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Lawn, Garden & Landscape Equipment
Yes. When it comes to using two carbon canisters on a separate two tank system, CARB approves the use of one canister for each separate tank as long as the canister’s working capacity is compatible to the size of the tank.
However, when it comes to using multiple canisters in sequence for one large fuel tank, CARB would require that the canister manufacturer apply for a new component EO under the innovative products program. Canisters in sequence must be tested per TP-902 and the working capacity data should be submitted with the request for a new component EO. As with single carbon canister EOs, the working capacity of the canisters in sequence should determine the maximum fuel tank capacity.
Yes it is acceptable for the component label to be obscured by another piece of the equipment as long as the equipment certification label is visible and states that the equipment is certified to California standards.
Manufacturers using a component whose EO has been revoked will be required to stop installing that component on engines or equipment once the 11/9/2015 Page 14 of 16 EO is revoked. If they are unable to substitute another certified component or otherwise meet the requirements set forth in sections 2754 through 2757 of the regulation, they can apply for a variance pursuant to section 2768.
This is acceptable; however, the manufacturer applying for certification will ultimately be responsible. In other words, if Company A is the certification holder, but Company B's name is on the warranty statement, CARB will hold Company A responsible.
For component certification under Section 2767.1, CARB requires that emissions data from each of the five samples comply with the specified performance requirement. CARB will ensure that each data point is below the specified requirement and that the specified test method was used.
Section 2767.1 requires the manufacturer to submit emissions data from a minimum of 5 component samples. Multiple samples of a component that show compliance with specified performance requirements provide CARB with a greater assurance that the component will perform as intended.
An Executive Order can be issued for an individual component or for a range of component sizes. The manufacturer must specify the range in the request for component certification along with the minimum barrier thickness.
In general, 13 CCR Section 2767.1 requires the manufacturer to submit supporting documentation that quantifies the emissions data from 5 component samples, including the test method(s) used to generate the data. The manufacturer needs to provide this information in a letter on company letterhead to CARB requesting component certification. An authorized company representative must sign the letter. The manufacturer should also submit a sample of the component, drawings, installation and maintenance instructions, and identify limits or conditions on component usage. The manufacturer may elect to provide additional information regarding the materials used in the design and construction of the component. The following requirements are specific to each type of component. Deviation from these requirements constitutes an alternative test procedure and requires pre-approval.
Fuel Hose Component Certification
- Fuel hoses tested must have the smallest inside diameter for the production range;
- Testing must be conducted at a constant 40C, or higher;
- Test fuel used must be Cert fuel, Indolene, CE10, or CM15; and
- Permeation rate must be measured following SAE J1737.
Fuel Tank Component Certification
- Fuel tanks tested must have the smallest ratio of tank volume to internal surface area for the production range;
- Testing must be conducted at a constant 40C;
- Test fuel used must be Phase II Cert fuel, Indolene, LEV III Certification Gasoline Fuel (E10) – with approval, or EPA Certification gasoline with 10 percent ethanol (IE10) – with approval; and
- Permeation rate must be measured following TP-901.
Carbon Canister Component Certification
- Working capacity must be measured following TP-902, including durability testing prior to measurement of working capacity;
- Canister must be loaded with butane mixed 50/50 by volume with air or nitrogen; and
- Manufacturer must specify the largest tank from which the carbon canister can control vapors and still meet the performance requirements in TP-902.
Yes, for SSIE and LSIE (<1 Liter) equipment, manufacturers may use a combined label for equipment that meets both U.S. EPA and ARB evaporative emission requirements. Manufacturers shall include all of the California label requirements per section 2759. Staff may also accept the addition of the following U.S. EPA information:
- For the label heading, “Emission Control Information” may be substituted for “Important Emissions Information.”
- For a design-based certification product label, the addition of “Using Certified Components” at the end of the compliance statement.
- For the combined compliance statement: “This equipment meets U.S. EPA and California evaporations emission regulations for small off-road engines for 20XX model year."
(Manufacturers may use a similar structure for SSIE exhaust and LSIE <1 Liter exhaust and evap labels.)
2009 and Later Model Years
For 2009 and later model years, the evaporative families that are certified under 11/9/2015 Page 10 of 16 the small production volume tank exemption must meet the following requirements:
- All units must be labeled in accordance with the FAQ 1-40 language:
- If the projected 50-state sales is <4000 units, manufacturers do not have to submit any additional documentation to demonstrate that their total California sales is 400 or fewer units (since manufacturers’ data suggests that typical California sales are less than 10 percent of 50-state sales).
- If the projected 50-state sales is ≥ 4000 units,
- Recommended Option: Manufacturers print and use up to 400 small production volume tank exemption labels only. In addition, a serial number must be included on each label to ensure that the total number of labels that are issued does not exceed 400 units.
- Alternatives: If manufacturers choose not to limit the small production volume tank exemption labels to 400 or fewer units, they are required to either i.) submit an annual year-end actual California sales report for a period of 5 years from the beginning of the specific model year, OR ii.) obtain prior CARB approval on an alternate method of assurance not presented in this response.
To assist in the certification process, manufacturers must provide a description of how they plan to demonstrate that their total California sales of a particular fuel tank is 400 or fewer units per model year in the Additional Comments page (item 66) of the certification application.
2006 – 2008 Model Years
Manufacturers who have already certified for 2006 and 2007 model years under the small production volume tank exemption do not have to submit any additional documentation.
Manufacturers who have applied or are applying for 2008 small production volume tank exemptions for their 50-state evaporative families and have projected 50-states sales ≥ 4000 units will be required to submit a year-end actual California sales report within 90 days after the end of the model year (no later than March 31, 2009). Manufacturers that have projected 50-states sales of <4000 units do not have to submit any additional documentation.
As per Section 2759, equipment manufacturers (and engine manufacturers where applicable) must include a label on their equipment indicating that the equipment conforms to California regulations. However, Section 2759(c)(4)(E), the unconditional statement of compliance, should read:
"This equipment meets California (13 CCR Section 2766(b)) evaporations emission regulations for small off-road engines for 20XX model year."
The requirements of Section 2759(c)(4)(A), (B), and (D) are still in effect for the label, as is the remainder of Section 2759.
13CCR, section 2754 states that approval by the Executive Officer is required if actively purging canisters that do not meet the requirements of the regulation, such as passively purged carbon canisters, are used.
Active purge refers to the ambient air being drawn through a carbon canister by a vacuum created by the intake system. Passive purge refers to ambient air being drawn through a carbon canister by the vacuum created by normal diurnal temperature variations of the fuel tank temperature.
The certificate holder is responsible for communicating to the producer of the finished product the terms of compliance with the Executive Order. The finished product can include configurations that emit at lower levels (e.g. smaller fuel tanks, larger capacity canisters) than the worst case tested and documented in the certification submission.
Yes. A manufacturer may report just the base engine/equipment model(s), provided all variations of the base model are equipped with identical evaporative controls. The naming convention for base engine/equipment model(s) reported must contain sufficient common identifiers to associate specific model variation to its appropriate base model. For design based certification, manufacturers must report the component(s) (via reporting the component Executive Order number) associated with each engine model in the Model Summary page of the certification application.
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