(See Alternative Fuels.)
(See Alternative Fuels.)
LCFS is a discreet early action measure of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. This regulation reduces the carbon intensity (greenhouse gas emissions per unit of energy in the fuel) of transportation fuels by 10 percent by 2020.
A vehicle that meets the ARB's low emission vehicle standards. For more information, please go to our low emission vehicle website.
California exhaust emission standards for 2004 and subsequent model passenger cars, light-duty trucks and medium-duty vehicles. Find more information at "Drive Clean."
One of several combustion technologies used to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides.
Under the Clean Air Act, the rate of emissions that reflects, the most stringent emission limitation in the State Implementation Plan of any state for a given source unless the owner or operator demonstrates such limitations are not achievable; or, the most stringent emissions limitation achieved in practice, whichever is more stringent.
A measure of the ability of an oil or other compound to lubricate (reduce friction) between two surfaces in contact.
A stationary facility that emits a regulated pollutant in an amount exceeding the threshold level depending on the location of the facility and attainment with regard to air quality status. (See Source.)
A system of market-based declining annual aggregate emissions limitations for sources, or categories of sources, that emit greenhouse gases. Market-based can also refer to greenhouse gas emissions exchanges, banking, credits and other transactions, governed by rules and protocols established by the ARB, that result in the same greenhouse gas emission reduction, over the same time period, as direct compliance with a greenhouse gas emission limit or emission reduction measure adopted by the ARB.
Federal emissions limitations based on the best demonstrated control technology or practices in similar sources to be applied to major sources emitting one or more federal hazardous air pollutants. For more information, visit our Title III website.
A measure of the increase in ozone formation per unit weight of a hydrocarbon when added to the atmosphere.
The middle value in a population distribution, above and below which lie an equal number of individual values; midpoint.
The temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid. At this temperature, the solid and the liquid have the same vapor pressure.
The layer of the Earth's atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere. It is between 35 and 60 miles from the Earth.
An ether compound added to gasoline to provide oxygen and enhance complete combustion. MTBE has been phased out of California's gasoline. See our fuels website, for more information.
Active duty members of the U.S. armed forces or reserves assigned to California facilities and active duty.
Capable of being mixed with other substances.
Million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents.
Sources of air pollution such as automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, off-road vehicles, boats and airplanes. (See also stationary sources.) For more information, please go to our mobile sources portal page.
The periodic or continuous sampling and analysis of air pollutants in ambient air or from individual pollution sources.
Rate of disease incidence.
Death rate.
See AB 2766.
Exposure to a toxic substance from multiple pathways such as air, water, soil, food and breast milk.
The ability of a chemical or physical agent to produce heritable changes in the DNA of living cells.
Standards established by the U.S. EPA that apply for outdoor air throughout the country. There are two types of NAAQS. Primary standards set limits to protect public health and secondary standards set limits to protect public welfare. For more information, visit our AAQS website.
Non-manmade emission sources, including biological and geological sources, wildfires and windblown dust.