Annette Hébert (A·bear)

Annette Hebert (A·bear) was appointed Deputy Executive Officer of the California Air Resources Board on February 2, 2021. In this capacity, Ms. Hebert will serve as lead for CARB's new Southern California Headquarters, guiding the work of over 350 engineers, scientists, policymakers, and support staff primarily in the area of CARB's extensive mobile source programs. Ms. Hebert’s focus is on emissions certification and compliance, mobile source emissions warranties, and various mobile source testing and field assessment tasks. Ms. Hebert also led workforce and facility transition planning in the move to the Southern California Headquarters, dedicated on November 18, 2021. She also leads efforts in implementation of activities and programs associated with Memorandum of Understandings with local Southern California academic institutions from kindergarten through university levels, as well as implementation of the Southern California visitor tour programs.
A Cajun native of Louisiana, Ms. Hebert holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette.