Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation Exemptions and Extensions Overview
The Advanced Clean Fleets regulation provides flexibility for fleets to comply and has different requirements for drayage trucks, high priority fleets, and state and local government fleets. High priority fleets must comply with the Model Year Schedule, or may elect to use the Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Milestones Option. State and local government fleets must comply with the ZEV Purchase Schedule or may elect to use the ZEV Milestones Option. Please see this summary of the compliance requirements and flexibility options. When a fleet owner cannot comply due to circumstances that are beyond their control, the regulation includes a variety of provisions that are summarized here. Details on the criteria and how to apply for these provisions are in the regulation and will be added in future updates.
What is the ZEV Purchase Exemption?
If a fleet owner cannot comply because a ZEV (or near-zero emission vehicle (NZEV)) is not available in the needed configuration, the owner may purchase a new internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle with a California certified engine. Starting 2025, CARB will maintain a ZEV Purchase Exemption List with common vehicle body configurations that are not available to purchase as a ZEV or NZEV. Fleet owners will be able to purchase new ICE vehicles of the listed configurations without applying for an exemption in advance. The list will not include vehicles that are already available as ZEVs like pickups, buses, box trucks, vans, or tractors. Information about ICE vehicles purchased under this exemption must be reported in the Truck Regulations Upload and Compliance Reporting System (TRUCRS) when the vehicle is received. If an available ZEVs or NZEVs cannot be configured to meet the primary intended function or there is a safety conflict, the fleet owner may apply for a fleet specific exemption by submitting their request with supporting information by email. This exemption applies to the Model Year Schedule, the ZEV Milestones Option, and the ZEV Purchase Schedule.
What is the Daily Usage Exemption?
If a fleet owner cannot comply because the daily usage needs of a given configuration cannot be met by available ZEVs, the fleet owner may request an exemption to purchase a new ICE vehicle with a California certified engine. At least 10% of the California fleet must be ZEVs or NZEVs. Fleet owners will need to submit mileage and/or usage records and other information to show the daily usage of all ICE vehicles of that type cannot be met by ZEVs that are available in that configuration. An eligible vehicle owner can submit their request with supporting information by email. This exemption applies to the Model Year Schedule, the ZEV Milestones Option, and the ZEV Purchase Schedule.
What is the ZEV Infrastructure Delay Extension?
If the fleet owner begins a project to install ZEV fueling infrastructure (charging or hydrogen fueling stations) at their facility, or dedicated parking location, at least one year ahead of the next applicable compliance date, the fleet owner may receive an extension to continue operating existing vehicles until the project is completed. The extension for a construction delay could be granted for up to two years and for a site electrification delay for up to five years depending on the specific circumstances. An eligible vehicle owner can submit their request with supporting information by email. This extension applies to Model Year Schedule, the ZEV Milestones Option, the ZEV Purchase Schedule, and drayage trucks.
What is the Vehicle Delivery Delay Extension?
If a fleet owner has ordered a ZEV for immediate delivery at least one year ahead of the next compliance date, but it doesn’t arrive in time to meet their compliance requirements, the fleet owner may request this extension at the beginning of the applicable compliance year by submitting proof of purchase by email. The extension allows an existing vehicle to continue operating until the ZEV is received without affecting compliance. This extension applies to drayage trucks, the Model Year Schedule, and the ZEV Milestone Option. This extension is not relevant for fleets that comply with the ZEV Purchase Schedule.
What is a 5-Day Pass?
Fleet owners can apply for a 5-day pass once per vehicle each year. The approved pass allows the vehicle to enter California for a consecutive 5-day period without becoming part of the California fleet. The owner can apply for a pass online in TRUCRS. The pass cannot be changed once issued. This exemption applies to the Model Year Schedule and the ZEV Milestones Option.
What is the Backup Vehicle Exemption?
