Resources Resources, research, data & other tools Resource DirectoriesExecutive OrdersPermits, Certifications, Verifications, and RegistrationsFormsDatabase ApplicationsResearchA-Z indexVapor RecoveryEducational ResourcesVideos Keywords AgricultureAir Pollution(-)Air Quality PlansClean CarsClimate ChangeEnvironmental JusticeFreight & Goods MovementFuelsOn-Road Heavy-Duty VehiclesSustainable CommunitiesTrains & RailyardsZero-Emission TransportationAdvanced Clean Cars Program(-)California State Implementation PlansCommunity Air Protection IncentivesCommunity Air Protection Program Outdoor Air Quality StandardsPeople at RiskResearch PlanningState and Federal Area DesignationsSustainable Communities & Climate Protection ProgramInformation 109 results found for InformationWestern Mojave Desert 70 ppb Ozone Attainment PlanSouth Coast 2022 Air Quality Management Plan2022 Ventura County 8-Hour Ozone Plan2022 Coachella Valley 75 ppb 8-Hour Ozone Reasonable Further Progress State Implementation Plan Information1994 State Strategy for the California SIP 2021 South Coast PM2.5 Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan Information2022 State Strategy for the State Implementation Plan (2022 State SIP Strategy)2021 Coso Junction PM10 Planning Area Second 10-Year Maintenance Plan2021 Sacramento County Second 10-Year PM10 Maintenance Plan InformationRevised Draft 2020 Mobile Source Strategy - Comments Received2021 South Coast PM10 Maintenance Plan InformationWorkshop Discussion Draft 2020 Mobile Source Strategy - Comments Received2020 South Coast PM2.5 SIP Revision2020 Coachella Valley Extreme 8-Hour Ozone Plan Information2017 Baseline Inventory and Vehicle Miles Traveled Offset Demonstration for the 2015 70 ppb 8-hour Ozone Standard Information2003 South Coast 1-Hour Ozone and PM10 Plan Information2005 South Coast Carbon Monoxide Plan Information2010 Coachella Valley PM10 Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan Information2010 South Coast Air Basin PM10 Redesignation Request, Maintenance Plan, and Conformity Budgets Information2011 Progress Report on Implementation of PM2.5 State Implementation Plans (SIP) for the South Coast and San Joaquin Vally Air Basins and Proposed SIP Revision Information2011 8-Hour Ozone State Implementation Plans Revisions and Technical Revisions to the PM2.5 State Implementation Plan Transportation Conformity Budgets for the South Coast and San Joaquin Valley Air Basins Information2012 Lead State Implementation Plan for Los Angeles County Information2012 South Coast Ozone and PM2.5 Implementation Plan Information2015 Minor Revision to the South Coast 2012 PM2.5 SIP Information2016 South Coast AQMP Reasonably Available Control Technology SIP Demonstration Information2016 Ozone and PM2.5 Plan for the South Coast Air Basin and Coachella Valley Information2018 South Coast SIP Revisions and Updates Information2019 South Coast PM2.5 Contingency Measure Information1998 Santa Barbara County 1-Hour Ozone Air Quality Management Plan Information2001 Santa Barbara County 1-Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstration and Maintenance Plan Information2007 Santa Barbara County 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Plan Information2018 San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 Plan Information2016 San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 Plans Information2016 San Joaquin Valley 8-Hour Ozone Plan Information2013 San Joaquin Valley 1-Hour Ozone State Implementation Plan Information2012 San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 Attainment Plan Information2015 and 2008 San Joaquin Valley PM2.5 Attainment Plans Information2007 San Joaquin Valley 8-Hour Ozone Plan Information2007 San Joaquin Valley PM10 Maintenance Plan Information2003 San Joaquin Valley PM10 State Implementation Plan (SIP) Information2004 San Joaquin Valley Ozone State Implementation Plan (SIP) Information1998 Revisions to the Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan InformationFinal Carbon Monoxide Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for Ten Federal Planning Areas Information2006 San Joaquin Valley PM10 State Implementation Plan (SIP) InformationSubmittal of Waiver and Authorization Measures into the California SIPPagination Currently on page 1 Page 2 Page 3Next page››Last pageLast » Featuredthe TruckStop Diesel truck informationDriveClean Buying guide for clean and efficient vehiclesBreathe Well Air quality in your neighborhood
Information2017 Baseline Inventory and Vehicle Miles Traveled Offset Demonstration for the 2015 70 ppb 8-hour Ozone Standard
Information2010 South Coast Air Basin PM10 Redesignation Request, Maintenance Plan, and Conformity Budgets
Information2011 Progress Report on Implementation of PM2.5 State Implementation Plans (SIP) for the South Coast and San Joaquin Vally Air Basins and Proposed SIP Revision
Information2011 8-Hour Ozone State Implementation Plans Revisions and Technical Revisions to the PM2.5 State Implementation Plan Transportation Conformity Budgets for the South Coast and San Joaquin Valley Air Basins
InformationFinal Carbon Monoxide Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for Ten Federal Planning Areas