- Agriculture
- Airborne Toxics
- Aircraft & Airports
- Air Pollution
- Air Quality Monitoring
- Air Quality Plans
- Biking & Walking
- California is Going Zero Emissions
- California Public Workshop: Potential Amendments to the Cap-and-Trade Regulation
- Clean Cars
- Climate Change
- Communities
- Construction & Earthmoving Equipment
- Consumer Products
- Energy
- Enforcement
- Environmental Justice
- Freight & Goods Movement
- Fuels
- Health
- Incentives
- Individual Funding Incentives Template
- Indoor Air Quality & Exposure
- Industry & Manufacturing
- Lawn, Garden & Landscape Equipment
- Oceangoing Vessels & Harbor Craft
- On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicles
- Power Equipment
- Recreational Vehicles & Watercraft
- Research
- Simple Solutions to Improve Air Quality
- Smoke
- Sustainable Communities
- Trains & Railyards
- Transit
- Truck & Bus
- VW Diesel Vehicles
- Zero-Emission Transportation
- AB 32 Climate Change Scoping Plan
- AB 617 Communities
- AB 794 Incentive Program Standards
- AB 2588 Air Toxics "Hot Spots"
- Abrasive Blasting Program
- Access Clean California
- Accessible Clean Transportation Options SB 350
- Adult Education & Vocational School Zero-Emission Vehicle Technology Training Project
- Advanced Clean Cars Program
- Advanced Clean Fleets
- Advanced Clean Trucks
- Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects
- Aftermarket, Performance, and Add-on Parts
- Agricultural & Prescribed Burning
- Agricultural Burning
- Air Cleaners & Ozone Generating Products
- Air Pollution Complaints
- Air Quality Improvement Program Guidelines
- Air Quality Training
- Air Toxics Program
- Alternative Diesel Fuels
- Alternative Fuels
- Ambient Air Monitoring - Regulatory
- Asbestos NESHAP Program
- Board Member Report: July 24, 2023
- California Climate Investments
- California E-Bike Incentive Project
- California Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Program
- California Racing Vehicles
- California State Implementation Plans
- California State Plan for Compliance with U.S. EPA’s Landfill Emission Guidelines
- Cap-and-Trade Program
- Carbon Neutrality
- Carbon Sequestration: Carbon Capture, Removal, Utilization, and Storage
- Cargo Handling Equipment
- Cargo Tank Vapor Recovery
- Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program
- Carl Moyer Program: Infrastructure
- Carl Moyer Program: On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicles
- Carl Moyer Program: School Bus
- Carpool Stickers
- Children's Health
- Chrome Plating ATCM
- Clean Cars 4 All
- Clean Miles Standard
- Clean Mobility in Schools
- Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program
- Clean Off-Road Equipment Vouchers
- Clean Truck & Bus Vouchers (HVIP)
- Clean Truck Check (HD I/M)
- Clean Vehicle Rebate Project
- Climate Heat Impact Response Program (CHIRP) - Currently On Hold Until Further Notice
- Commercial Harbor Craft
- Community Air
- Community Air Protection Incentives
- Community Air Protection Program
- Community Air Protection Program Resource Center
- Community Health
- Community Outreach and Enforcement
- Community Solutions
- Composite Wood Enforcement
- Composite Wood Products Airborne Toxic Control Measure
- Concept Paper for the Freight Handbook
- Consumer Products Enforcement
- Consumer Products Program
- Criteria Air Pollutants
- Criteria Pollutant and Toxics Emissions Reporting (CTR)
- Dairy and Livestock Greenhouse Gas Emissions Working Group
- daryl test Program 082520231104am
- Descarbonización de edificios
- Diesel Enforcement
- Diesel Fuel
- Diesel Risk Reduction Plan
- Diesel Vehicles
- Distributed Generation Certification Program
- Drayage Trucks at Seaports & Railyards
- Driving Clean Assistance Program
- Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Standards
- Emergency Backup Generators
- Enforcement of Clean Truck Check HD I/M Regulation
- Enforcement Policy & Reports
- Environmental Tobacco Smoke Identified as a Toxic Air Contaminant
- Equipment and Process Precertification Program (Stationary Sources Only)
- Estimating the community level health benefits from air pollution control programs
- Exposure
- FARMER Program
- Federal Clean Air Act- Title V Operating Permits
- Fleet Rule for Public Agencies and Utilities
- Fuels Enforcement Program
- Fuels Multimedia Evaluation
- Fuels Program
- Gasoline
- Greenhouse Gas Inventory
- Greenhouse Gas Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles
- Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards
- Heavy-Duty Greenhouse Gas Certification Program
- Heavy-Duty In-Use Compliance Programs
- Heavy-Duty Low NOx
