LCFS Verification
CARB's LCFS, which appears at sections 95480 to 95503 of title 17, California Code of Regulations, requires independent verification of data reports specified in section 95500. Verification questions may be sent to
The LCFS is designed to decrease the carbon intensity of California's transportation fuel pool and provide an increasing range of low-carbon and renewable alternatives, which reduce petroleum dependency and achieve air quality benefits. The LCFS relies on accurate data monitoring, reporting, and verification to support implementation and tracking of effectiveness. In 2018, the Board approved amendments to add third-party verification requirements to the LCFS to ensure data completeness, accuracy, and conformance with the regulation – consistent with the verification programs under California’s Cap-and-Trade Program and international best practices. The LCFS verification program, under CARB oversight, provides confidence and reliability in reported data for stakeholders, market participants, and the public.
Verification services are performed by qualified and trained verifiers that meet specifications for education and experience and demonstrate that there is no conflict of interest for verifying the reported data due to current or previous relationships with the LCFS regulated entity. CARB verification forms and ongoing accreditation and verifier training information is provided below, under Information for Verifiers. The list of verifiers and verification bodies accredited by CARB is posted below, under Information for Entities Required to Engage Verifiers.
2024/2025 LCFS Verifier Accreditation Training for New Verifiers
LCFS verifier accreditation training will likely be held in winter 2024/spring 2025. Please email with questions about future verifier training.
User Guides, FAQ and Forms
- FAQ - LCFS Accreditation and other Requirements for Third-Party Verifiers
- Application for Verification Body Accreditation
- Application for Individual Verifier Accreditation
- Reaccreditation Form for Individual Verifiers (October 25, 2022)
- Conflict of Interest (COI) Assessment Form (NEW FORM 1/2/2024)
- Notice of Verification Services (NOVS) Form
- Verification Statement Form
- Verification On-Line Tool User Guide (May 2023)
- Annual Reporting and Verification User Guide (August 9, 2021)
- Annual Reporting and Verification FAQ (May 26, 2021)
Information for Entities Required to Engage Verifiers
Entities specified in section 95500 are required to retain the services of independent verifiers accredited by CARB, beginning with 2020 fuel pathway applications and LCFS data reports. Only CARB-accredited verification bodies may provide LCFS verification services. A list of CARB-accredited verification bodies is provided below. Additional accredited individual verifiers listed in the third link below may participate on verification teams as subcontractors to accredited verification bodies.
- Accredited Verification Bodies (updated 6/7/2024)
- Executive Orders for Verification Bodies (updated 6/7/2024)
- Accredited Individual Verifiers (updated 6/7/2024)
- Executive Orders for Individual Verifiers (updated 6/7/2024)
- LCFS Advisory 20-01 (March 2020)
- Low Carbon Fuel Standard Alternative Fuels Portal (AFP) User Guide
- Annual Reporting and Verification User Guide (August 9, 2021)
- Annual Reporting and Verification FAQ (May 26, 2021)
Archived Information
2023 LCFS Verifier Accreditation Training
- 2023 Announcement for CARB Accreditation and Verifier Accreditation Training for the LCFS
- October 2023 Daily Training Schedule
2022 LCFS Verifier Accreditation Training
- 2022 Announcement for CARB Accreditation and Verifier Accreditation Remote Training for the LCFS
- October 2022 Daily Training Schedule
2020 LCFS Verifier Accreditation Training
- 2020 Announcement for CARB Accreditation and Verifier Accreditation Training for the LCFS
- October 2020 Daily Training Schedule
2019 LCFS Verifier Accreditation Training
- 2019 Announcement for CARB Accreditation and Verifier Accreditation Training for the LCFS
- 2019 Daily Training Schedule