California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff invites you to participate in a public workgroup meeting to continue discussions on a potential regulatory measure to accelerate the deployment of zero-emission forklifts. This measure would further CARB’s overall effort to increase the adoption of zero-emission technology in the mobile source sector. At this workgroup meeting, staff will be soliciting input from stakeholders on a regulatory concept to accelerate the transition of diesel and large-spark ignition forklifts to zero-emission technology.
CARB is following directives from the Governor’s Executive Orders N-29-20 and N-33-20 as well as the California Department of Public Health’s recommendations regarding public gatherings. As a result, the public workgroup will be a remote meeting only, held via a webinar. There will be no physical public access location.
Interested parties must register using the link to participate. The workgroup agenda, webinar participation details, and an electronic copy of the staff presentation will be posted before the meeting at Zero-Emission Forklift. The meeting will consist of a presentation by staff followed by a question and comment session. Please note that the meeting may end prior to the specified end time if all questions and comments are addressed prior to the scheduled end time.
Mobile sources, including off-road equipment and the fossil fuels that power them, are the largest contributors to the formation of ozone, PM2.5, diesel particulate matter, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in California. Promoting the development and use of zero-emission forklifts will help California achieve the emission reduction goals outlined in the Mobile Source Strategy, State Implementation Plan, and the Sustainable Freight Action Plan, and will work towards California’s zero-emission technology adoption goals set under Executive Order N-79-20.
Forklifts are widely used in freight, material handling, manufacturing, and construction operations. In many applications, zero-emission forklifts have already gained appreciable customer acceptance and market penetration. However, there remain significant opportunities for progress in the deployment of zero-emission forklifts. The intent of this effort is to further the near-term deployment of zero-emission forklifts. The measure would complement existing programs to achieve oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and GHG emission reductions through the use of zero-emission technology. In addition, staff believes the measure would serve as a catalyst to further the adoption of zero-emission equipment in the off-road sector by improving market awareness and acceptance, and facilitating the transfer of technology to suitable heavier duty-cycle applications.
We welcome and encourage the public's participation in this process. For questions regarding the workgroup or the proposed zero-emission forklift measure, please contact Angie Polanco. If you require a special accommodation or need this document in another language or in an alternate format (i.e., Braille, large print), please contact Angie Polanco as soon as possible, and no later than 10 business days before the scheduled webinar. TTY/TDD/Speech to Speech users may dial 711 for the California Relay Service.
Stay Connected
CARB staff will use the Zero-Emission Forklift email list to notify stakeholders of updates to this measure development and proposal and of opportunities for public input throughout the process. To sign up for the Zero-Emission Forklift e-mail list, please Subscribe.
Webinar Information (Afternoon)
CARB staff will be holding two workgroup meetings to accommodate varying schedules and ensure access for our stakeholders. The same agenda will be covered, so it is not necessary to attend both meetings.