- Hot Spots Analysis & Reporting Program
- HVIP Public School Bus Set-Aside/Local Educational Agency School Bus Replacement Grants
- Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure
- In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets Regulation
- Incident Air Monitoring
- Independent Contractor Program
- Indoor Air
- Innovative Clean Transit
- Innovative Small e-Fleet Pilot Program
- Landfill Activities
- Landfill Methane Regulation
- Large Spark-Ignition (LSI) Engine Fleet Requirements Regulation
- Low-Emission Vehicle Program
- Low Carbon Fuel Standard
- Low Carbon Transportation Investments and Air Quality Improvement Program
- Lower-Emission School Bus Program
- Minimizing Community Health Impacts from Freight
- Mobile Source Emissions Inventory
- Mobile Source Emissions Research Program
- Natural and Working Lands
- Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution
- Naturally Occurring Asbestos
- Nature Based Strategies
- New Source Review Permitting Programs
- New Vehicle and Engine Certification
- New Vehicle and Engine Certification: Executive Orders for MY2006 Small Spark-Ignited Engines - Exhaust
- OBD - On-Board Diagnostic Program
- Ocean-Going Vessels At Berth Regulation
- Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles
- Off-Road Compression-Ignition Certification Program
- Oil and Natural Gas Production, Processing, and Storage
- On-Road Heavy-Duty Certification Program
- On-Road Heavy-Duty Voucher Incentive Program
- On-Road Light-Duty Vehicle Certification Program
- On-Road Motorcycles
- Outdoor Air Quality Standards
- Outdoor Residential Waste Burning
- Ozone Transport
- People at Risk
- Phase Out of Perchloroethylene from the Dry Cleaning Process
- Planning, CMIS, and STEP Concept Phase Q&A Session #2
- Planning and Capacity Building
- Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP)
- Portable Fuel Containers - Gas Cans
- Prescribed Burning
- Protect California Air Act of 2003 - Senate Bill 288
- Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) Events
- Quality Assurance
- Reducing Rail Emissions in California
- Refrigerant Management Program
- Research Planning
- Residential Woodsmoke Reduction
- Rural School Bus Pilot Project
- San Joaquin Valley Facility Particulate Emission Survey
- SB 350 Electricity Sector Greenhouse Gas Planning Targets
- School Buses
- Semiconductor
- Short-Lived Climate Pollutants
- Small Containers of Automotive Refrigerant
- Small Off-Road Engines (SORE)
- Solid Waste Collection Vehicle Regulation
- Spark-Ignition Marine Watercraft
- State and Federal Area Designations
- Statewide Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Network
- Stationary Hydrofluorocarbon Reduction Measures
- Study of Neighborhood Air near Petroleum Sources
- Sulfur Hexafluoride from Non-Electric Non-Semiconductor Sources
- Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs)
- Sustainable Communities & Climate Protection Program
- Sustainable Transportation Equity Project
- Transport Refrigeration Unit
- Truck and Bus Regulation
- Truck and Bus Surveillance Program
- Truck Loan Assistance Program
- U.S. EPA Clean Power Plan
- Vapor Recovery
- Vapor Recovery - Overpressure
- Verification Procedure for In-Use Strategies to Control Emissions from Diesel Engines
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Formaldehyde
- Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust for California
- Volkswagen Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Investment Commitment
- Welding Emissions
- Wildfires
- Zero-Emission Landscaping Equipment
- Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification
- Zero-Emission Transportation
- Zero-Emission Truck Loan Pilot Project
- Zero-Emission Vehicle Fleet
- Zero-Emission Vehicle Program
New Vehicle and Engine Certification: Executive Orders for MY2025 Spark-Ignited Marine Watercraft
The New Vehicle and Engine Certification Program is responsible for the certification of new engines, vehicles, powertrains, aerodynamic devices and other new certifications. Vehicles and engines may be sold and otherwise produced in California only if approved by Executive Order (EO) after review by CARB. Executive Orders are issued for on-road and off-road categories.
Scanned copies of issued Executive Orders may be requested via email.
The following Executive Orders granted to the listed manufacturers of spark-ignited marine evaporative families have been issued during the 2025 model year, as of June 24, 2024.
Further information is available in the Executive Orders Summary.
For questions, please contact Off-Road Spark-Ignited Engine Certification or Help Line at 1-800-242-4450.
