- Airborne Toxics
- Air Pollution
- Air Quality Monitoring
- Air Quality Plans
- Biking & Walking
- California is Going Zero Emissions
- Clean Cars
- Climate Change
- Communities
- Consumer Products
- Energy
- Environmental Justice
- Freight & Goods Movement
- Fuels
- Health
- Incentives
- Indoor Air Quality & Exposure
- On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicles
- Research
- Simple Solutions to Improve Air Quality
- Sustainable Communities
- Transit
- Zero-Emission Transportation
- AB 32 Climate Change Scoping Plan
- AB 617 Communities
- AB 794 Incentive Program Standards
- AB 2588 Air Toxics "Hot Spots"
- Abrasive Blasting Program
- Access Clean California
- Accessible Clean Transportation Options SB 350
- Adult Education & Vocational School Zero-Emission Vehicle Technology Training Project
- Advanced Clean Cars Program
- Advanced Clean Fleets
- Advanced Clean Trucks
- Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects
- Aftermarket, Performance, and Add-on Parts
- Agricultural & Prescribed Burning
- Agricultural Burning
- Air Cleaners & Ozone Generating Products
- Air Pollution Complaints
- Air Quality Improvement Program Guidelines
- Air Quality Training
- Air Toxics Program
- Alternative Diesel Fuels
- Alternative Fuels
- Ambient Air Monitoring - Regulatory
- Asbestos NESHAP Program
- Board Member Report: July 24, 2023
- Building Decarbonization
- California Climate Investments
- California E-Bike Incentive Project
- California Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Program
- California Racing Vehicles
- California State Implementation Plans
- California State Plan for Compliance with U.S. EPA’s Landfill Emission Guidelines
- Cap-and-Trade Program
- Carbon Neutrality
- Carbon Sequestration: Carbon Capture, Removal, Utilization, and Storage
- Cargo Handling Equipment
- Cargo Tank Vapor Recovery
- Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program
- Carl Moyer Program: Infrastructure
- Carl Moyer Program: On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicles
- Carl Moyer Program: School Bus
- Carpool Stickers
- Children's Health
- Chrome Plating ATCM
- Clean Cars 4 All
- Clean Miles Standard
- Clean Mobility in Schools
- Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program
- Clean Off-Road Equipment Vouchers
- Clean Truck & Bus Vouchers (HVIP)
- Clean Truck Check (HD I/M)
- Clean Vehicle Rebate Project
- Climate Heat Impact Response Program (CHIRP) - Currently On Hold Until Further Notice
- Commercial Harbor Craft
- Community Air
- Community Air Protection Incentives
- Community Air Protection Program
- Community Air Protection Program Resource Center
- Community Health
- Community Outreach and Enforcement
- Community Solutions
- Composite Wood Enforcement
- Composite Wood Products Airborne Toxic Control Measure
- Concept Paper for the Freight Handbook
- Consumer Products Enforcement
- Consumer Products Program
- Criteria Air Pollutants
- Criteria Pollutant and Toxics Emissions Reporting (CTR)
- Dairy and Livestock Greenhouse Gas Emissions Working Group
- daryl test Program 082520231104am
- Diesel Enforcement
- Diesel Fuel
- Diesel Risk Reduction Plan
- Diesel Vehicles
- Distributed Generation Certification Program
- Drayage Trucks at Seaports & Railyards
- Driving Clean Assistance Program
- Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Standards
- Emergency Backup Generators
- Enforcement of Clean Truck Check HD I/M Regulation
- Enforcement Policy & Reports
- Environmental Tobacco Smoke Identified as a Toxic Air Contaminant
- Equipment and Process Precertification Program (Stationary Sources Only)
- Estimating the community level health benefits from air pollution control programs
- Exposure
- FARMER Program
- Federal Clean Air Act- Title V Operating Permits
- Fleet Rule for Public Agencies and Utilities
- Fuels Enforcement Program
- Fuels Multimedia Evaluation
- Fuels Program
- Gasoline
- Greenhouse Gas Inventory
- Greenhouse Gas Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles
- Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards
- Heavy-Duty Greenhouse Gas Certification Program
- Heavy-Duty In-Use Compliance Programs
- Heavy-Duty Low NOx
- Hot Spots Analysis & Reporting Program
- HVIP Public School Bus Set-Aside/Local Educational Agency School Bus Replacement Grants
- Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure
- In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets Regulation
- Incident Air Monitoring
- Independent Contractor Program
- Indoor Air
- Innovative Clean Transit
- Innovative Small e-Fleet Pilot Program
- Landfill Activities
- Landfill Methane Regulation
- Large Spark-Ignition (LSI) Engine Fleet Requirements Regulation
- Low-Emission Vehicle Program
- Low Carbon Fuel Standard
- Low Carbon Transportation Investments and Air Quality Improvement Program
- Lower-Emission School Bus Program
- Minimizing Community Health Impacts from Freight
- Mobile Source Emissions Inventory
- Mobile Source Emissions Research Program
- (-)Natural and Working Lands
- Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution
- Naturally Occurring Asbestos
- Nature Based Strategies
- New Source Review Permitting Programs
- New Vehicle and Engine Certification
- New Vehicle and Engine Certification: Executive Orders for MY2006 Small Spark-Ignited Engines - Exhaust
- OBD - On-Board Diagnostic Program
- Ocean-Going Vessels At Berth Regulation
- Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles
- Off-Road Compression-Ignition Certification Program
- Oil and Natural Gas Production, Processing, and Storage
- On-Road Heavy-Duty Certification Program
- On-Road Heavy-Duty Voucher Incentive Program
- On-Road Light-Duty Vehicle Certification Program
- On-Road Motorcycles
- Outdoor Air Quality Standards
- Outdoor Residential Waste Burning
- Ozone Transport
- People at Risk
- Phase Out of Perchloroethylene from the Dry Cleaning Process
- Planning, CMIS, and STEP Concept Phase Q&A Session #2
- Planning and Capacity Building
- Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP)
- Portable Fuel Containers - Gas Cans
- Prescribed Burning
- Protect California Air Act of 2003 - Senate Bill 288
- Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) Events
- (-)Quality Assurance
- Reducing Rail Emissions in California
- Refrigerant Management Program
- Research Planning
- Residential Woodsmoke Reduction
- Rural School Bus Pilot Project
- San Joaquin Valley Facility Particulate Emission Survey
- SB 350 Electricity Sector Greenhouse Gas Planning Targets
- School Buses
- Semiconductor
- Short-Lived Climate Pollutants
- Small Containers of Automotive Refrigerant
- Small Off-Road Engines (SORE)
- Solid Waste Collection Vehicle Regulation
- Spark-Ignition Marine Watercraft
- State and Federal Area Designations
- Statewide Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Network
- Stationary Hydrofluorocarbon Reduction Measures
- Study of Neighborhood Air near Petroleum Sources
- Sulfur Hexafluoride from Non-Electric Non-Semiconductor Sources
- Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEP)
- (-)Sustainable Communities & Climate Protection Program
- Sustainable Transportation Equity Project
- Transport Refrigeration Unit
- Truck and Bus Regulation
- Truck and Bus Surveillance Program
- Truck Loan Assistance Program
- U.S. EPA Clean Power Plan
- Vapor Recovery
- Vapor Recovery - Overpressure
- Verification Procedure for In-Use Strategies to Control Emissions from Diesel Engines
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Formaldehyde
- Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust for California
- Volkswagen Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Investment Commitment
- Welding Emissions
- Wildfires
- Zero-Emission Landscaping Equipment
- Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification
- Zero-Emission Transportation
- Zero-Emission Truck Loan Pilot Project
- Zero-Emission Vehicle Fleet
- Zero-Emission Vehicle Program
Zero-emission Vehicle Equity Task Force
The Zero-emission Vehicle (ZEV) Equity Task Force (Task Force) brings together leaders in zero-emission transportation such as environmental justice advocates, automakers, state government, and other key organizations to develop strategies to expand communities’ access to ZEVs and zero-emission mobility.
The ZEV Equity Task Force was formed in response to direction from the California Air Resources Board (CARB or the Board) members through the language in the Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations Resolution 22-12 to “expand low-income and disadvantaged communities’ access to ZEVs and zero-emission mobility.”
In May 2023, the Task Force was formed to meet this goal. The primary objective of the Task Force is to expedite the deployment of ZEVs and charging infrastructure in low-income and disadvantaged communities throughout the state. We plan to accomplish this by forming partnerships that lead to tangible projects on the ground, ultimately increasing access to ZEVs and zero emission mobility.
Workgroups & Workgroup Meetings
Based on the survey conducted before the May 30th Task Force meeting and discussions during the meeting, four categories were identified to group projects into. Each category will have its own workgroup where members will come together to discuss project ideas and determine the best strategies to make a significant impact.
Workgroups will meet monthly, developing projects related to the workgroup topic. Workgroups will report back to the larger Task Force with short updates at every ZEV Equity Task Force meeting. Visit the workgroup web page for meeting dates, agendas and meeting notes. The workgroups are:
ZEV Equity Task Force Meetings
The ZEV Equity Task Force meetings will convene multiple times a year, bringing together representatives from various sectors involved in zero-emission vehicles and mobility. The primary objectives of these meetings are to receive updates from the workgroups, devise strategies to overcome barriers encountered, and collectively share information on statewide initiatives and projects.
Date & Time | Task Force and Workgroup Meetings | Additional Information |
May 30, 2024 | ZEV Equity Task Force #3 | |
Dec. 1, 2023 | ZEV Equity Task Force #2 | |
May 30, 2023 | ZEV Equity Task Force kick-off meeting | Agenda Summary of Breakout Groups and Projects List of Attendees |
Additional Resources
Join the Task Force or a Workgroup
If you're interested in taking action to achieve tangible results, we encourage you to join the Task Force and/or one of the workgroups. You can propose a new project or contribute to existing proposals that align with our overarching goal. To learn more about the task force or become a member, please contact us at ZEVequity@arb.ca.gov.
Diesel truck information
Buying guide for clean and efficient vehicles
Air quality in your neighborhood