Submitted Comment Name Suma Peesapati Affiliation Bay Area Air Quality Management District Subject Bay Area Air District's Comments on Draft Blueprint 2.0 Message Dear Deldi and Ellen, On behalf of our Executive Officer, Dr. Phil Fine, we would like to thank CARB for the opportunity to comment on the Draft Blueprint 2.0. Please find the Bay Area Air District’s comments attached to this email. I would like to offer a special thank you to Christy Riviere, who took the lead in gathering and drafting these comments. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. We appreciate our ongoing partnership and dialogue in advancing the letter and spirit of AB 617; likewise, we look forward to continuing the conversation on CARB’s Blueprint 2.0. Our best, Suma File Upload (i.e., Attachments): 2023_0802_BP20CommentLetter_adg.pdf
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