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
U‑W‑120‑0001 | 5/22/2024 | 45427 | Outboard | Trailerable (<= 26 ft) |
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
U‑W‑121‑0002 | 6/21/2024 | STTIPVSSL222 | Outboard | Nontrailerable (> 26 ft) |
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
5/24/2024 | SBR1PVSSLNT1 | Outboard | Nontrailerable (> 26 ft) | |
U‑W‑109‑0008 | 5/24/2024 | SBR1PVSSLNT2 | Outboard | Nontrailerable (> 26 ft) |
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
U‑W‑007‑0079 | 2/20/2024 | SKAXPVSSLAAA | Personal Watercraft | Trailerable (<= 26 ft) |
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
5/22/2024 | SWWNPVSSL001 | Outboard | Nontrailerable (> 26 ft) | |
5/22/2024 | SWWNPVSSL002 | Outboard | Trailerable (<= 26 ft) |
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
U‑W‑046‑0025 | 6/17/2024 | SLWBPVSSLTB1 | Outboard | Trailerable (<= 26 ft) |
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
U‑W‑057‑0008 | 5/1/2024 | SMBGPVSSL002 | Outboard | Nontrailerable (> 26 ft) |
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
U‑W‑055‑0038 | 5/24/2024 | SRECPVSSLACN | Outboard | Nontrailerable (> 26 ft) |
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
U‑W‑063‑0026 | 6/17/2024 | SRBLPVSSLONP | Outboard | Nontrailerable (> 26 ft) |
U‑W‑063‑0027 | 6/17/2024 | SRBLPVSSLOTP | Outboard | Trailerable (<= 26 ft) |
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
U‑W‑050‑0015 | 5/21/2024 | SSBIPVSSLALU | Inboard | Trailerable (<= 26 ft) |
U‑W‑050‑0016 | 5/21/2024 | SSBIPVSSLPLA | Outboard | Nontrailerable (> 26 ft) |
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
U‑W‑037‑0033 | 5/22/2024 | SSRBPVSSLNT4 | Sterndrive, Outboard | Nontrailerable (> 26 ft) |
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
U‑W‑103‑0003 | 5/21/2024 | SWBBPVSSL001 | Outboard | Trailerable (<= 26 ft) |
EO # | Date | Evaporative Family | Watercraft Type | Watercraft Length |
U‑W‑003‑0547 | 2/20/2024 | SYMXPVSSLYJ7 | Jetboat | Trailerable (<= 26 ft) |
U‑W‑003‑0548 | 2/20/2024 | SYMXPVSSLYM1 | Jetboat | Trailerable (<= 26 ft) |
Truck Regulation Implementation Group, Outreach Workgroup - February 26, 2024
List of Panelists (Name, Affiliation):
- Annmarie Rodgers, CARB
- Bruce Tuter, CARB
- Chris White, Frontier Energy, Inc. (co-chair)
- Cecile Buncio, City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Sanitation (co-chair)
- Bradley Smith, Fleet Industry Consultant and Advisor
- Bryant Brown, Board Member of CABA
- Chris Walker, CA Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (CAL SMACNA)
- Christopher Amendano, Infrastructure Development
- Geoff Crook, Ceres, Inc.
- Heidi Sickler, bp pulse fleet
- Jack Symington, Non-Profit
- James Gonzalez, Independent Construction Co.
- James Wheeler, Municipal Maintenance Equipment Inc.
- Jesus Martinez Ramirez, Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water)
- Katie Lee Cox, Prologis Mobility
- Kirankumar Dakle, Professional working as Subject Matter Expert
- Maurissa Brown, The Greenlining Institute
- Matt Schrap, Harbor Trucking Association
- Moses Bchara, Schneider Electric Sustainability Business
- Ricardo Ramirez, Central Concrete
- Richard Battersby, City of Oakland Public Works
- Richard Colley, REE Automotive
- Ruben Aronin, Better World Group
- Sarah Pollo Moo, California Retailers Association
- Sean Edgar, CleanFleets.net
- Susan Olavarria, Stericycle, Inc.
- Yann Kulp, NextEra Mobility, eIQ Advisors
(Note: not all members may have been in attendance during this meeting)
Meeting Background
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) hosted a public Truck Regulation Implementation Group (TRIG) meeting to discuss the Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) outreach. This was the third meeting of the Outreach Workgroup. The agenda of the meeting was:
- Agenda
- Suggestions for ACF Q&A Sessions (Reporting, Drayage, HPF, SLG, provisions, milestones options, etc.)
- Outreach Tool Kit (under development)
- How to make ACF more visible
- Suggestions for ACF Q&A Sessions (Reporting, Drayage, HPF, SLG, Provisions, Milestones).
- TRIG members suggested there should be ongoing training to remind fleets on what and how they should be doing (i.e. Clean Truck Check).
- TRIG member suggested we need access to data on the cost of ZEVs above 8,500 GVWR; it will help with compliance.
- TRIG member suggested there are many questions around the infrastructure side of this. Annmarie: There is an Infrastructure TRIG meeting. Add other TRIG meetings to calendar.
