Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation - State & Local Government Agency Fleet Requirements Overview
What fleets are affected by this regulation?
In this regulation, a State or local government agency is a city, county, public utility, special district, local agency or district, or a public agency of the State of California, and any department, division, public corporation, or public agency of the State of California. Affected agencies are those that have jurisdiction in California and own, lease, or operate in California, one or more vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating greater than 8,500 lbs. For more information on additional scope and applicability details, please see Section 2013(a) of the Final Regulation Order for State and Local Government Agency Fleet Requirements.
What are the compliance requirements for State and local government agency fleets?
Affected fleets must ensure, beginning January 1, 2024, that 50 percent of their annual vehicle purchases per calendar year are zero-emissions, and beginning January 1, 2027, that 100 percent of vehicle purchases are zero-emissions. Individual departments, divisions, districts, subsidiaries, or agencies under the same State or local government agency’s jurisdiction have the option to comply jointly instead of independently. Near-zero-emissions vehicles as defined in the regulation with a vehicle model year of 2035 or earlier, count the same as ZEVs for this requirement. New internal combustion engines (ICE) vehicles, 2024 or newer, added to the California fleet after 2023 must have an engine certified to applicable California emissions standards and emissions related requirements, and any used ICE vehicle added to the California fleet must have a 2010 – 2023 model year engine. Please see Internal Combustion Engine Purchase Requirements for additional information.
State and local governments may alternatively choose to permanently use the ZEV Milestones Option if they prefer the flexibility of phasing-in ZEVs based on suitability of different vehicles in their fleets. This option is available until January 1, 2030. When opting into the ZEV Milestones Option, the fleet owner must report this intention. After electing to use this option, fleet owners are no longer subject to, and may not switch back to the State or Local Government Fleet Requirements. See Section 2013 of the Final Regulation Order for more details about compliance requirements.
Is there more time for small fleets and fleets operating in designated low population counties?
Yes. Small government fleets (those with 10 or fewer vehicles) and those operating in designated low population counties that are using the ZEV Purchase Schedule can delay the start of their ZEV purchases until January 1, 2027, at which point 100 percent of vehicle purchases must be ZEVs. However, fleets that meet these criteria must meet other regulation requirements, including reporting, starting January 1, 2024.
Which counties are designated low population counties?
They are the counties of Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Del Norte, Glenn, Humboldt, Inyo, Lake, Lassen, Mariposa, Mendocino, Modoc, Mono, Nevada, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne, and Yuba. They are also shown on the map in the shaded area.

How would a fleet comply if its jurisdiction or service area is split between a designated low population county and a non-designated county?
If at least 90 percent of the service area in square miles is in the designated low population county, then the fleet can comply using designated low population county requirements.
I already bought some ZEVs. Do they count for compliance with ACF?
Yes, ZEV purchases before 2024 or in excess of the amounts required starting in 2024, count towards future ZEV purchase requirements as long as the ZEV is still active in the fleet.
Are any specific vehicles or entities exempt from the requirements?
School buses, military tactical vehicles, vehicles awaiting sale, emergency vehicles as defined in California Vehicle Code section 165, historical vehicles, dedicated snow removal vehicles, two-engine vehicles, heavy cranes, transit vehicles subject to the Innovative Clean Transit regulation, and vehicles subject to the Zero-Emission Airport Shuttle Regulation are exempt from the State and Local Government Agency Fleet requirements. See Section 2013(c) of the Final Regulation Order for more specific definitions regarding each of these vehicle types.
Can a regulated fleet get exemptions or extensions?
If a fleet cannot comply with the regulation requirements in a given year without the use of an exemption or extension, a fleet may qualify for one or more exemptions and extensions by requesting and receiving approval from CARB. Any exemptions or extensions granted to a fleet owner are not transferrable to another fleet owner. Fleet owners requesting or using any exemptions or extensions must meet applicable reporting and recordkeeping requirements for each exemption or extension. Further details on these exemptions and extensions can be found in the Exemptions and Extensions Overview page.
Recordkeeping and reporting requirements
Fleet owners must annually submit a compliance report that includes all of the information specified in Section 2013.2 of the Final Regulation Order for their California fleet, as it is composed as of January 1 of the corresponding calendar year. The initial report must be submitted by April 1, 2024. For futher information, see the Reporting Requirements Overview. The annual reporting period is during the month of March. Reports must be submitted no later than April 1 of each year until April 1, 2045. If an agency chooses to comply jointly, each individual department, division, district, subsidiary, or agency must report separately. Fleet owners must keep records of reported information and documentation for a period of at least 5 years, and must make such records available in an electronic or paper format to CARB staff within 72 hours of a written or verbal request for audit. See Sections 2013.2 and 2013.3 of the Final Regulation Orderfor further details on reporting and recordkeeping.
How do the ZEV Purchase Schedule requirements affect my existing vehicles?
State and local government fleets following the default ZEV Purchase Schedule may continue to operate their existing vehicles as long as they want; there is no requirement to remove or retire these vehicles.
Fleets that opt to follow the ZEV Milestones Option do not have a removal or retirement requirement based on the age of the vehicle or miles traveled; the fleet owner will need to manage their fleet to ensure the ZEV Milestones percentages are met, which may require removing existing vehicles.
Can I report multiple State or local government fleets within my jurisdiction separately?
Individual departments, divisions, districts, subsidiaries, or agencies under the same state or local government agency’s jurisdiction could report jointly or separately. Any of the individual reporting entities that have less than 10 vehicles, would qualify as a small government fleet. If the fleets opt to comply together, then all vehicles in the fleets complying together must be counted together.
What does it mean for a State or local government fleet to comply jointly?
State or local government agencies have the option to comply with the Advanced Clean Fleets regulation separately for each department, division, district, subsidiary, or agency under its jurisdiction or as a combined fleet.For example, a county with a mosquito and abatement district, and a park district would report information for each of the two vehicle fleets under their own TRUCRS IDs. If both fleets comply with the same compliance method like the ZEV Purchase Schedule, they can elect to comply jointly by linking the fleets under different TRUCRS IDs. When reporting fleet information on the “Company Information” page in TRUCRS, the two fleets can be linked by entering the TRUCRS ID of the agency in the “Parent Entity ID” field. TRUCRS will evaluate compliance for the linked fleets by including all vehicles in each of the combined fleets.
This document is provided to assist regulated entities in complying with the Advanced Clean Fleets regulation. In the event any discrepancy exists between this document and the Advanced Clean Fleets regulation, the regulatory text of the Advanced Clean Fleets regulation applies.