green trees line both banks of the sacramento river. the yellow tower bridge crosses the blue water leading to the tall buildings of the sacrament skyline. the scene is set against a clear blue sky.


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Truck Regulation Implementation Group, Outreach Workgroup - February 26, 2024

List of Panelists (Name, Affiliation):

  1. Annmarie Rodgers, CARB 
  2. Bruce Tuter, CARB 
  3. Chris White, Frontier Energy, Inc. (co-chair) 
  4. Cecile Buncio, City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Sanitation (co-chair) 
  5. Bradley Smith, Fleet Industry Consultant and Advisor 
  6. Bryant Brown, Board Member of CABA 
  7. Chris Walker, CA Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (CAL SMACNA) 
  8. Christopher Amendano, Infrastructure Development 
  9. Geoff Crook, Ceres, Inc. 
  10. Heidi Sickler, bp pulse fleet 
  11. Jack Symington, Non-Profit 
  12. James Gonzalez, Independent Construction Co. 
  13. James Wheeler, Municipal Maintenance Equipment Inc. 
  14. Jesus Martinez Ramirez, Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) 
  15. Katie Lee Cox, Prologis Mobility 
  16. Kirankumar Dakle, Professional working as Subject Matter Expert 
  17. Maurissa Brown, The Greenlining Institute 
  18. Matt Schrap, Harbor Trucking Association 
  19. Moses Bchara, Schneider Electric Sustainability Business 
  20. Ricardo Ramirez, Central Concrete 
  21. Richard Battersby, City of Oakland Public Works 
  22. Richard Colley, REE Automotive 
  23. Ruben Aronin, Better World Group 
  24. Sarah Pollo Moo, California Retailers Association 
  25. Sean Edgar, 
  26. Susan Olavarria, Stericycle, Inc. 
  27. Yann Kulp, NextEra Mobility, eIQ Advisors 

(Note: not all members may have been in attendance during this meeting)

Meeting Background 

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) hosted a public Truck Regulation  Implementation Group (TRIG) meeting to discuss the Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF)  outreach. This was the third meeting of the Outreach Workgroup. The agenda of the meeting was: 

  1. Agenda 
  • Suggestions for ACF Q&A Sessions (Reporting, Drayage, HPF, SLG, provisions, milestones options, etc.)
  • Outreach Tool Kit (under development)
  • How to make ACF more visible   
  1. Suggestions for ACF Q&A Sessions (Reporting, Drayage, HPF, SLG, Provisions, Milestones).  
  • TRIG members suggested there should be ongoing training to remind fleets on what and how they should be doing (i.e. Clean Truck Check).
  • TRIG member suggested we need access to data on the cost of ZEVs above 8,500 GVWR; it will help with compliance.
  • TRIG member suggested there are many questions around the infrastructure side of this. Annmarie: There is an Infrastructure TRIG meeting. Add other TRIG meetings to calendar.   
  1. Outreach Tool Kit (under development)   
  • CARB staff presented a draft outreach Tool Kit that is under development. CARB staff informed members that a link to the calendar of important compliance dates and the meetings and events webpage will also be added under the resource section. TRIG members suggested to receive the tool kit once final via email. CARB staff stated that they will also work on getting it up on the ACF webpage as well.  
  1. How to make ACF more visible    
  • CARB staff asked members for feedback on how to make ACF more visible. TRIG members suggested using social media such as TikTok, consistent posting, and paid advertisements. TRIG members also suggested dedicating a week where CARB pushes posts and information through all channels and platforms of various organizations.       

Meeting Summary 

This TRIG meeting began with a brief discussion on the calendar of important compliance dates. CARB staff provided an updated on the calendar and posted a link to the calendar in the chat.  CARB staff began the meeting by informing TRIG members that the calendar has dates for January/2024 to April/2024. CARB staff asked members for ideas on what to add to the other months. TRIG members suggested adding reminders of Clean Truck Check registrations.CARB staff then presented a draft outreach tool kit and took comments and suggestions from members on ways to improve it. Finally, CARB staff asked for feedback on ways to make ACF more visible to the public and members provided responses.

Next Steps  

Comments and suggestions form the members included:   

  • TRIG members suggested informing the public about enforcement policy.
  • Another TRIG member suggested advertising ACF at Earth Day events.
  • TRIG members informed the audience that CARB attends many different events already to provide outreach on regulations. A speaker request link was shared by CARB staff with everyone.   

This information was produced in collaboration with members of the Truck Regulation Implementation Group (TRIG) and California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff. This information should not be cited or quoted as official Board policy or direction.

Case Settlement
Legislative Bill Tracking
Division field is automatically filled by OIS on 06/21/2021

Evergreen Marine Corp. Ltd. Settlement

Evergreen Marine Corp. Ltd. Settles For $26,000

In March 2024, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) reached a settlement with Evergreen Marine Corp. Ltd. (EMC), with its principal location in Taiwan, for the company’s violation of the Fuel Sulfur and Other Operational Requirements for Ocean-Going Vessels Within California Waters and 24 Nautical Miles of the California Baseline (Ocean-Going Vessel Fuel Regulation), as codified in the California Code of Regulations, title 13, section 2299.2, and title 17, section 93118.2.

Following routine inspections and investigations conducted by EMC and CARB staff, it was revealed that two EMC vessels, Ever Libra and Ever Legend, failed to operate on compliant fuel upon entry into Regulated California Waters in 2023. CARB alleged four days of violations for a penalty of $26,000, under Health and Safety Code section 39674. EMC took prompt action after being notified of these violations and, under CARB’s supervision, began operating in compliance.

To settle the case, EMC agreed to the total penalty amount for the violation. This amount will be deposited into CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality. EMC agreed to comply with CARB regulations going forward.

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Case Settlement
Settlement Date
Legislative Bill Tracking
Division field is automatically filled by OIS on 06/21/2021