- Outreach Tool Kit (under development)
- CARB staff presented a draft outreach Tool Kit that is under development. CARB staff informed members that a link to the calendar of important compliance dates and the meetings and events webpage will also be added under the resource section. TRIG members suggested to receive the tool kit once final via email. CARB staff stated that they will also work on getting it up on the ACF webpage as well.
- How to make ACF more visible
- CARB staff asked members for feedback on how to make ACF more visible. TRIG members suggested using social media such as TikTok, consistent posting, and paid advertisements. TRIG members also suggested dedicating a week where CARB pushes posts and information through all channels and platforms of various organizations.
Meeting Summary
This TRIG meeting began with a brief discussion on the calendar of important compliance dates. CARB staff provided an updated on the calendar and posted a link to the calendar in the chat. CARB staff began the meeting by informing TRIG members that the calendar has dates for January/2024 to April/2024. CARB staff asked members for ideas on what to add to the other months. TRIG members suggested adding reminders of Clean Truck Check registrations. CARB staff then presented a draft outreach tool kit and took comments and suggestions from members on ways to improve it. Finally, CARB staff asked for feedback on ways to make ACF more visible to the public and members provided responses.
Next Steps
Comments and suggestions form the members included:
- TRIG members suggested informing the public about enforcement policy.
- Another TRIG member suggested advertising ACF at Earth Day events.
- TRIG members informed the audience that CARB attends many different events already to provide outreach on regulations. A speaker request link was shared by CARB staff with everyone.
This information was produced in collaboration with members of the Truck Regulation Implementation Group (TRIG) and California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff. This information should not be cited or quoted as official Board policy or direction.
Truck Regulation Implementation Group, Rule Provisions Workgroup - March 21, 2024
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) hosted a public Truck Regulation Implementation Group (TRIG) meeting to discuss the Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) rule provisions. This was the second meeting of the Rule Provisions TRIG.[1] The meeting included discussion of the following topics:
- The Zero-Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Purchase Exemption process
- Types of documentation commonly provided by manufacturers/dealers when purchasing vehicles
- A preliminary draft list of currently available ZEV manufacturers of Class 6-8 vehicles
The meeting was recorded and is available on YouTube.
Meeting Summary
The meeting focused on the ZEV Purchase Exemption. Staff provided TRIG panelists with a handout prior to the meeting that provided links to the ZEV Purchase Exemption frequently asked questions (FAQ) document, and links to the regulation identifying the specific regulatory sections for the ZEV Purchase Exemption. Also included in the meeting handout were descriptions of the process for requesting a ZEV Purchase Exemption, eligibility criteria, an example draft list of zero-emission vehicle manufacturers, and information about monthly question and answer sessions offered by CARB to assist with general ACF compliance assistance.
The following are summaries of feedback for each topic discussed during the meeting.
ZEV Purchase Exemption comments:
- Assistance on navigating ZEV Purchase Exemption application timelines.
- Concerns over the future costs associated with ZEV purchases.
- Can CARB provide a standardized form for fleet owners to apply for the exemption?
- Suggest that the minimum useful life requirement for state and local government fleets using the ZEV Purchase Schedule take into account issues like finding a suitable replacement due to timing of vehicle age related replacements, tedious public procurement processes, and the varying timelines of purchasing different vehicle types.
- Suggest that CARB provide guidance on what exemptions are available if a fleet does not qualify for a ZEV Purchase Exemption.
- Concern about the reasonableness of assessing the replacement suitability of the entire fleet when applying for the ZEV Purchase Exemption.
- Suggest that CARB and manufacturers work together to identify a general process and the associated documents required of fleets when purchasing a truck.
- Suggest that CARB provide periodic updates of requested exemptions and provide examples of approved applications.
Draft List of Zero-Emission Vehicles Manufacturers comments:
- Suggestion that vehicle manufacturers identified on the list have different quality measures and that conversions do not undergo robust engineering processes as the larger more established manufacturers.
- Concern about the ability of low volume manufacturers to adequately service their vehicles in the future.
- What information can be provided by the manufacturer to help fleet owners make decisions about the applicable vehicle purchases?
- Concerns expressed about the weight of ZEVs and the available payload capacity. Suggestion that front axle weight limitations create challenges for the type of vehicle configurations that can be built on the chassis.
- Suggestion to include the number of vehicles that have been deployed for vehicles identified on the list.
- Identify the locations of manufacturer service centers.
- Categorize manufacturers as either a high volume or low volume manufacturer.
- Vehicle configurations rely primarily on the dealer network.
- Dealers need specific certifications to sell and service ZEVs.
- Concerns over the ability to approximate vehicle production lead times because they vary by manufacturer and model.
Future Meetings
Members were asked for feedback and to provide suggestions for future meetings. Those comments and suggestions included:
- Monthly or bi-monthly meetings with a meeting length of two hours.
- Future meeting topics to discuss the Infrastructure Delay Extension and the Daily Usage Exemption.
- Follow up on the ZEV Purchase Exemption list.
Action Items
- Schedule next Rule Provisions TRIG meeting.
- Create a standardized meeting structure with an agenda for each meeting.
- In addition to CARB sending out a listserv notice, the co-chairs Bradley or Rebecca will send out a two week notice before each TRIG meeting.
Members In Attendance
- Bradley Northup, City of Carlsbad, co-chair
- Gerald Berumen, CARB, co-chair
- Jimmy Steele, CARB
- Tony Brasil, CARB
- Dorothy Fibiger, CARB
- Chris Franceschi, CARB
- Tiffany Canales, CARB
- Bret Stevens, Daimler Trucks
- David Clifford, Ventura Transfer Company
- Don Jones, City and County of San Francisco
- Harmony Gates, Yorke Engineering
- Jon Costantino, California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance
- Kristina Corby, California Electric Transportation Coalition
- Matt Mesick, Isuzu Commercial Truck of America
- Michael Lewis, Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition
- Mike Tunnell, American Trucking Associations
- Morgan Mitchell, Westside Water Authority
- Nick Blair, Association of California Water Agencies
- Paul Rosa, Penske
- Rick Albertini, Phenix Truck Bodies & Van Equipment
- Sarah Deslauriers, California Association of Sanitation Agencies
- Steve Nelson, Local regional trucking based in Monterey County
- Suzanne Seivright-Sutherland, California, and Industrial Materials Association
[1] A joint TRIG meeting was held with the infrastructure group on March 11, 2024
Evergreen Marine Corp. Ltd. Settlement
Evergreen Marine Corp. Ltd. Settles For $26,000
In March 2024, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) reached a settlement with Evergreen Marine Corp. Ltd. (EMC), with its principal location in Taiwan, for the company’s violation of the Fuel Sulfur and Other Operational Requirements for Ocean-Going Vessels Within California Waters and 24 Nautical Miles of the California Baseline (Ocean-Going Vessel Fuel Regulation), as codified in the California Code of Regulations, title 13, section 2299.2, and title 17, section 93118.2.
Following routine inspections and investigations conducted by EMC and CARB staff, it was revealed that two EMC vessels, Ever Libra and Ever Legend, failed to operate on compliant fuel upon entry into Regulated California Waters in 2023. CARB alleged four days of violations for a penalty of $26,000, under Health and Safety Code section 39674. EMC took prompt action after being notified of these violations and, under CARB’s supervision, began operating in compliance.
To settle the case, EMC agreed to the total penalty amount for the violation. This amount will be deposited into CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality. EMC agreed to comply with CARB regulations going forward.
Rulemaking Documents
Below you will find links to the rulemaking documents for the In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets Regulation corresponding to the appropriate year changes were adopted.
November 2022 Amendments | Phase out of the oldest and highest-emitting off-road engines from operation, restrict the addition of vehicles with Tier 3 and 4i engines, require contracting entities to obtain and retain a fleet's valid Certificate of Reported Compliance prior to awarding a contract or hiring a fleet, mandate the use of R99 or R100 Renewable Diesel for all fleets, provide voluntary compliance flexibility options for fleets that adopt zero-emission technology, and include additional requirements to increase enforceability, provide clarity, and provide additional flexibility for permanent low-use vehicles. |
December 2010 Amendments | Delayed the initial compliance date for all fleets by four years, provided a path to compliance without any required retrofits, and simplify the regulation. |
July 2009 Amendments | Amendments were approved to provide additional incentives to spur early actions by fleets to reduce emissions, and to make several minor clarifications to the regulation. |
January 2009 Amendments | Extended the deadline for receiving double credits for early installation of particulate matter retrofits, modify the changing-fleet-size requirements, clarify all sellers of off-road vehicles must maintain records of the disclosure of applicability. |
Original Regulation | Regulation adopted to reduce emission of diesel particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen from in-use off-road diesel vehicles operating in California. |
Opportunities to Address Past Inequity to Build Healthier, More Sustainable Communities
Principal Investigator/Authors: Charisma Acey, Margaretta Lin
Contractors: University of California, Berkeley
Sub-contractors: Just Cities and West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project
Contract number: 21RD009
Project Status: Active
Relevant CARB programs: Sustainable Communities & Climate Protection Program, Research Planning
Topic areas: Sustainable Communities, Research & Sustainable Communities, Sustainable Community Strategies (SCS), Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Reduction & Climate Goals, Land Use & Transportation Research
Research Summary:
This project will examine public investment policies and systemic precedents that contribute to the inequitable distribution of resources and resulting disparities across California communities. The project will identify opportunities and potential resources to address these inequities in public infrastructure investment policies and practices in the housing, land use, and transportation sectors. The project findings and resulting report, will identify and prioritize equitable policies that also contribute to reductions in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and preserve, protect, and allow to produce more affordable housing across the state. In addition to offering opportunities to identify how existing and new public investments can be utilized to yield economic, environmental, and social returns to support healthy and more sustainable community development.