A vehicle that is designated as a backup vehicle may be excluded from the ZEV compliance requirements if it operates fewer than 1,000 total miles per year. The fleet owner must designate a backup vehicle in TRUCRS at the beginning of the compliance year and must renew the backup vehicle status annually. Miles traveled under contract to support a declared emergency event do not count toward the mileage threshold. This exemption is applicable to the Model Year Schedule, the ZEV Milestones Option, and the ZEV Purchase Schedule.
Mileage accrued in supporting an emergency event may also be excluded when reporting mileage for a backup vehicle. This exemption applies to the Model Year Schedule or the ZEV Milestones Option.
What is the Mutual Aid Assistance Exemption?
Fleet owners that have mutual aid agreements to send vehicles to help others during a declared emergency event may request an exemption to continue purchasing new ICE vehicles by excluding up to 25% of the fleet from the ZEV requirements. Fleet owners may initially apply for the exemption after the first 25% of the fleet are ZEVs. Extensions will not be granted if available ZEVs have mobile fast charging or fast fueling capabilities. This exemption does not apply to pickup trucks, buses, box trucks, vans, tractors, vehicles available as ZEVs with fast mobile fueling/charging, nor NZEVs. An eligible fleet owner can apply by submitting information by email. This exemption applies to the Model Year Schedule, the ZEV Milestones Option, and the ZEV Purchase Schedule.
What is the Declared Emergency Response Exemption?
Vehicle operation that occurs under contract to support a declared emergency event may be excluded from the California fleet. Reporting in TRUCRS is not required if the vehicle operator has proof of the contract with the emergency management agency.
What is the Non-Repairable Vehicle Exemption?
If a vehicle has been in a one-time catastrophic event that makes both the engine and vehicle unrepairable, the fleet owner may request an exemption to purchase a used ICE vehicle of the same configuration without affecting the compliance schedule. The replacement vehicle engine must have the same or newer model year as the non-repairable vehicle. An eligible vehicle owner can submit their request with supporting information by email. This exemption applies to the Model Year Schedule, the ZEV Purchase Schedule, and drayage trucks.
What is the Intermittent Snow Removal Vehicle Exemption?
Until January 1, 2030, a fleet owner may exclude an intermittent snow removal vehicle from the ZEV Milestone Option or the ZEV Purchase Schedule. An eligible vehicle is one that is equipped with a snowplow or snow blower mounting attachment and a control system for the plow or blower. The fleet owner must submit information by email to have a vehicle designated as a snow removal vehicle. Dedicated snow removal vehicles are exempt from the Advanced Clean Fleets regulation.
What is the Rental Vehicle Option?
When complying with the ZEV Milestones Option, a vehicle rental company has the option to comply by reporting the average number of rental trucks operating in California rather than reporting every truck that operates in California during the compliance year. The average is based on quarterly rental vehicle snapshots when reporting.
What is the Waste and Wastewater Fleet Option?
When complying with the ZEV Milestones Option, qualified waste haulers and wastewater fleet owners may defer compliance for certain compressed natural gas vehicles until 2030, if the vehicles are exclusively fueled with biomethane. The fleet owner must report eligible body types for eligible natural gas vehicles in TRUCRS and keep records of the fuel purchase agreements.
Is there an exemption for transit agencies?
The transit buses already subject to the Innovative Clean Transit regulation are exempt from the Advanced Clean Fleets regulation. Until January 1, 2030, transit agencies that operate other vehicles are exempt from all of the State and Local Government Fleet Requirements. Starting January 1, 2030, transit agencies must report information about their other vehicles and begin complying with the ZEV Purchase Schedule. Cities or other jurisdictions that have a transit agency division may exclude their other transit agency division vehicles until January 1, 2030.
This document is provided to assist regulated entities in complying with the Advanced Clean Fleets regulation. In the event any discrepancy exists between this document and the Advanced Clean Fleets regulation, the regulatory text of the Advanced Clean Fleets regulation applies.