential effects on human health. An anticipated benefit will be to help motivate STEM learning through students becoming involved in air data collection and analysis. |
Californians for Pesticide Reform | Central Coast and San Joaquin Valley | $471,437.00 | This Project will focus on pesticide toxic air contaminants, which pose a significant health risk to farmworker communities and contribute to the development of criteria air pollutants. | The Project will facilitate participation by community members from seven highly polluted agricultural regions and potentially one urban Los Angeles region, while increasing overall capacity to monitor air quality and participate in emissions reduction planning. The communities who will be served by this Project are the predominantly low-income people of color who live and work in California's farmworking communities. The vast majority are Latino, many non-English speaking and/or undocumented. |
Casa Familiar | San Ysidro | $492,269.00 | The Project will provide residents with the necessary data to better understand air quality impacts. The Project will use the data to develop public health initiatives and projects to reduce exposure, raise awareness and engage with government stakeholders. | Residents of San Ysidro will benefit from improved access to air quality information, and greater community-engagement. Project benefits include: providing local jobs and training for air monitoring, identifying air pollution hotspots and episodes, and by increasing dialog with air quality stakeholders to reduce air pollution in San Ysidro. Data from community-led monitoring efforts will provide information on pollution reaching indoor environments. |
Central California Asthma Collaborative | San Joaquin Valley | $499,993.00 | The Project will focus on historically-neglected communities by providing residents with information and partnering them with community-based organizations to make sure that residents are part of the conversation. The Project will provide expertise to the community in both understanding the sources and health impacts of local pollution, and the potential policies necessary to address them. It will provide additional community air monitoring to acquire new information regarding air quality, and relay it to the community. | The Project will increase SJV disadvantaged and low-income communities' awareness of the impacts of air pollution and ways to avoid negative health consequences, facilitate greater capacity to engage in air quality policy processes, and supply technical information needed for local air quality improvements and associated health-impact reductions. |
Charitable Ventures of Orange County | Madison Park, Santa Ana | $185,118.00 | The Project will support logistical and technical assistance to expand the engagement between Madison Park residents, and it will create a plan for community-based monitoring of air pollution and its effects. | The Project will increase awareness of environmental justice concerns in regards to air quality in the Madison Park community, and the AB 617 implementation process. The Project will develop a community-led air monitoring system in order to facilitate policy systems changes and prevent the negative health and environmental consequences of poor air quality. |
Citizens for Responsible Oil & Gas - CFROG | Ventura County | $496,923.00 | The Project will focus on monitoring to identify the air emission sources and fill existing data gaps through a community-based research project in three neighborhoods where pollution burdens are the greatest. The Project will foster citizen scientists to identify sources of pollution and document resident concerns about toxic hazards. | The Project aims to develop air pollution reduction policies, facilitate community member awareness and understanding of how air pollution affects health in Project neighborhoods, and facilitate community members’ active participation in the AB 617 implementation process. By June 2020, at least 3 Community Air Action Teams in each neighborhood will have participated in groundtruthing; local students will identify locations and deploy air monitoring; and students and teachers will have increased knowledge regarding pockets of air pollution and how it affects local air quality and health. |
Clean Water Fund | Lost Hills | $380,966.00 | The Project aims to develop and strengthen community capacity, develop and strengthen relationships with regulatory agencies, other NGOs and other agencies. The Project also aims to identify types, levels and sources of criteria pollutants and toxic air contaminants, to improve community health and to become a model for other disadvantaged communities. | The Project will increase community awareness of air pollution and solutions; increase community capacity to address air pollution issues and advocate for their own well-being; increase community capacity and experience to address other community issues; strengthen relationships with regulatory agencies, NGOs, and other organizations; and improve community health. |
Comite Civico Del Valle, Inc. | Imperial County and Eastern Coachella Valley | $500,000.00 | The Project will maintain the IVAN air network and improve upon it by monitoring other pollutants of concern to the community. | Project will enable members of high-risk groups in Imperial County and Eastern Coachella Valley to use the network to limit their exposure to PM by spending less time outdoors and reducing physical activity levels when air quality is unhealthy per monitors located near their home, work, school, or play areas. Reduction in exposure to PM will reduce the occurrence of respiratory problem episodes in high-risk groups. Additionally, the continued and expanded collection of community-level PM and methane data can contribute to a better understanding and documentation of air quality issues within impacted communities, thus potentially informing policymaking, resource allocation, program planning, and other activities. |