The project will develop an online policy mapping tool with multiple resources to support local decision-makers and advocates in preventing current and future harm for people of color and other vulnerable populations as well as reduction in VMT and GHG emissions. The mapping tool will share a research action model to help users identify local conditions and impact (environmental, health, housing, transportation) to understand their connection to inequitable policies and practices in their selected regions. In addition, the tool will include six unique case studies cataloguing history of policies and impacts (drivers of pollution and inequity), existing solutions, and visionary solutions proposed by communities. Moreover, the mapping tool will feature a database of equitable and inequitable investment policies, practices, and strategies across California that have prevented or created harm in distinct geographies. All tools will be developed through a transformative planning process alongside an Environmental Justice Advisory Council.
Keywords: sustainable community strategies (SCS); transportation and land use; equitable climate policy; evaluation methods
1997 Board Resolutions
Resolutions are a document the Board uses to vote on a proposed action. After the Board approves a resolution, it will be posted within two weeks after the Board meeting.
Resolution Number | Item | Hearing Date |
97-1 | SCAQMD '97 PLAN | January 23, 1997 |
Proposal No. 2233-196, "Determination of the Horizontal Diffusion Coefficient for Use in the SARMAP Air Quality Model" EARTH TECH Inc. $94,352 | January 23, 1997 | |
97-3 | Proposal No. 2310-197, "Aircraft Sampling to Determine Atmospheric Concentrations & Size Distributions of Particulate Matter & Other Pollutants over the SC Air Basin" CA Inst. of Technology $199,663 | January 23, 1997 |
97-4 | Proposal No. 2318-197, "Development of Modeling Tools for Microscale Emissions Modeling" CA Polytechnic Univ., San Luis Obispo $179,547 | January 23, 1997 |
97-5 | Proposal No. 2301-197, "Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fleet Characterization for Reduction ofNox and Particulate Matter Emissions in the SC Air Basin" Jack Faucett Assoc. $197,389 | January 23, 1997 |
97-6 | Proposal No. 2311-197, "Enhancement of the Existing Radar Wind Profiler Network for the 1997 So. CA Ozone Study" Radian International LLC $394,947 | January 23, 1997 |
97-7 | Proposal No. 2237-196, "Improving the Accuracy of Mixing Depth Predictions from the Mesoscale Meteoroligical Model MM5" MCNC-Environmental Programs $92,481 | January 23, 1997 |
97-8 | Proposal No. 2315-197, "Audit of the Radar Wind Profiler Network and Selected Surface Meteorological Sites for the 1997 So. CA Ozone Study" AeroVironment Enviro Svcs $109,994 | January 23, 1997 |
97-9 | Proposal No. 2303-197, "Automatic Charging System for Electric Vehicles: Demo Project" Bevilacqua Knight, Inc $483,650 | January 23, 1997 |
97-10 | Proposal No. 2314-197,"Surface and Upper-Air voe Sampling and Analysis Durning the 1997 So CA Ozone Study" UC Riverside $249,166 | January 23, 1997 |
97-11 | Proposal No. 2316-197, "Management of Data from the Upper-Air Meteorological Network for the 1997 So CA Ozone Study" System Demon & Integration Division in the Enviro Technology Lab under the Enviro Research Lab of the National Oceanic & Atmos Admin $90,000 | January 23, 1997 |
97-12 | Proposal No. 2305-197, "An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Room Enclosures w/ Ventilation Systems in Reducing Risk at Dry Cleaning Facilities Using Perch" AeroVironment Envir Svcs, Inc $130,477 | January 23, 1997 |
97-13 | Proposal No. 2283-196, "Identification of Point Source Emissions Controls and Determination of their Efficiencies and Costs" E.H. Pechan & Assoc, Inc $140,181 | January 23, 1997 |
97-14 | Hairspray Amendments | March 27, 1997 |
97-15 | LPGPropene | March 27, 1997 |
97-16 | Portable Equip. Regis. Program | March 27, 1997 |
97-17 | ID Inorganic Lead as a TAC | April 24, 1997 |
