AB 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee Meeting
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is hosting a public meeting for the Assembly Bill (AB) 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC). The meeting is open to the public and includes a public comment period.
Date: Friday, August 16, 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: The meeting is being held in-person in Sacramento and remote via Zoom.
CalEPA HQ Building | Sierra Hearing Room, Second Floor | 1001 " I " Street, Sacramento, California
Register: Zoom (please register ahead of the meeting)
Passcode: 711638
By Telephone: 888 363 4734 US Toll-free
Conference code: 176024
1. Housekeeping and Logistics
- CARB to provide general housekeeping and logistics, including Zoom instructions and Spanish interpretation.
2. Introductions and Opening Remarks
- Welcome from Chanell Fletcher, CARB's Deputy Executive Officer for Equity, Communities and Environmental Justice, and acknowledgement of CARB participation.
- EJAC Co-Chairs to provide opening remarks including ground rules, meeting agreements, and an agenda overview.
3. CARB and EJAC to Discuss the One Time Charter Revision
- EJAC to discuss the EJAC Charter and potential revisions.
- EJAC to discuss EJAC Charter with the Board in the 9/12 CARB/EJAC joint meeting.
4. EJAC Discussion to Prepare for the September 12, 2024, Joint EJAC/CARB Board Meeting
- EJAC to discuss concerns and topic areas of focus on the Low Carbon Fuel Standard Regulation for the joint meeting.
- EJAC to discuss the draft resolutions for CCUS and DAC and for Cap-and-Trade.
5. Public Comment
CARB opens the public comment period and invites Zoom and in-person public comments.
6. Next Steps and Closing Remarks
- EJAC to discuss next steps for 2024 meeting preparation.
- EJAC to close the meeting with a few remarks and adjourn discussion.