Comité Pro Uno | Maywood | $500,000.00 | The Project will identify and evaluate toxic pollutants and develop action plans for reducing local toxic air pollution. The Project will also engage the community in air monitoring activities to protect public health. The Project aims to determine concentration levels of toxic sources, facilitate active community participation in air quality issues and develop a community- specific actionable emission reduction and mitigation plan that the community can use in future grant applications or projects. | The community of Maywood will benefit from this Project by having community advocates and air quality experts analyze local air pollution, deploy air monitors, and engage them in air quality monitoring to take control of their health. The Project involves a unique combination of expertise that is designed to effectively deliver promising outcomes for Maywood residents. Project partners will develop and apply measurement and data analysis methods to acquire new information on actual air pollution levels in the Maywood community, and build upon it to develop action plans for reducing air pollution in this over-burdened community. |
Communities for a Better Environment | Various | $97,857.00 | This Project will aim to increase awareness and engagement of the residents in order to effectively engage in decision-making; technical assistance will be provided. | Community residents in Southeast LA County, Wilmington, Richmond, and Rodeo will have increased awareness and engagement around AB 617. Community residents will also have increased leadership development in order to effectively engage in decision-making processes. CBE's in-house technical and grassroots organizing experts will take part in the AB 617 process and support community members. |
Community Focus - a Project of the Tides center | Pittsburg | $229,698.00 | The Youth Uniting Communities Clean Air (YUCCA) Project will benefit residents by educating them about AB 617 and local air quality issues, and empowering them to develop and implement projects to improve local air quality and reduce exposure to harmful pollutants. This Project will support environmental education, air quality measurement, and community engagement. | The Project will be implemented at three middle schools and two high schools, educating students about how they can reduce air pollution geared toward reducing particulate matter exposure. Outcomes include community education about air pollution and health impacts, and implementation of local projects to reduce harmful exposure. |
El Pueblo Para el Aire y Agua Limpia | Kettleman City | $150,000.00 | The Project will provide information and tools to those most impacted by air pollution. Residents will gain a better understanding of air pollution and the ability to report air pollution violations that will help improve their air quality. This Project seeks to provide comprehensive engagement and education on AB 617, as well as promote community capacity-building for future involvement on air related issues. | Kettleman City scores at an 86% percentile on CalEnviroScreen, placing it as a disadvantaged community affected by multiple pollution sources, with Ozone (85%), PM2.5 (95%), Pesticides (92%), and Education (93%) among the highest in the state. This Project will engage and provide information to all residents of Kettleman City, provide deeper training to a smaller group of residents each year, connect local residents with regional and statewide advocacy partners, and gather data for future AB 617 advocacy. The Project will hold community-wide outreach and education events including an annual Health Fair; implement a community Health and Environmental Justice Leadership Academy to train community residents, focusing on leadership development of community members, including youth; facilitate partnership and coalition building, including community member travel to governmental AB 617 meetings and workshops; and launch a pilot community-led air monitoring network. |
Environmental Health Coalition | San Diego | $500,000.00 | The Project will aim to educate residents so that they better understand air quality issues and the resulting health risks. The Project will provide leadership development to engage residents in community advocacy and provide opportunities to act on issues. Furthermore, the Project will support community-based research. | The Project will: 1) Educate residents to better understand air quality issues in their community and the resulting health risks; 2) Provide leadership development to engage residents in community advocacy and provide opportunities to act on issues; and 3) Support community-based research on local air quality and the development of resident scientists. Successful completion of the Project will result in a base of engaged residents that reflects their communities' voices, experiences, and priorities in regional air quality planning. The Project will build resident scientists in local communities who understand local air quality issues and have the technical skills to lead air monitoring and protection efforts |
Fresno Metropolitan Ministry | Central Fresno | $150,000.00 | The Project aims to inform, engage, empower and partner with students and parents in low-income and disadvantaged central Fresno neighborhoods to master data about air quality and solutions, and to design a plan of action that can be replicable. | The Project will engage students and parents living in disadvantaged and low-income communities in central Fresno as key partners and participants, with the purpose of identifying, evaluating, and drafting action plans to reduce air pollution, which impacts health. Expected benefits in addition to learning about, acknowledging, and attempting to mutually address unhealthy air quality issues are the residual benefits of the new relationships, leadership, capacities, evaluative skills, and organized associations that will emerge and help kids and parents deal with other structural and procedural problems related to their adverse physical, social and economic circumstances. |
Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice | Bayview Hunters Point | $500,000.00 | This Project will provide technical assistance and capacity needed to become active partners with government to help resident identify, evaluate, and reduce air pollution and exposure to harmful emissions. The Project will establish a Community PM Air Monitoring Program to be integrated into the BVHP Environmental Justice Response Network/IVAN website. | Bay View Hunters Point residents will benefit through increased capacity, knowledge, skills, empowerment, and resources to increase civic engagement on AB 617 to identify, evaluate and reduce air pollution. The monitoring network will provide local, real-time air quality information for residents to take action to reduce exposures and collective action to reduce emissions. Cleaner and healthier air, increased knowledge and skills, and improved collaboration with government will be achieved by this Project. |