97-18 | James Strock | April 24, 1997 |
97-19 | Interchangeable Emission Reduction Credits | May 22, 1997 |
97-20 | Enhanced Evap Reg | May 22, 1997 |
97-21 | Proposal No. 2326-198, "Heavy-Duty Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer Testing for Emissions Inventory" CA Truck Testing Services $803,715 | May 22, 1997 |
97-22 | Proposal No. 2321-198, "Incorporation of Radio Transponders into Vehicle On- Board Diagnostic Systems" Sierra Research Inc. $299,706 | May 22, 1997 |
97-23 | Proposal No. 2322-198, "Development of Toxics Emissions Factors from Source Test Data Collected Under the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program-Part II" Energy and Environmental Research Corp. $149,885 | May 22, 1997 |
97-24 | Proposal No. 2331-198, "Demonstration of a Diesel-Fuel-Borne Catalyst System and Low-NOx Control Technology for Reducing Particulate and Nox Emissions" SCAQMD $275,00 | May 22, 1997 |
97-25 | Proposal No. 2329-198, "Review and Improvement of Methods for Estimating Rates of Photolysis in Photochemical Models" UC Berkeley $182,302 | May 22, 1997 |
97-26 | Proposal No. 2330-I 98, "Evaluation of Factors that Affect Diesel Exhaust Toxicity" UC Riverside $102,458 | May 22, 1997 |
97-27 | Proposal No. 2233-196, "Determination of the Horizontal Diffusion Coefficient for Use in the SARMAP Air Quality Model" EARTH TECH Inc. $94,352 | May 22, 1997 |
97-28 | SJ VALLEY PMI O PLAN | June 26, 1997 |
97-29 | ICAT Proposal No. 96-01-01 "Hybrid- Electric Prototype Truck {HEPT)" ISE Research, Inc. $350,000 | June 26, 1997 |
97-30 | ICAT Proposal No.96-01-06 "Low Combustion Gas Turbine Field Demonstration" Catalytica Combustion Systems, Inc $325,000 | June 26, 1997 |
97-31 | ICAT Proposal No. 96-01-10 "Radial and Thrust Gas Bearing for Fuel Cell Turbocharger" Meruit, Inc. $136,000 | June 26, 1997 |
97-32 | ICAT Proposal No.96-01-11 "Application Demonstration for Dual Stage Biofilter for Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW's)" Reynolds Group $142,500 | June 26, 1997 |
97-33 | Proposal No. 2333-199, "Air Monitoring Program for Determination of the Impacts of the Introduction of California's Phase 2 Reformulated Gasoline on Ambient Air Quality in the South Coast Air Basin," Desert Research Institute $206,445 | June 26, 1997 |
97-34 | Off-Cycle Emissions | July 24, 1997 |
97-35 | Research Plan 1997 Update | July 24, 1997 |
97-36 | Proposal No. 2211-191, "Development of Laser Desorption Laser Photoionization Mass Spectrometry Method for the Screening of Nitro- Substituted Polycyclic Hydrocarbons, Chlorianted Dibenzodioxins, and Chlorinated Dibenzofurans" UC Davis$29,539 | July 24, 1997 |
97-37 | Consumer Products Reg | July 24, 1997 |
97-38 | Patricia Hilligoss | September 25, 1997 |
97-39 | Pollution Prevention Week | September 25, 1997 |
97-40 | ETS Report | October 23, 1997 |
97-41 | Hot Spots Fee Regs. | November 13, 1997 |
97-42 | Hairspray Credit Program | November 13, 1997 |
97-43 | Area Designations | November 13, 1997 |
97-44 | HD Vehicle Inspect/HD Perodic Smoke Inpection Program | December 11, 1997 |
Data Analysis of Organics and Other Sources (Volatile Chemical Products) in the California South Coast Air Basin
Principal Investigator/Author: John Seinfeld
Contractor: California Institute of Technology
Contract number: 22RD015
Relevant CARB programs: California State Implementation Plans
Topic areas: Air Pollution Exposure, State Implementation Plans (SIPs), Particulate Matter (PM), PM2.5, Emissions Data
Research Summary:
Caltech researchers are investigating air quality in the South Coast Air Basin, focusing on understanding the impact of a special type of chemicals called volatile chemical products. They are using field measurements, lab experiments, and computer models to analyze data collected during a 2021 research campaign. By identifying and studying these chemicals, they aim to grasp their effects on air pollution and contribute to cleaner air in California.