Groundwork Richmond | Richmond | $499,006.00 | The Project will set the foundation for open data and open knowledge about air quality in the Richmond populations. The Project will increase the capacity of communities to monitor and advocate for themselves. | The Project aims to develop qualified candidates for well-paying jobs in the growing environmental monitoring sector while increasing knowledge of local air quality and participating in the implementation process of AB 617. Project will empower residents to advocate for themselves based on their own observations. |
Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, a project of the Tides Center | Various | $150,000.00 | This Project will focus on increasing participation of under-represented and over-burdened communities in implementation of each component of AB 617, including data gathering, data analysis, air monitoring, emission reduction plan development and implementation, and development of statewide tools. | The Project will increase participation among community based organizations and leaders in the development of programs and policies in line with AB 617 implementation. Focus will be on communities that demonstrate disproportionate environmental burdens and/or demonstrate the impacts of inadequate data, based in part on the rural and isolated character that is much of the Coachella and San Joaquin Valleys. These communities are also especially vulnerable to environmental stress due to income and education levels, and linguistic isolation. |
Legacy LA Youth Development Corporation | Ramona Gardens, Boyle Heights, Los Angeles | $387,189.00 | This Project will develop air pollution reduction measures to be integrated into the planned Natural Park at Ramona Gardens housing development to improve air quality, reduce community exposure to criteria air pollutants and improve public health. Furthermore, this Project will facilitate the development of community partnerships and collaborations. | The Project will compile publicly available data on public health impacts from air pollution sources and develop informational materials with graphics, engage residents concerning long-term public health impacts of air pollution exposure and develop air pollution reduction measures for the Proposed Natural Park at Ramona Gardens. The qualitative review of air pollution and greenhouse gas impacts of air pollution reduction measures will provide the foundation for preparation of a technical report. The Project involves building a coalition of stakeholders and partnerships, facilitation of community interaction with government agencies, and written action plans integrating the technical report and community member recommendations. |
Madera Coalition for Community Justice | Madera | $23,189.00 | The aim of the Project is to harness the collective vision, energy, and talent of community members in ways that are collaborative and constructive to combat air pollution. This Project offers multi-faceted advocacy framework that uses the school, community and the environment for catalyzing new thinking, social action, real-life learning and problem solving relative to air pollution. | This Project aims to empower SJV disadvantaged community residents through increasing their level of recognition of adverse health effects caused by sources of pollution. The improved awareness and activism will translate into changes that improve their own personal health (e.g., knowing how to protect themselves from air pollution by limiting outside activities during polluted days) and systemic changes by collaborating with other stakeholders regarding AB 617. |
Pala Band of Mission Indians | Pala Reservation | $281,189.00 | The Southern California Tribal Community Air Monitoring Project will develop a network of low-cost air quality monitors linked with a website open to the tribal communities to provide real-time air quality data. This Project will also build capacity of other underrepresented tribes through the coalition-building and inclusion of future tribal governments in the monitoring network. | The Project will deploy six low-cost air quality sensors to monitor for NO2, O3, PM2.5, and PM10 at the reservation, or at neighboring tribal reservations, in collaboration with those tribes. Data will be transmitted through a cellular network and displayed on a website accessible to tribal community members. |
Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles | South Central Los Angeles | $500,000.00 | The Project aims to strengthen the knowledge and capacity of residents, facilitate stakeholder engagement in policy processes and identify and advance preliminary strategies to influence the community emissions reduction plans. The Project has five primary objectives: community education and technical training; data visualization and resource development; data research and analysis reporting; community-led reporting and participation; and high-level assessment of best available technology. | The Project will facilitate greater awareness of air quality conditions by residents, improved resources about air quality conditions, better understanding of air monitoring and increased capacity to engage in regulatory or policy spaces on air-related issues. The Project will serve disadvantaged and low-income communities in South Central in several ways. First, the majority of census tracts in the South and Southeast community plans areas are already designated in the top 5-10% most vulnerable to pollution and socio-economic conditions. Second, the Project is designed to identify and focus on high priority areas, or “hot spots” where defined pollution sources exist in close proximity to sensitive populations. Third, these proximity areas will be further assessed using health and vulnerability data. |
Physicians, Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy | Richmond, North Richmond and San Pablo | $500,000.00 | The Project will focus on information gaps, creating a denser network of air quality monitors in the Richmond-San Pablo area. The Project would deploy a network of low cost monitors that will provide information needed to support the efforts of regional and state air regulators and community organizations to improve air quality. | The Project will engage local community members and community organizations, by providing resources and guidance for air quality monitoring efforts in the Richmond-San Pablo area. Community members will help develop the community-led air monitoring network by identifying areas of perceived poor air quality and known local sources of air pollution emissions. By involving citizens in air quality monitoring and in community discussions about strategies to mitigate air pollution, residents will develop a better understanding of the local air quality issues and form a basis from which to engage in future air quality planning efforts. The Project will empower members of the local disadvantaged communities to participate in the development of effective management plans that will ultimately lead to reduced exposure to harmful air pollutants in their community. |
Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment | Oakland | $149,915.00 | The "Just Breathing" Project will increase participation in AB 617 implementation among Oakland youth, along with their families, friends and other community members. The Project seeks to bring youth and community perspectives into the community air protection planning process and aims to build a genuine partnership process, by engaging youth and community members along with agencies and local government in improving air quality. | Young community leaders will develop increased skills and confidence through direct trainings, hands-on activities and mentorship with community leaders. Community capacity to monitor pollution in East Oakland will grow through the trainings of a cohort of youth monitors and the placement of at least 3 fixed monitors at key locations, with the goal of providing data to support BAAQMD selection of East Oakland as a priority community for the AB 617 air protection planning process. |
Special Service for Groups, Inc. (SSG) | Alhambra and Monterey Park | $301,755.00 | The Clean Air SGV Project aims to educate, engage, and empower Alhambra and Monterey Park residents to advocate for policy change that will lower levels of PM 2.5 and its health impacts. The Project would focus on guiding local residents to collect their own PM 2.5 data, develop air quality priorities for their communities using that data, and organize the community at large to campaign for improved air quality at the local level. | The Project will facilitate program participants' education and organizing development as they will advocate and collaborate with local governments to reduce PM2.5 levels. The Project will: engage 200 community residents and educating them on AB 617 and local air quality issues; identify three community air quality policy goals; work with 8-10 local officials as potential campaign partners; and collaborate with local officials to push forward at least one policy change based on reducing PM2.5 in negative health impacts in the Clean Air SGV community. |
The Regents of the University of California, on behalf of its Riverside campus | Riverside | $500,000.00 | The Project will develop and deploy sustained community involvement strategies in disadvantaged areas and conduct a series of measurement campaigns to identify neighborhood level information on diesel toxic PM levels in and around growing diesel-fueled goods movement operations. | The Project will facilitate resident, student, teacher, and community member organization and mobilization to discover linkages between pollution sources and health. Community will be subsequently enabled to participate in Community Air Forums and conduct air quality investigations of their own, as well as develop community emission reduction action plans which will increase the technical skill level of the residents in this area. |
Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians | Coachella | $395,386.00 | The Project aims to collect baseline ambient air quality data, allowing observation in real-time, and keeping the community informed of unsafe air days. This Project will focus on creating a tribal air monitoring program. | The Project will place a new air quality PM10/PM2.5 monitoring station at the Cabazon Tribal Government complex. The data collected from the station will be shared online, and the Tribe will conduct community outreach on a quarterly basis to share air quality data collected and teach residents how to access the data and sign-up for alerts. The Project will build tribal capacity to assess changes in air quality through technical assistance training. Once the monitoring station is established, tribal members will be trained on the operation of the station by an air-monitoring technical consultant. |
Valley LEAP | San Joaquin Valley and Kings County | $499,893.00 | The Project will begin building a comprehensive community-led monitoring network adding to the single PM 2.5 monitor already installed and operating in Huron. The Project will include community outreach and educational materials for communities where there will be deployment of monitors. | The Project will create a Community Steering Committee to engage community members and groups through public forums and other forms of outreach, and to create educational materials to convey the health benefits of community air monitoring data. Materials will be in easy to understand format, accessible to the communities’ primary language. The Community Steering Committee will be responsible for identifying meeting locations most accessible to community members (transportation, provide translation to Spanish, conducting meetings in community primary language whenever possible). |
West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project | West Oakland | $499,712.00 | The Project will aim to establish a community-operated portal and community-led air monitoring network. The Project aims to build community awareness on air quality issues and create an online portal with detailed local air quality information. | The West Oakland Community Air Quality Portal Project would enable active community participation, including outreach events, written communications and primary research surveys, informing planning, development and ongoing use of an EPA-reviewed technical platform. New air quality monitoring in West Oakland would provide hyperlocal community-scale data. |