Keywords: PM2.5, secondary organic aerosols, volatile chemical products, air quality, emission sources, state implementation plans, source apportionment, air quality trend
LCTI: Our Community, Our Shuttle
Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) Implementation Grant
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) | Our Community, Our Shuttle: Bayview-Hunters Point Equitable Mobility
June 2022 – March 2026
Project Details
Our Community, Our Shuttle includes a zero-emission, on-demand, and dynamic shuttle service in the Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood. SFMTA will augment this new shuttle service, working with partners to: install a series of pedestrian and transit safety and accessibility improvements identified through the Bayview Community-based Transportation Plan, recruit and train shuttle drivers from within the community in coordination with the CityDrive workforce program, and run a transportation resource center to answer transportation-related questions and connect residents with transportation services and subsidies. All project elements will include extensive outreach and public engagement, including oversight from a Community Congress.

Funding Details
Grant Amount: $10,569,100
Resource Contributions: $3,477,200
Project Total: $14,046,300
By the Numbers
Services, Vehicles & Equipment Funded
- 6 zero-emission shuttles
- About 50 community engagement events planned
- 5.6 miles of bike lane/sidewalks
- Up to 9 pedestrian bulb-out projects
- 2 quick-build active transportation projects
- Shuttle driver trainings completed for 20-30 participants annually
- 0.6 full-time equivalent Transportation Liaison at the Transportation Resource Center
- 6 Transportation Resource Center Youth Champions supporting the Transportation Resource Center
- 10 Community Congress meetings, convening 15 community delegates
Estimated Quantifiable Benefits
- GHG emission reductions: 473 MTCO2e
- NOx reductions: 143 lbs
- PM2.5 reductions: 31 lbs
- ROG reductions: 36 lbs
- Passenger VMT reductions: 1,759,709 miles
- Travel cost savings: $800,668
- Transportation fossil fuel reductions: 35,450 gallons
- Direct Jobs: 127
- Indirect Jobs: 24
- Induced Jobs: 40
Community Details
The project focuses on the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood of San Francisco. Bayview-Hunters Point is a resilient and culturally rich community in the southeast of San Francisco with a long history of successful environmental justice advocacy. One of the historical centers of the City’s African American community, Bayview is now a majority Asian, African American, and Hispanic/Latinx community with a high percentage of limited English speakers. Almost half of residents live below 200% of the federal poverty level, with a high concentration of very low-income households in redeveloped public housing, or HOPESF sites, that are in geographically isolated areas and have limited access to the city’s Muni transportation system. 21% of residents do not own a car, with the highest concentrations of car-free households in HOPESF housing. 3.4 miles of streets in the STEP Community are designated on the City's High Injury Network; almost all of these high-injury streets are located on major transit corridors with critical community destinations or in close proximity to HOPESF affordable housing sites.
Demographics of Community Served by Project
36% Asian, 26% Black or African American, 24% Hispanic/Latino, 9% White, Other 8%
Median Household Income: $56,724
Community Benefits
This project intends to co-create services that directly address mobility gaps for Bayview-Hunters Point residents, paving the way for an equitable transportation network. The project will take a people-first approach that is restorative and embedded within community context and culture, intended to:
- Increase mobility and choice for those most vulnerable to transportation challenges
- Generate holistic environmental and socio-economic benefits through the provision of sustainable and accessible zero-emissions transportation alternatives, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and greater access to critical community-serving destinations
- Seek to repair harm, incorporate restorative measures, and utilize lessons from the past to design a better future
- Deliver culturally relevant solutions that are embedded within community context
- Center community decision-making and ownership of data
- Ensure investment and accountability from local leadership that parallels community contributions
Outreach & Engagement Strategies
- Surveys
- Pop-up events
- Focus groups
- Project demonstrations
- Community meetings
- Work groups
- Flyers and brochures
Target Populations
- Youth
- Seniors
- Residents with a disability
- Residents with limited English proficiency
- Residents in affordable housing
Partnership Structure
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is a department of the City and County of San Francisco responsible for the management of all ground transportation in the city. The SFMTA has oversight over the Municipal Railway (Muni) public transit, as well as bicycling, paratransit, parking, traffic, walking, and taxis, creating transportation options that are constant, practical and everywhere and connecting people with their community to enhance the economy, environment and quality of life.
- A. Philip Randolph Institute San Francisco
- Young Community Developers
- Community Youth Center
- Bayview Hunters Point Community Advocates
- Mission Neighborhood Centers
- Hunters Point Family
- Amplify Impact
- Bay Area Community Resources
- Office of Economic and Workforce Development
- San Francisco Arts & Cultural District
Community Partners
- Rafiki Coalition
- Bayview Hunters Point YMCA
- Hunters Point Shipyard Citizen Advisory Committee
- Wu Yee Children's Services
- Southeast Community Facility Commission
- San Francisco Recreation and Parks
- Economic Development on Third
- Social & Environmental Justice Committee SEIU 1021
- Bayview Hunter's Point Citizen Advisory Committee
Robert Lim | (415) 646-2403 | SFMTA
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